newer logs ...
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newer logs ...

This message is sent by "Zacharias Liangas" <zliangas@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

LOgs again with HF150 + heads high cut in some of them 

NIGERIA 6050 FCRN ibadan (t) OM spkg in EE @1950 , 32432 QRMEd by 6051.6 
station having 'albanian' type musics  LIangas 30 Greece 

YUGOSLAVIJA 6100 R YUgoslavia ID @1956 in Serban 43442 co QRMR TIrana Signed 
off 1959  LIangas 30 Greece 

SUDAN 7200 R Omdurman  tel in s in AA @2015 OM - YL guitar play background, 434x3 
 LIangas 30 Greece 
C RICA 5030 AWR CR , songs !@0143 , OM with 'noicias" 24232  LIangas 31 Greece 

LIBERIA 5100 R LIberia ... still on 0146 with songs 42433  LIangas 31 Greece 

f/up for WJCR 7490 : @2235 w marginal signal peaks :24122 with songs , and
iregular fading , blocked on 2300 by R NOrway at 22xx1 Later on 0123 at
34232 with prayer  then at 0135 abt their radio club this time with smooth
fadin LIangas 30 Greece 

MOLDOVA 7520 R Moldova 2130 in spanish prg w news @32, themes  etc . S/off 
2155 then again opened 2200 with EE prg w news a topic on children , letter 
redings and QRG ancs @2222 .too much ID s with tel & fax number most times 
also given as 723307 (fax)  LIangas 30 Greece

73s sangat dan panas! 

Zacharias Liangas
pen-DX sejak 72
anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, DSWCI #3507  (my :new !)  (mirrored for greek pirate radio )
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