Re: XERMX-address
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Re: XERMX-address

This message is sent by mvarnhem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (m. van arnhem)
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

>Joachim, try the following address:
>Senor Juan Mort
>Radio Mexico Internacional
>Apartado Postal 21-300
>MEXICO D.F. 04021
>I can't remember exactly, where I found this address, but I think it was an
>italian or a spanish DXer reporting a QSL from XERMX some weeks ago here on

In 1979 I visited the station in Mexico City.
I remember that in those days it was hard to find out the exact adress. It
costed me half a day crossing through the town, but at last I found the
station at the following adress:
Colima 161 piso 3, 
Colonia Roma
Mexico DF
They also used the adress: PO Box 20-620, Mexico DF.
Again, that was 1979! 
But anyway, when PO Box numbers don't help, you can try the street adress.
Max van Arnhem
the Netherlands

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