Ozarks DXing
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Ozarks DXing

This message is sent by "Kevin K. Trummel" <ktrummel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

ALGERIA - Algerian Radio - 15160 - 1845 - ID as "You're listening to Algerian
           Radio, the international service of Radio Algeria International"
           by OM in EE, Local music, // 15205, nothing heard on other listed
           //s, News Headlines @ 1855, Good signals, Oct18 (Trummel-MO)

BRAZIL - Radio Clube Paranaense ZYE725 - 9725 - 1825 - SAm News by OM Ancr,
          Remote Reports, ID @ 1830, TC, Fair, 7.5kW, Oct24 (Trummel-MO)

COSTA RICA - Radio Casino TIQ - 5953.8 - 1130 - Pounding Signal!, many IDs,
              TCs, lively Latin tunes, listed 700 Watts, Oct18 (Trummel-MO)
             Faro del Caribe TIFC - 9644.7 - 1840 - OM w/ Religious talk in
              Spanish, Choir music, Poor/Fair, Is this 500 or 5000 Watts?
              Oct24 (Trummel-MO)

ETHIOPIA - Radio Ethiopia (t) - 9705.0 - 1910 - National Service, audio only
            during music which were Slow Pop Vocals, I couldn't hear anything
            during announcements (must have been a YL), "Bird Chirping" IS @
            1932, local Stringed Instrument\Drums music, OM Ancr in Amharic?,
            blasted by *1956 XERMX, seemed 2002*, Poor, Oct22 (Trummel-MO) 

GERMANY - Sudwestfunk, Rohdorf - 7265 - 2345 - EZL & Slow Vocals, YL Ancr in
           German, 20kW, Fair Oct21 (Trummel-MO)

ICELAND - Rikisutvarpid - 13860 // 15770 - 1952 - OM & YL Ancrs in Icelandic,
           13860 Fair w/ QRM de STRONG Spy# CW stn on 13863 kHz sending 5 dig
           grps, // 15770 Poor, 2008*, 10kW, Oct24 (Trummel-MO)

MEXICO - XEB Relay via XERMX - 5984.8 - 1309-1333+ - All news w/ many remote
          reports, uses "La Radio" slogan alot, finally got a canned ID @
          1331 as XEB and specifically mentioned "Banda International", Good
          signals, 10kW?, Oct18 (Trummel-MO) Question: Has R Mexico Int
          always relayed XEB when not doing their own programming or is this
          something new since XEB is aware they are on SW?
         Radio Universidad XEUDS, Hermosillo (t) - 6115.0 - 1252-1300+ - 
          Latin Music mostly Guitar w/ OM Singers, OM Ancr @ 1300 w/ poss
          News, just too weak to be sure but this seems too late for Peru
          to be audible here, Poor, 1kW, Aug18 (Trummel-MO)
         Radio Mexico Int XERMX - 9705v - *1956 - S/On w/ Natnl Anthem, ID
          by OM & YL "..la voz de capital de Estados Unidos de Mexicano,
          XERMX, Radio Mexico International.... onda corta...", OC for 2 Mins,
          into News (which sounded like XEB's format alot) @ 2000 used "La
          Radio" slogan, TCs, Good, 10kW?, Oct22 (Trummel-MO) I had this on
          Oct21 2350-0040+ on 9705.3, today it's 9705.0, drifting?
MYANMAR - Radio Myanmar, Yangon - 4725.0 - 1210 - Pop Vocals, YL Ancr after
           every song, IS of sorts @ 1230 which sounded like a Flute/Horn
           instrument, presumed News by same YL Ancr @ 1230, there is an ID
           @ 1240 proceded by and followed by a bit of Instrumental Music of
           a stringed instrument, flute & drums, back to the music program @
           1242, Severe QRM @ times from 4724.3 US Military in USB, Fair
           signals this AM, peaking with my Sunrise, 50kW, Oct18 (Trummel-MO)

 4725 BURMA R Myanmar in Lang @ 1210, Pop Music, YL Ancr (Trummel MO 10/18)
 5290 ASIATIC RSFSR Krasnoyarsk R in RS @ 1040, OM/YL Ancrs, Pop Music,
      (Trummel MO 10/18)
 5621 PERU R Ilucan (t) in SP @ 1057, LAm Music, OM Ancr, very poor audio, 
      (Trummel MO 10/18)
 5925 ASIATIC RSFSR DW, Irkutsk in JP @ 1105, OM w/ Wrld Nx (Trummel MO 10/18)
 5953.8 COSTA RICA R Casino in SP @ 1130, IDs, Latin Music (Trummel MO 10/18)
 5984.8 MEXICO XEB Relay via XERMX in SP @ 1309, All news, ID @ 1331
         (Trummel MO 10/18)
 6110 PHILIPPINES VOA in EG @ 1136, New US Rock Music (Trummel MO 10/18)
 6115 MEXICO R Universidad (t) in SP @ 1252, Latin Mx, News (Trummel MO 10/18)
 6125 CHINA CPBS Sihijiazhuang (t) in CH @ 1140, Talk by OM Ancr, Instr Mx
      bumpers, Long talk by OM & YL Ancrs @ 1145 (Trummel MO 10/18)
 6141.2 PERU R Concordia in SP @ 1010, News, ID, TCs (Trummel MO 10/23)
 6203.8 PERU R Cusco in SP @ 0945, Local Mx, TCs, ID @ 0958 (Trummel MO 10/23)
 6281.0 PERU R Huancabamba in SP @ 1058, LAm Mx, OM ID, TCs (Trummel MO 10/23)
 6802.9 PERU Ondas del Mayo in SP @ 1040, Vocals, ID, TCs (Trummel MO 10/23)
 7265 GERMANY Sudwestfunk in GM @ 2345, EZL & Vocals, YL (Trummel MO 10/21)
 9515 MALTA DW in AR @ 1908, Wrld Nx by OM & YL (Trummel MO 10/24)
 9555 SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA in AR @ 1858, Phone-Ins, Me Mx (Trummel MO 10/24)
 9644.7 COSTA RICA Faro del Caribe in SP @ 1845, Relig Pgm (Trummel MO 10/24)
 9670 RUANDA-URUNDI DW in EG @ 1900, Wrld Nx Site ID@ 1949* (Trummel MO 10/18)
 9705 PORTUGAL RFE-RL, Gloria in Belarus @ 1833, YL/OM w/ World & Regional
      News, 1859* Mid-song (Trummel 10/22)
 9705 ETHIOPIA R Ethiopia (t) in Amharic @ 1910, Slow Pop Vocals & YL Ancr
       who was inaudible, Bird Chirping IS @ 1932, OM Ancr, Local Music,
       *1956 XERMX covered poss 2002 S/Off. (Trummel MO 10/22)
 9705v MEXICO R Mexico Int in SP @ *1956 w/ NA, ID by OM & YL, News @ 2000,
        this was on 9705.3 10/21 @ 0000, 9705.0 right now (Trummel MO 10/22)
 9725 BRAZIL R Clube Paranaense in PT @ 1825, SAm Nx, ID @ 1830, TC
       (Trummel MO 10/24)
11770 PORTUGAL VOA, Gloria in RS @ 1800, EE ID, Wrld Nx (Trummel MO 10/24)
13860 ICELAND Rikisutvarpid in Icelandic @ 1952, Tlk by OM & YL Ancrs,
       // 15770, 2008* (Trummel MO 10/24)
15160 ALGERIA R Algiers Int in EG @ 1845, Lcl music //15205 (Trummel MO 10/18)
15205 ALGERIA R Algiers Int in EG @ 1845, Lcl music //15160 (Trummel MO 10/18)
15345 TANGIER RTV Maroc in AR @ 1805, Shrt Nx, ME Music (Trummel MO 10/20)
15370 PORTUGAL RFE/RL, Gloria in Bulg @ 1757-1758*, 2 OMs (Trummel MO 10/20)
15410 ? VOA, Breich in EG @ 1756, ID, Music Feature (Trummel MO 10/20)
      SPANISH MOROCCO or TANGIER ? Inquiring DXers want to KNOW!
15420 USA WRNO in EG @ 1755, Rush Limbo (Trummel MO 10/20)
15475 FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFR A#1 in FR @ 1750, IDs, AfroPops (Trummel MO 10/20)
15490 ECUADOR HCJB in EG @ 1745, HC Music (Very Nice!) (Trummel MO 10/20)
15770 ICELAND Rikisutvarpid in Icelandic @ 1952, Tlk by OM & YL Ancrs,
       // 13860, 2008* (Trummel MO 10/24)
17605 BONAIRE RN in EG @ *1829, Promos, News, Eu Evnts (Trummel MO 10/20)

PERU - Radio Ilucan OAX2G (t) - 5621.0 - 1057 - LAm music, OM Ancr, Good
        carrier lvl but lite audio, listed 100 Watts, Poor Oct18 (Trummel-MO)
       Radio Concordia OBX6B - 6141.2 - 1010 - 2 OM Ancrs w/ News, ID @ 1014
        incl frequencies & echo effect by OM, TC, Ad, continued Newscast,
        Very good signal considering Co-Ch QRM, 1kW Oct23 (Trummel-MO)
       Radio Cusco OAX7A - 6203.8 - 0945 - OM Ancr, "Yipping" Music, TCs,
        the music was very interesting as it had an "Oriental" flavor to some
        of it, canned ID @ 0958, National Anthem @ 0959, Beautiful signal!,
        1kW, Oct23 (Trummel-MO) Inaudible @ 1105
       Radio Huancabamba - 6281.0 - 1058 - LAm music, OM Ancr w/ ID & TC,
        News @ 1102, Fair 1.5kW Oct23 (Trummel-MO)
       Ondas del Mayo - 6802.9 - 1039 - Non-stop LAm Vocals, quick ID & TC by
        OM @ 1045 & back to the music, seems to be drifting lower, Fair 1kW
        Oct23 (Trummel-MO)

RUSSIA - Krasnoyarsk Radio - 5290.0 - 1040 - OM & YL Ancrs in Russian, listed
          as 100 kW, Pop music @ 1047, Fair Oct18 (Trummel-MO) Not hrd Oct23

RWANDA - DW - 9670 - 1900-1949* - World News & Commentary in English, skd @
         1948, Site ID in French by OM @ 1949, Pounding Signal, this Bcst is
         NOT listed in the Oct5 DW Sked I've got, Oct18 (Trummel-MO) Anyone
         know how long they've been back?

Machines: "Classic" Collins R-391, Drake R-4B with a full Xtal deck
Wires: 4-30 MHz Multiband Sloper, 20M Vertical, 150' Longwire, 2' MW Box Loop
Stuff I Built That Worked: Antenna Tuner, Preselector, HamComm Interface
Accessories: Radio Shack DSP-40, Pro60 Headphones, Tape Control Center, Clock
             Sony CFS-1030 Amp & Speakers, TC-WR535 Dual Cassette Deck
Bit Box: 386SX 33000.0 kHz, GeoClock v7.0, HamComm v3.0, MaxFind v3.3 & Edit
Better DXing Thru Chemistry: Flamin' Hot Cheet-O's
QTH: Springfield, Missouri "The Show-Me State", USA  (37.12N 93.17W)
BEST PENNANT: Radio Peking's "Tien an Men" Square
2nd BEST PENNANT: All the rest

  - Kirk -

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