[HCDX]: N Korea: Pyongyang on 6248
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[HCDX]: N Korea: Pyongyang on 6248


Pyongyang Broadcasting Station on 6250 was observed on approx. 6248 on Jan.
24 (first noted 0100 UTC) until s/off at 2030. As of 1500 Jan. 25, it's
back to normal on 6250. If this was an attempt to evade QRM from the strong
Japanese ute on 6251, it was quite effective.


SONNY M. ASHIMORI  sonny@xxxxxxxxxxx
Yaesu FRG-7700 + 40m Dipole   QTH Kobe Japan 43.34N/135.20E
DXing North Korea http://www.serve.com/ashimori/dxnk.html

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