[HCDX]: Re:Question:QSL-Infos wanted
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[HCDX]: Re:Question:QSL-Infos wanted

QTH: Madrid, Spain.
ANT: Loop 1 m., not amplified.

OCT. 17

1566,01 2325 AIR-Nagpur. ID at 2330 "Akshvani..., then news.
1566,02 2325 Iran (tent.), mixed with India but weaker usual
             arabic style music.

OCT. 18

1566,01 0025 AIR-Nagpur. Very strong signal! as never heard before
             Male speaker in english reading the advance of programs
             Just before the time signals ID: " This is the National
             Channel of All India RAdio". Time signals and "Akashvani
             Delhi". Iran much more weak.
1560    0049 WQEW + a hispanic station.
1520    0051 talk in EE. Strong signal. Tent. WWKB (usually heard)
1360    0105 Colombian station with RCN news, nice signal for near 40
             minutes, but not local ID heard.
1240    0235 YVNV R. Nacional, sports live, very readable signal with
             France 1242 off (Next night they were there splattering as
1363,36 2145 UNID. mx, female speaker, weak signal.
1476    2205 ORF-1, tirolese music and at 2209 tape loop with male speaker
             "Osterreich Eins auf Mittelwelle...." repeated. At 2210 Carrier

El Sábado, 11 Oct 1997 17:10:40 +0100,
"Martin Elbe" <elbe@xxxxxxxxxxxx> escribió sobre [HCDX]: Question: QSL-Infos
> Hi,
> I just went through the list of stations I've heard and reported this
> winter. Seems as if it's getting harder and harder to verify especially
> US mediumwave stations nowadays. Here's a list of pending stations,
> perhaps you can help me with some infos on verie-signers or some other
> infos how to crack them? Sent reports with a greenstamp and some
> gimmicks to the address mentioned in the latest AM Radio Log.
> >From the USA:

> WENE 1430, also no reply on e-mail f/up.

Sent report in March-91, recieved reply dated Jan 2 1992. V/S: John Hussey,
Assistant Dtor. of Engineering.

> >From Canada:
> VOCM 590, has anybody ever received something from them? Countless
> reports during the last 20 years, e-mail f/ups. All in vain.

Received  reply to my first report (heard thank's RNE-585 was off for some
hours this night!). V/S: Kelly S. Doiron, Continuity Dept.; she was very happy
because it was the first report from Spain (where she was in holidays some
ago), but she was a little hungry because I wrote "Dear Sir" in my letter "and
I am a Dear Miss. There are women in this bussiness too...", So write "Dear
Friends" or "Hi People"...

Mauricio Molano

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