ADMIN: list of categories
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ADMIN: list of categories

This is a message from Risto Kotalampi <rko@xxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx


On Hard-Core-DX-list we use informative Subject: lines
to tell subscribers what is that emailing about. This
will help subscribers to filter out subjects they are
not interested in or focus to those they really want to

Subject-line of the email should always start with one
of the following categories, written with CAPS + column.
Also, sometimes a posting can belong to more than one
category, for example "LOG/NEWS:";.

NOTE: when you send an article to the email list, you
don't have to put the category if you don't want to or you
are not sure what to put. The list moderators will check 
your mail contribution and add it there if needed.

This list of the categories is not perfect and some more
categories will be added later if there is a need for it.

Category	Topic covered
ADMIN		Administrative information 
BULLETIN	Newsletters and such 
CONTEST		Listening contest
FM		87.5-108 MHz
INTERNET	Radio-related topic in Internet, radio station,
		club etc web pages, email addresses
LIST		Radio station list, for example "Spanish stations on AM"	
LOG		listening logs, expeditions/home, unid
MEETING		Club meetings
NEWS		Station news
PIRATE		Pirate logs, news
SCHEDULE	Station schedules
QSL		QSLs received from radio stations, v/s,


Risto Kotalampi