Unids etc
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Unids etc

This is a message from paulorm@xxxxxxxx (Paul Ormandy)
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Help! Can someone please help out with the following unids.

1250 station running ESPN sports, carried an ad for KPW TV.

1420 station running "Solid Gospel" prog and carrying USA Radio News.

1000 station in S American native lang (Quechua/Aymara?) with id as R
Huacay/Oacay/Wakay or similar. Also mentioned R Imperativa.


MEXICO: Found that R Variedades 1150 and Formato 21 1320, both in Mexico City
and belonging to Grupo Radio Centro have swapped freqs, Variedades on 1320
carried a promo for Formato 21 anncing 1150kHz.

N KOREA: Hwadae nominally on 801 has been heard on 804 and 799kHz.

PERU: R Exitos 1060 now carries R Victoria's "La Voz de la Liberación", an
annc indicated intergration of the two had taken place.

AZERBAIJAN: R Baku hrd in EE at 1800, anncing only 1296 MW not SW.

SYRIA: Noted on 827 ex-nominal 828kHz.

YEMEN: Presumed the one on 760kHz ex-756.

USA: Both Dallas Fort Worth American Airlines 60w (don't they mean 600
watts!!!) heard at near word-perfect strength here in NZ!