Re: [HCDX]: Re: WRTH Future
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Re: [HCDX]: Re: WRTH Future

In a message dated 1/13/98 6:38:19 PM EST, larry_nebron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> In San Francisco there is technical bookstore call Stacey's.  For the last 
>  twenty or so years they are have stocked the WRTH.  Ten years ago as soon 
> the 
>  WRTH would be issued in late January they would have fifty copies in stock.
> In 
>  two weeks they would be all gone and they would reorder maybe thirty more 
> and in
>  a month or two they would be gone.  This year I counted eight copies two 
> weeks 
>  ago as of  today six are still there.  The same story by the way for 
> Passport 
>  when I first counted three months ago they had about twenty copies, today a
>  current  total of  eleven.  People like us,  buy their copies at least in 
> the US
>  from places like Grove... and newbies from regular bookstores.  Not many 
>  newbies?  Maybe, not enough of us either?

Hmm... I think the answer isn't that there are not enough of us..  I think the
answer is that the information contained in the book is now readily available
from other sources. (like the internet)  When I got to college ten years ago,
all I had for dx-ing was an old old White's Radio Log in the back of an old
Communications magazine.  I was very pleased to find the WRTH and also
Broadcasting magazine. (and Broadcasting's yearbook)  If I were starting out
today looking for dx resources, I could find ten times the amount of
information I found in the library ten years ago.  I just think the WRTH is
like a lot of publications: they're being beaten by the internet.

I can go to the FCC site and find information that is updated daily.  I can
find exactly where the transmitters are located as well.  The WRTH just can't
compete with that kind of depth and immediacy of information.

That being said, I still love the book! :)  I really hope they continue to
publish for a long time to come. (maybe they'll open a website with access to
the kind of information I mentioned above) :)

Arnold Evans
Waco, Texas
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