[HCDX]: LTU-BC-INFO, 27.10.1997
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[HCDX]: LTU-BC-INFO, 27.10.1997


On November 7, 1997, Lithuanian Radio reactivated some of its MW stations 
that were closed on September 1 due to financial saving policy. Not all 
of the stations were reactivated, and some of the reatcivated stations 
operate at reduced power and on different frequencies. 

Lithuanian Radio now broadcasts its two programs on mediumwave as follows:

 kHz   Station         Power,kW   Prgr
----   -------------   --------   ----
 612   Vilnius             20      2
 612   Klaipeda            20      2
 666   Sitkunai           500      1
1107   Sitkunai            30      2
1107   Viesintos           20      2
1107   Bubiai               7      2
1107   Druskininkai         7      2
1557   Vilnius             10      1
1557   Klaipeda            10      1

As usually, the changes took place without advance warning. It seems like
Lithuanian Radio has no plan about what it should broadcast on what frequencies
at what time. Sporadic and unexplainable changes just confirm that.


SIGITAS ZILIONIS, DX Editor <dx@xxxxx>
Postal: P.d. 995, LT-2300 Vilnius, Lithuania.  Phone: +370-9927611.  Fax:  +370-2651092
Lists of Lithuanian Broadsaters:                       Foreign brodcasting in Lithuanian:
http://www.is.lt/ratekona/rtv/ltu/radio-e.htm    http://www.is.lt/ratekona/1index-e.htm#u
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