[HCDX]: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX Jan 22
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[HCDX]: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX Jan 22
THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 925. DX-398 for as little as $180;
SW receiver simulator; Montreal ice update; R. Free Asia; DFW
airport stations background; KHNC fire may yet have been arson;
Arabic from Costa Rica; BBC WS fulltime on internet; Russia's
polar broadcasts; V. of Justice from Mountainous Karabagh; and
some of the stories below (Glenn Hauser)
RADIO ENLACE/MUNDO RADIAL. A new Spanish DX report has been
completed, and starts Jan 23 on R. Nederland's DX program; from
Jan 29 on WWCR, Thu 2200, Fri 2215 on 9475; and later on RFPI
(Lic. Guillermo Glenn Hauser)
GERMANY [non]. Following up an earlier item, thanks to DW Jan
sked via Andreas Volk, Wolfgang Bueschel, the answer to the sites
involved in English at 1900 with a 3-hop satellite delay between
them: 9640 is Sines, 11810 Kigali (Glenn Hauser, OK)
HONDURAS [non]. On his UT Sat Jan 17 WWCR broadcast until 0100
on 5070, Jeff Baker was claiming already to be originating from
his "mountaintop in the middle of Honduras" pending the immiment
collapse of the USA. Jeff White tells me Baker was taken off WRMI
in October due to lack of payment. A check for $3,800 bounced, and
his total debt to WRMI is $13,300. Despite many promises to pay,
nothing has been forthcoming (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 925)
IRELAND [non]. At the end of West Coast Radio Ireland's Jan 22
broadcast to NAm on 5905 via Germany at 0100-0159, it was
announced that next week's UT Thu show would be the "last of
the current series" (Glenn Hauser, OK)
LITHUANIA [non]. Although definitely gone from 5880 earlier in
January, R. Vilnius, English at 0030 via Germany to NAm on 5905,
was again on //5880 when checked Jan 19 and 20, also noted by
Ivan Grishin (Glenn Hauser, OK)
MEXICO. XESHT, 4290, had a full ID at 1259 Sun Jan 18, hourtop
break possible on weekends when not carrying network Monitor
program. However, regular checks on Jan 20, 21, and 22, find
the signal missing, so perhaps the harmonic has been fixed, or
XESHT has made the authorized move to 930 kHz reported some
weeks ago as already in effect on Cantu's website via Arctic
Radio Club via Radio Nuevo Mundo. So now we should look for it
on 2790! Cantu also jumped the gun in listing XEIK Piedras
Negras already on 1120 ex-1360, which it certainly was not when
I was there the first week of January (Glenn Hauser, OK)
NEW ZEALAND. To write in support of not abolishing Radio New
Zealand International, the Prime Minister, Hon. Jenny Shipley,
can be reached at fax 64-4-473-7045; or P.O. Box 55, Wellington.
A cabinet announcement about the situation was was expected in
the following week (RNZI Mailbox Jan 19 via Hauser, REVIEW OF
PERU. Looking for R. Barquisimeto's expected reactivation,
no sign of it at many checks on 9510 and 4990, but Jan 21 at
0000 some strange music had me thinking Itanagar, but it was
too early for that, and when frequency was measured on 4990.9
I was expecting the R. Ancash ID which came through at 0010,
along with frequent UT-5 timechecks (Glenn Hauser, OK)
PERU. The "R. Guarnica, Guarnaca" item on 5385 I quoted from
Fernando Viloria is believed by Takekshi Sejimo, Radio Nuevo
Mundo to have been R. Huarmaca instead; Fernando tells me he
was not sure of it and has not heard it since (Glenn Hauser)
UNIDENTIFIED. Checking out Hans Johnson's Cuban(?) on 6621.3,
all I hear around the frequency is some Vietnamese regional,
Jan 21 at 1215 on 6621.5, Viet music and talk with Gander QRM.
I wouldn't be surprised if Hans was getting a WEWN spur (Glenn
Hauser, OK)
U S A. I have decided to stand by for phone-feed if necessary
for World of Radio's scheduled time on WGTG 5085-USB of UT Tue
0500, since it was missing again Jan 20. Instead, Dave Frantz
announced that from March 1, programming would change with new
clients starting on 5085 in evening, while Fundamental network
would continue daytimes on 9400 (which, BTW, has been there
all along, not a recent change from 9495 as imagined in EDXP
and subsequently quoted by Bill Matthews, et al.) (Hauser) ###
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