SV: [HCDX]: Question: QSL-Infos wanted
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SV: [HCDX]: Question: QSL-Infos wanted

> Från: Martin Elbe <elbe@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Till: Hard-core-DX <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Ämne: [HCDX]: Question: QSL-Infos wanted
> Datum:  den 11 oktober 1997 17.10
> Hi,
> I just went through the list of stations I've heard and reported this
> winter. Seems as if it's getting harder and harder to verify especially
> US mediumwave stations nowadays. Here's a list of pending stations,
> perhaps you can help me with some infos on verie-signers or some other
> infos how to crack them? Sent reports with a greenstamp and some
> gimmicks to the address mentioned in the latest AM Radio Log.
> WNAM 1280

Received a letter with v/s Ron R. Ross last winter.  P.O.Box 707, Neenah,
Wisconsin 54957

> R. Mil 6010, sent e-mail f/up too, but no reaction.
 QSL recieved in January . Nucleo Radio Mil has its own Internet homepage.
My v/s Zoila Quinttanar Flores
> Thanks for any help,
> 73's Martin
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