Re: 27 FEB: strong sunset Trans-Atlantics
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Re: 27 FEB: strong sunset Trans-Atlantics

This is a message from Stefan Wikander <stefan.wikander@xxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx

At 21:49 1997-02-27 -0600, you wrote:
>This is a message from wa1ion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mark Connelly )
>to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
>"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx

>I noted some very strong heterodynes - and, in some cases, audio - from
>Trans-Atlantic medium wave stations on  the car radio during my drive 
>home from work between 2230-2315 UTC (5.30 to 6.15 p.m. EST) on
>Thursday, 27 FEB '97.  France-1467, Algeria-549, Spain-1359, and
>several others were getting audio through and many of the other
>stations (especially from southwestern Europe and northwestern Africa)
>were QRM'ing the domestic 10 kHz multiple stations.  Although the area
>through which I drove (Chelmsford/Carlisle/Billerica) is about 15 to 
>20 miles (24 to 32 km) from the ocean, the strength of the stations 
>was quite good.  As usual, open flat wetland areas near the Concord 
>and Shawsheen Rivers offered the best reception.  I almost thought
>I was on Cape Cod (where loud European signals at sunset are not
>unusual).  The more northerly stations such as Ireland-567 and UK-1089
>seemed to be weaker "per watt" than Spain, Morocco, Algeria, etc.  
>That is not an uncommon condition.  It was interesting that strong
>signals extended all the way from 531 to 1602 kHz.  Many of the recent
>openings have been on one end of the dial or the other.  I hope that
>some of you were listening on "real" equipment during this period.
>Best of luck and good DX to all ... Mark, WA1ION 
Here in Sweden on 63 Deg. north I had at this time aurora all over the sky.
All european stations were very weak. The only transatlantic station was a
CBC station on 1230 kc.
Later in the night some other stations from Alberta and Manitoba were heard.
Still the europeans were very weak. Here it was normal conditions during aurora.
This was not on a car radio, it was on a 800 meter Beverage directed to USA
and a AOR AR 7030 receiver.

73  Stefan Wikander
from  Stefan Wikander,pl 2326,S-840 70 Hammarstrand, Sweden
email:  stefan.wikander.@xxxxxxxxxx