special logs for Indonesia
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special logs for Indonesia

This message is sent by Zacharias Liangas <zliangas@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:


 	1)							RRI Pr National  in 9680 

Date	Time 	SINPO  	coments 

5.1 	13xx	33433
		1410 	424x2	QRM  from NEW - VoA Udorn Tailand in kAchin 
		15xx	44444	clear 
		2325	24232
6.1		1250 	32432	parasites - unknown type 
		1305	x2432	of the same 
		1430 	324x2	VoA - Ud Thani /some from 9675 VoTurkey
		1543	44433	----
		1600	414x1	QRM: R Finland - finish 
		1730	42442	QRM: R Renascenca -PP
		20xx 	x2442	QRM: R Liberty -??
		2335	44444	president's speech 
		0002	424x2	QRM: R Tailand EG 
		0045	32232	QRM: 9685 VoIRI
		0107	x1--1	QRM: R Liberty - turkmen 

							Voice of Indonesia 		9525
								selected  Xtions 

5.1		19xx	43433	FR  QRM:VoA 			typical values
		20xx	44444	EG							-do-
		2115	45424	EG : out pf prgs (found only this day)
6.1		1256	32423	IN : anthem  QRM : R Poland 
7.1 	0059	34433	SP prg : IS & frqs

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