Re: Italian on 7500 kHz
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Re: Italian on 7500 kHz

This message is sent by kuhl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Harald Kuhl)
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

>This message is sent by Mika Makelainen <mtm@xxxxxxxxx>
>to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
>The name of this station seems to be unclear. It has been logged as
>Tele Monte Carlo, but just tonight I picked up the ID of "Radio
>Internazionale" on 7500.38 kHz. Relaying different programs?
>Does anyone know anything about this Radio Internazionale? The
>location was mentioned as well, it sounded like Torino (Turin). Does
>anyone have an address for this one?

As far as I know they are still just testing their tx by unofficially
relaying Monte Carlo. They ID as Radio Internazionale. No snail mail address
known yet.

The following has been taken from the latest edition of SRSnews:
>The exact e-mail address of Stazione Sperimentale on 7500kHz is: word@xxxxxx
>(the address was confirmed with e-mail message), the italian station in now
>active each Saturday from 0830-2330CET and the Sunday from 1600-2300CET (time
>variable). The valvular transmitter is self made and the site is in the north-
>east of Italy, for now you can listen only test music programmes with the new
>identification announce "Radio Internazionale". No postal address.

gl es vy73

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