BULLETIN: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX 97-12, Sept 11
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BULLETIN: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX 97-12, Sept 11

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       GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 97-12, Sept. 11, 1997

THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 909, some of the stories you'll miss
if you don't listen: sad news about Arthur Cushen, Bob Padula,
Larry Miller; where to find more DX news from us; WRMI specials;
merger frenzy in US radio; Guyana relaying VOA; World Music 
Radio quits; Nigeria prepares to jam Kudirat; stations move to
5 MHz band despite heavy utility; and much more. See the summary
on our website http://www.grove.net/~ghauser, or in RFPI Weekly
Update (Hauser)

WORLD OF RADIO scheduling. Tho it did not happen the first week,
subsequently the Sat 0600 on WWCR did simulcast on 3210, 5070.
The extra airing on WGTG 5085-USB UT Mon at first at 0515, but
Sept 1 was at 0435; as well as usual UT Tue 0400+ (Hauser)

CHINA [non]. Checking out 11850 at 0000 Aug 31 for Wolfgang
Bueschel, found CRI with strong signal opening Portuguese, 
apparently via French Guiana. Took several minutes at outset to
give entire language schedule, times here hopefully converted
correctly to UT: 1900-1930 Af 7180 9535; 1930-2000 Af/Eu 7150
7385 9770 9785; 2200-2230 SAm 6950 7435; 0000-0030 SAm 11850;
0030-0100 SAm 7435 11500 11850; 2100-2200 Eu 6165 (Hauser, OK)

CUBA. In the latest comedy of errors, RHC mixed up its program
feeds on August 30; checking for DXers Unlimited Sat at 2100 on
13715 found instead Spanish opening //announced frequencies of
13680, 11760, 9830-BLS; but English was still on weakish 13725-
USB only (Glenn Hauser, OK)

HAWAI'I. Checked for KWHR's second transmitter test on 7510 Sept 
10 at 1320, but nothing on frequency until KTBN came back on 
abruptly at 1322. KWHR supposed to be testing on 7510 from 1300, 
but don't they know KTBN has been there for ages until 1500*? I 
fail to understand what all the excitement regarding KWHR Angel-4 
is about. It does not amount to a new radio country; perhaps 
verification collectors are salivating over the promised special 
QSL. But why would anyone really want to listen to it? With the 
singular exception of DXing with Cumbre, the only program on WHR 
worth tuning in, which already has multiple airings on WHRI and 
KWHR, WHR output ranges from boring at best to offensive at worst. 
Furthermore, George Thurman tells me that the new transmitter has 
actually been on the air longer than you think, since before the 
new test frequency schedule was authorized, they tried it on the 
old Angel-3 schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, and WORLD OF RADIO 909)

INTERNATIONAL WATERS [non]. Scott Becker apparently misspoke on
the interview quoted last time; people who know Boston tell me
the name of the bridge near the Electra is McConnell, not Mac-
Arthur. I interviewed Vincent Kajunski of FCC Boston about it for
WORLD OF RADIO 909; confirms it's an old harbor tug not designed
for ocean travel, now painted purple and white, with one antenna
mast visible supporting an inverted-V. FCC has not yet boarded 
it to inspect, but is keeping an eye on it, and if there is any
RF coming from it, may take action. Meanwhile, Allan Weiner's
creditors are closing in to prevent the latest project from 
sailing (Glenn Hauser, OK)

IRAQ/BRAZIL. Checking for RII Sept 10 at 2245, found no trace of
it on 11290, nor on 11785 where English had been; instead, weak
but clear signal with A Voz do Brasil program a satellite hop
behind //11780 Amazonia, with 2259 ID as Radio Guaiba [gwa-EE-ba]
back down from 11795v (Glenn Hauser, OK)

UKRAINE. RUI's uniquely-named DX program, though it may change 
from week to week, Whole World on the Radio Scale, August 30 at
2135 on 12040, gave September schedule changes. 7150 to UK/NAm
at 2300-0400 changes to 0100-0400 so that eliminates English at
0000 [however, Ivan Grishin now hears it on 5905]. Going back to
the seasonal situation in April, the Australia beam at 2000-2200
on 7380 including English at 2100, has been replaced by 1000-
1300 on 12045 with English at 1200. WAf/SAm beam at 1300-1900 on
15550 replaced by 1700-2400 on 13720 with English at 2100. Other
output remains the same until Oct 25 (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF 
RADIO 909)

VIETNAM [non]. VOV relay via Russia has already gone back down 
to 5940 for winter at 0100, but quickly overpowered by Dr Scott 
on 5935 WWCR; 5940 also replaces 7125 as best frequency for V. of 
Russia at 0000-0100 and the best time for Vietnam in English now
seems to be 0330 on 7260 after Spanish at 0300 (Ivan Grishin, 
Ont., WORLD OF RADIO 909)                                     ###

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