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Hello y'all,

Just to let you know that from now on I will be DXing with a nice second hand NRD-525. Just got it in today and have been playing with it for some hours now. I haven't had a comm. receiver in 7 years (I was still young then), so it is quite a thrill. Will fix a better antenna next weekend and then the joy can really begin.

What I was most afraid of was damage during transport (UPS from the US to Taiwan). The HF PCB did come loose, but after some re-adjusting of the shielding it was fixed. Another thing was the reported bad audio quality. It could be better (I admit: my Panasonic RF-B65L portable does sound better), but I am not disappointed. I connected my trusty KOSS SA/30 speakers to the thing and it sounds great.

Apart from DXing I need this rig to keep up to date with world news. I found that the WIDE filter is too narrow for relaxed armchair listening, but the AUX is way too wide. Wonder what the standard filters are and what best to replace them with.

Another thing I noticed was that the longwave band is still full of overload products from local MW stations. On my Panasonic that was obvious (single IM receiver, or what's the proper term for that?), and I also had overload and spurs of local MW stations on the lower shortwave bands. Does anybody know of a low-pass filter which cuts off at 500 kHz, because that seems to be the only solution. Commercial products are all designed for 1700 kHz, but that won't help much in my case.

No loggings yet, although I could dig out out Son La for the first time on 4739.5 kHz and I heard a Chinese station on 3900 kHz and no, it was no Voice of the Strait :-)

Have a nice weekend. I certainly will :-)


Hans van den Boogert - DSWCI 3029
Tucheng City, Taiwan
JRC NRD-525, Panasonic RF-B65L, Datong FL-3
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