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This message is sent by "Nick Grace C." <gringo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

The following QSLs have recently been received by Nick Grace C., 
Washington, DC.

CLANDESTINE  Voice of Free Sahara, 9640 kHz, full data cards and personal 
letter in 4 months for an English follow up report.  Verification signer: 
Lahcen Boulssane.  Address: 1, Rue Franklin Roosevelt;  1600 Algiers;  

VENEZUELA  Radio America, 890 kHz, partial data letter in 3 weeks for a 
Spanish report and $1.  Verification signer: Manuel Fernandez, Director.  
Address: Apartado de Correos 117;  Valencia;  Venezuela.
	 Nick Grace C.
	 E-mail: gringo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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original poster or Kotanet Communications Ltd. Contributions to the
list are very welcome to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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