[HCDX]: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX Jan 27
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[HCDX]: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX Jan 27
[Items from these reports may be reproduced and re-
reproduced ONLY provided full credit be maintained at
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NEW TIME FOR WORLD OF RADIO. On WWCR, UT Mon 0500 on 5070, in
addition to Thu 2130 9475, Sat 0700 3210 and 5070, Sat 1230
5070, Sun 0730 5070, Tue 1330 15685 (Hauser)
COSTA RICA. RFPI's upgrade plans as explained by James Latham
on Mailbag starting Jan 23: For the 30 kW transmitter on 7385,
going back to a very efficient antenna used a sesquiyear ago
for about 2 months, redesigned and strengthened. Should be on
air within a month, much higher gain. This transmitter will also
have a frequency synthesizer, allowing quick changes if needed
in the 41 meter band. [Jan 24 7385 stayed on past 1800 as an
experiment--it was audible here, but 15050 much better -gh]
15050 will change from AM to USB, and from 10 kW to 2 kW, and
stay on 24 hours; increase antenna gain 10 dB. [I already
noticed this testing on USB Jan 24 and 25 around 1300 -gh]
21465 will change from USB to AM, and from 2 kW to 10 kW.
Current log-periodic antenna has good gain but fixed toward
north, not rotatable. Will add rotor in 6-8 weeks, so can aim
toward Europe early in the day, Asia later, as well as E and W
NAm on the way; and also aim toward S. Pacific.
6980 will be a backup frequency, maybe used, maybe not.
Phase II plans: in 2.5 to 3 months, tunable curtain antenna
covering 6980-7500 kHz, bi-directional N/S and broadbeam, tho
aimed toward CNAm, also covering WNAm, ENAm, and SAm. [They
were already using a curtain on now inactive 6980 -gh]
The entire project should be completed in about 6 months.
FM 88.3 will move to a mountain-top site owned by UFP, with a
breathtaking view of the Central Valley, and greatly improve
coverage within Costa Rica. Power has already been raised.
(James Latham, RFPI Mailbag Jan 23-24 via Glenn Hauser, REVIEW
HONDURAS. After an absence of several months, HRMI was back Sun
morning Jan 25 on 5890.0 AM from tune-in 1232 with quite strong
but broken-up signal, music and Halleluyahs; 1233 ID in Spanish
as "Radio M-I", C&W/gospel music, transmitter cutting off and on.
1236 full produced ID giving 1480 and 5890 frequencies, 1237
time as 6:40 am and live local announcer/preacher, with usual
florid yadda-yadda-yadda; seems to be a warble on the carrier
when it is on. At 1256 was mostly off and not heard after 1300.
This would be the new transmitter they were expecting in
December. Recording of ID is on WOR 926 and Mundo Radial.
On again the following evening but with considerable co-
and adjacent-channel interference; 0430 Jan 26 had Spanish
preaching with consecutive English translation, 0501 brief
s/off announcement spelling out "K-H-Z" twice in Spanish,
gave sked as 6 am-11 pm, 0502* (Glenn Hauser, OK)
NICARAGUA [non]. Weekly check for R. New Nigeria, UT Sun Jan 25
at 0100 found nothing on 5905, tho before 0100 Vilnius via
Germany had been audible mixed with the fax. Perhaps they have
run out of money or programs. If they were smart they would
have QSYed to a clear frequency long ago (Glenn Hauser, OK)
PERU. 6674.56 approx., Jan 25 at 1130 Andean music, 1138 Spanish
announcement, 1140 UT-5 timecheck. Never got ID, but likely
Ondas del Rio Maranon [ma-ra-NYON], which Moore recently had
on 6676 (Glenn Hauser, OK)
USA/PIRATE. 6850.0 had rock music in the clear Sun Jan 25 at
1210, soon at 1211 heavily reverbed announcement, 1213 giving
Merlin (mer-LINN) address, oldtime novelty/comedy songs; 1215
"this is our second show, so 2nd-rate songs" from Montana Audio
Relay Service by very droll announcer; 1219 "pirate radio is
real public radio...move to Montana where you can wear blue
jeans everywhere." Song parody to tune of "Dream of Jeannie".
1225 message to "bombers everywhere", losing to local high noise
level. 1229 ID, "Here in Montana we use liberals for fertilizer".
Still going at 1243 recheck but gone at 1250. I assume this was
a relay via "WREC", which planned to be on 6850 this weekend,
per a notice in Kiwi Radio Weekly. Tape is on World of Radio 926.
Pse QSL (Glenn Hauser, OK)
THIS WEEK'S ENGLISH LESSON. UTC or just UT? I call it just UT,
without the C, but I notice many other editors and broadcasters
still think they have to call it UTC. This extends to some
editors even putting the C back into any references I make to
UT in my reports! Let me explain: unless you are making
extremely precise scientific measurements, it is completely
irrelevant whether the UT referred to is coordinated, UT-1 or
UT-2. It's bad enough to waste all these single syllables, but
actually saying the word "coordinated" wastes five syllables!
Leave "Coordinated Universal Time" to WWV where it belongs.
It's not UCT and it's not CUT, because the basic name is
Universal Time, and the C, or 1 or 2 were originally written
as subscripts. The frequently expressed idea that the abbr.
UTC derives from French is also wrong; in that language it
is usually referred to as TU -- Temps Universel, and the
three-letter version would be TUC (Glenn Hauser) ###
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