[HCDX]: LOG: DL1ABJ heard?
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[HCDX]: LOG: DL1ABJ heard?

I tried to catch Harald, DL1ABJ on sked on 3625 at 1700 UT (listening +- 10
kHz). He wanted to give results from a DX camp in Denmark from 13.-17. Oct
every day at the given time. Did anybody get his signal?

Willi, DJ6JZ

     _/_/  Willi Passmann
    _/_/  Oberhausener Str. 100
   _/_/  45476 Muelheim, Germany
  _/_/  Tel./Fax: ++49-208-779399 (National 0208-779399)
 _/_/  E-Mail dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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