Some QSLs receoved these days ....
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Some QSLs receoved these days ....

This message is sent by "Zacharias Liangas" <zliangas@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

R Aparecida , sent 1.4  recvd 9/5 , w SAE , 1 IRC , only a card with QSLing data
( no v/s) LIangas , GREECE ( i think very god speed!) In the lable of their 
letter  there are the folowing interesting info : Fundacao N S Aparecida
Telephone DDD 0125 361133 , FAx  361138 Ave Getulio VArgas 185 Aparecida SP
(LIangas Greece )(

R TIrana 6100 (prg in albanian )  of 5.4  rvd 9.5 
In thier letter  there was a computer printout of their program in english! They
weer also encloing a  very small nonsticker of their station (LIangas Greece )

Philipines FEBC for my letter of 25-11-95, received on 9/5/95  for their 
transmission of 9780 v/s R Hoyle . They are also in the internet at their 
adress  at english@  and for their DX program at DX@ (LIangas Greece) 
73s sangat dan panas! 

Zacharias Liangas
DX sejak 72
anggota World-DX-Club 2104 
anggota Play DX 

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