[HCDX]: TFW 50 2/3
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[HCDX]: TFW 50 2/3
- To: Brett Saylor <bds2@xxxxxxx>, Charles Bolland <chuck@xxxxxxxxxx>, Francois Steyn <fsteyn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, George Maroti <curious.george@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Joe Buch <joseph.buch@xxxxxxx>, John Figliozzi <johnfig@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jorge Garzon Guitierrez <igsosa@xxxxxxxxxx>, Juichi Yamada <utm99131@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Klaus Dieter Scholz <kdscholz@xxxxxxx>, Kris Field <kfield@xxxxxxxx>, Kromius <kromius@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Laurie Boyer <marylous@xxxxxxxx>, Luciano Silva <py8azt@xxxxxxxxx>, Marie Lamb <malamb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Mark Veldhuis <mark.veldhuis@xxxxxx>, Mike Nikolich <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Nicolas Eramo <neramo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Risto Kotalampi <rko@xxxxxx>, "Takayuki Inoue Nozaki (TIN)" <qzy07141@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HCDX]: TFW 50 2/3
- From: Giovanni Serra <g.serra@xxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 20:06:48 +0100
- Organization: Italia Online
- Reply-to: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx
- Sender: owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx
THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE - Copyright 1997 - 1998 Part 2
Year 3 - Number 50 - Rome, 31 January 1998
1758- 15150- INDONESIA- V of Indonesia, 1758-1802 & 1859-1901 Jan 17,
brass band theme to 1800, then woman with ID and talk in GG. Very good
signal. Just fair at 1859 retune with closing pgme anmts, a few bars of
Love Ambon, and into FF at 1901. ---CLARK, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
1813- 15240- SOUTH AFRICA- Channel Africa in English 1813-1827, W
African nx, with many corresp. s, ext services, ID s and mx breaks (at
1827 strong splat bird chirping by RAI International on 15250) F / P
---SERRA, Roma Italy January 27
1828- 15250- ITALY- RAI Int., Roma in Italian // 11800 only, 1828-1847,
IS (bird chirping), melody bells by A.Parelli at 1830, W ID, fqy quote
(15250 and 11800, and no ment of 9675 as seen on WRTH 98), brief IT pop
song and M nx till 1839, mx bridge, W ancmt into pgm Taccuino Italiano
by Susanna Rotunno (sounds, voices and news from Italy, special pgm for
Italian in Canada). Local signal ---SERRA, Roma Italy January 27
1845- 9568.48- CLANDESTINE- V.o.Iraqi People in Arabic, 1845-1902, W
tlk, AR mx pause and ID s: .........sawt al shab al Iraqi, M ancmt and
AR mx pause, M slow tlk mix with AR flute mx (ment Baghdad), AR mx and M
ancmt, AR songs, TP at 1900, W ancmt and ID: ......al shab al Iraqi,
hymn, W poss nx. (QRM het and splat, hrd in LSB) F / P ---SERRA, Roma
Italy January 25
1848- 9780.31- YEMEN- Rep of Yemen R. in English, pop song, AR mx, M
ancmt into nx in brief for one minute from 1854, AR intl mx, M ID s and
final ancmt (ment Rep of Yemen), Nat Anthem at 1858 and S/ ON only. (QRM
het and slight splat). F / P ---SERRA, Roma Italy January 27
1858- 3905.84- INDONESIA- RRI Merauke, Jan 3 at 1858 with s/on, ID and
SCI, good signal ---NORRIE, Paulshof South Africa/ DX TIPS SA SW
Listener Jan / Feb. 1998
1906- 4835- MALI- RTV Mali Jan 3 at 1906 in English with news of
private farmers interspersed with music, "Cupid draw back your bow" at
19.07, Bob Marley "Exodus" at 19.11 then "I don't want to wait in vain
for your love" at 19.12. Strange way to present the news. More music
than news. Then into vernacular at 19.15. ID at 19.07. ---NORRIE,
Paulshof South Africa/ DX TIPS SA SW Listener Jan / Feb. 1998
1912- 6080- AUSTRALIA- R. Australia at 1912 with "Australia all over and
Makka", fair to good with usual phone in about how Aussies intend
spending Xmas. (20th December). Later good on 11880. ---NORRIE,
Paulshof South Africa/ DX TIPS SA SW Listener Jan / Feb. 1998
1934- 5035- CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC- R.Centrafrique, Bangui Jan 3 at
1934 (Tentative) with very weak talk in Vern under much stronger
navigational beacon. ---NORRIE, Paulshof South Africa/ DX TIPS SA SW
Listener Jan / Feb. 1998
1939- 3976.05- INDONESIA- RRI Pontianak Jan 3 at 1939 with phone in
until 1953 then local songs. Kalimantan ID at 1959. No SCI or news at
2000. Has to be strong transmitter since signal excellent. ---NORRIE,
Paulshof South Africa/ DX TIPS SA SW Listener Jan / Feb. 1998
1955- 11734.13- TANZANIA- Voice of Tanzania, Zanzibar 2 Jan. at 1955 but
only mentioned Zanzibar not Tanzania. Good signal, news at top of the
hour and then oriental music. ---NORRIE, Paulshof South Africa/ DX
TIPS SA SW Listener Jan / Feb. 1998
1957- 4782.32- MALI- R Diff TV Malienne Jan 5 at 1957, with female news
reader in vernacular, poor and USB needed, repetitive bell chiming at
1957 till 2103. // 4835 which was a bit better. I hopped between the
two frequencies and absolutely no doubt that it was Mali. It certainly
does not sound 100kw. ---NORRIE, Paulshof South Africa/ DX TIPS SA SW
Listener Jan / Feb. 1998
2005- 3960.77- KOREA NORTH- KCBS Jan 3 at 2005 with typical communal
singing. Carrier much stronger than audio. ---NORRIE, Paulshof South
Africa/ DX TIPS SA SW Listener Jan / Feb. 1998
2014- 15244.48- CONGO REP.- RTNC Kinshasa, 2014-2016 Jan 18, ending
Afro vocal, then commentary by man in FF. Weak-fair with deep fades. I
suspect this is irregular. ---CLARK, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
2018- 5025- BENIN- RD du Benin, Parakou Jan 3 at 2018 with African beat
backing female singer, distinct from much stronger Uganda on 5026, male
DJ and into FF news at 2030 and back to African ballads. ID not easy and
even when Uganda went off at 2107 unable to get clear ID. ---NORRIE,
Paulshof South Africa/ DX TIPS SA SW Listener Jan / Feb. 1998
2200- 3985.7- INDONESIA- RRI Surabaya (fqy var.), 2200-2211 Jan 17,
occasional bits of Jak news, first by woman ancr, then man before 2211
anthem. Poor but enough to establish // 4753.3. On 3985.68 at this
time. * 2218-2223 Jan 18, talk by woman at times breaking thru noise
as carrier level peaked in this timeframe. Freq up a bit to 3985.74.
Presumed site as above ---CLARK, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
2204- 5657.8- PERU- R. Ilucan, Cajamarca, 24/01 2204-2230 22222 px
saludos y mensajes ID "Esta en el informativo de esta hora por Radio
Ilucan.." NOTA: por momento tiene un SINPO de 11111, hay bastante QRM
---ARRUNATEGUI, Lima, Peru for Casqui DX # 111
2209- 3395.1- INDONESIA - RRI Tanjung Karang 2209 Lagu, then rather
solemn-sounding discussion between two men in Indo. Theme at 2220,
announcement, another lagu. Weak/fair and choppy; better reception on
USB or LSB without sync detector activated.---HILL, Littleton,
MA,USA,Jan. 11
2210- 3976.08- INDONESIA- RRI Pontianak, 2210-2232 Jan 11, moderate
strength carrier, best at 2215-2225 w/fragments of audio but local IS
(sounding like chimes) broke thru more clearly at 2229, then very rapid
fade 2230+. At local PM in Ontario, peaks tend to be +/- 30 mins BEFORE
xmtr SR (in this case 2247) for westerly Indo's in Kalimantan and
particularly Sumatra. ---CLARK, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
2215- 3976.06- INDONESIA- RRI Pontianak, 2215-2217 & 2226-2231 Jan 18,
talk by woman, then into female Indo vocal. Retuned to female anncr
again and music briefly to 2229 local IS sequence of seemingly 4 notes
x two, repeated to 2230. Male anncr following at much weaker level and
soon faded. ---CLARK, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
2227- 3976- INDONESIA- RRI Pontianak 2227 Presumed this one with woman
singing seductive lagu reminiscent of a James Bond movie. IS of mi / fa
/ la / fa several times at 2229, pips at 2230, man in Indo. Choppy and
QRM'd by hams. ---HILL, Littleton, MA, USA , Jan. 11)
2234- 3395.13- INDONESIA- RRI Tanjungkarang, 2234-2241 Jan 18, talk by
woman and gamelin music with chanting-like vocals; dialogue with two men
at 2238. Very strong, best level hrd this season. LP enhancement
notable today, particularly for this and Bukittinggi-3231.88. Prior 1500
K=4 when geomagnetic conditions transitioned from quiet to active due to
cornonal event of 3 days previous. ---CLARK, Thornhill, Ontario,
2240- 4003.19- INDONESIA- RRI Padang, 2240 Jan 17, music and frequent
interjections by female anncr. Poor-fair using LSB, away from RTTY on
high side. * 2245 & 2310 Jan 18, talk by woman poking thru severe ham
QRM. Still audible weak but somewhat clearer at 2310 recheck with Jak
relay still in progress, //15149.98. Audio level is typically lower than
carrier strength would suggest. ---CLARK, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
2250- 3264.85- INDONESIA- RRI Bengkulu, 2250 & 2301 Jan 18, soft
instrumental music and talk by woman; Jak news noted 2301, // much
stronger 3231.88. ---CLARK, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
2301- 3231.88- INDONESIA- RRI Bukittinggi, 2301-2307 Jan 17, Jak news
in progress, //15150. Vy good - strongest signal I've hrd this season.
Just starting to fade down when I left it w/news still in progress.
*2257 Jan 18, late s/on caught in progress with a choral anthem of
sorts, brief anmt ID by woman and into lengthy SCI at 2258:30 to Jak
news at 2300. Fair. Missing when first checked at 2245. ---CLARK,
Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
2313- 9584.9- BRAZIL- Radio Globo, Sao Paulo 2313-2318 Sports program in
Portuguese, sound effects, jingle with ID. SINPO: 34444 ---VELDHUIS,
Borne, The Netherlands JAN 20)
2320- 9615- BRAZIL- Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo 2320-2344 Jazzy music,
female speaker in Portuguese, canned IDs. SINPO: 33443 ---VELDHUIS,
Borne, The Netherlands JAN 20)
2328- 9629.97- INDONESIA- RRI Jakarta, 2328-2331 Jan 18, fast-paced
Indo pops approaching 2330 when woman with ID as "RRI Jakarta, Programa
National Satu", fanfare, quick anmt by man, then switched to classical
music. Spectacular room filling signal! Also readily detected under VOA
on 11760. ---CLARK, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
2335- 11760- INDONESIA- RRI #1 , 2335 , 23.1 , with songs 34333
---LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece
2340- 7295- MALAYSIA- RTM (pres.), 28 Jan. 2340 YL speaking in
presume malay ( heard some Malay words though signal was terribly low
) Signal was max 12331 ---LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece
2348- 4939.4- VENEZUELA.- Radio Amazonas, Puerto Ayacucho 2348-0003 LA
music, male speaker in Spanish, advertisements, ID. SINPO: 24343
---VELDHUIS, Borne, The Netherlands JAN 20)
2350- 6261- PERU- R. JL, ?; 23/01 2350-0035 33333 ID "Como siempre por
su Radio JL" mx ID "Siempre en sintonía de Radio JL.." por momentos me
parece escuchar JR. NOTA: se presenta mucho QRM. y a las 0030 casi se
pierde la senal por completo, es cubierta por una transmisión en idioma
extranjero. ---ARRUNATEGUI, Lima, Peru for Casqui DX # 111
2357- 7275- KOREA- KBS 2357 26 / 1, in Indoensian w corean lessons
then gap melody ID and adress also in Malaysia and Indonesia . 23332
After 0000 with signal till 0005 ---LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece
from the Republic of Mountainous Karabagh (country name as written on
the envelope) replied to my reception report by a personal, partly
detailed letter in 4 months. The original reply was written in what
seems to be Armenian and has been translated on a separate sheet of
paper into German on its way to my P.O. Box. My report of last Sept was
sent to a self-fabricated address and obviously reached the station, now
giving its correct address as: Independent Radiostation Voice of
Justice, Tigran Meds-Str. 23 A, Stepanakert, Republic of Mountainous
Karabagh. When I sent my report, I added **via Armenia**, which might be
better than just writing their self-declared country name on the
envelope. v/s Mr. Lewon Hajrapetjan (spelling as given in the translated
letter; BBCM once gave his name as Mr. Levon Ayrapetyan), station
director, in his friendly letter told me some details about his station:
The Voice of Justice is an independent radio station, which started
broadcasting on Aug 12, 1997, in the capital of the Rep of Mountainous
Karabagh. According to the letter, it is financed by some local
businessmen, trying to calm down the conflict with Azerbaijan and
working towards a peace agreement. Their possibilities of running the
station are limited at the time, but they hope to increase their
activities in the future. They are transmitting on 9677 kHz on Tue and
Fri at 1500-1530 UTC, Wed and Fri at 0600-0630 UTC. When I heard them
here in Germany several times during Sept 1997, they always had heavy
modulation problems. (15-Jan/Kuhl-GER/WWDXC Top News/Bueschel-GER /
NASWA LN Feb 98)
BRAZIL - R. Cultura, Foz do Iguacu on 6105, F/up total 3 years 2 months
and 18 days !!!!! V/s Francisco Pires Dos Santos, Pastor (P.M.C. de
Castro, Brazil, in QSL DX Clube Paulista, Atividade DX 160, Nov. 97 /
PLAY DX, Italy # 966 26 January 1998)
PERU - R. America on 6010.7, letter, stickers, keyring, V/s Jorge Arioca
Vivan, promociones and marketing ( A.Bue, Norway / Distance 14, Sweden /
PLAY DX, Italy # 966 26 January 1998)
SEYCHELLES - FEBA Radio on 9420, QSL, sticker, V/s N. Nugashe, QSL
secretary. ( C.Romais, Brazil / Atividade DX 160, Nov. 97, Brazil, DX
Clube Paulista / PLAY DX, Italy # 966 26 January 1998)
SLOVAKIA - R.Slovakia Int. on 11990, QSL, F/d 22 days. (S.Gomez, Spain
/ PLAY DX, Italy # 966 26 January 1998)
SLOVAKIA - R. Slovakia Int. printed a series of 10 beautiful multicolour
stickers, featuring Castles of Slovakia (J.Bohac, Czech Rep. / PLAY DX,
Italy # 966 26 January 1998)
URUGUAY - Emissora Ciudad de Montevideo on 9650, letter, stickers, V/s
Aramazd Yizmeyan, in 22 days. ( J.P. Portera Demelo, Brazil / Atividade
DX 160, Nov. 97, Brazil / PLAY DX, Italy # 966 26 January 1998)
VENEZUELA - YVTO on 5000, V/s Gregorio Perez Moreno. ( J.P. Portera
Demelo, Brazil / Atividade DX 160, Nov. 97, Brazil / PLAY DX, Italy
# 966 26 January 1998)
Region, strong 0600-0628, modulation is still not perfect ("FMing"), but
seems to be better than in Oct-Nov 97 (when last hrd). All programs in
Azeri, but fragment of RS was hrd (interview with local administrator).
Prgm mostly consists of local nx, reviews -- M&W readers. Drifted to
9677.097 by the end of the progr. No official data about their power,
but estimate not less than 50 kw. (7-Jan/Titarev-UKR/NU/WWDXC Top
News/Bueschel-GER / NASWA LN Feb 98)
CAMBODIA - "I checked 11940 every day for over two weeks for both the
0000 and 1200 broadcasts, but there was nothing on the frequency. Roland
Schultzreported hearing it from the Philippines on 23-Nov. I should have
been able to hear it since I was only 200 miles from Phnom Penh. I must
have been in the skip, but it's hard to believe I never heard a trace of
the signal." (Craighead-Vietnam / NASWA LN Feb 98) --- [Wendel, this
could be the Asian version of the "WINB Syndrome," wherein most DX'ers
on ECNA haven't heard a trace of the Red Lion, PA station in eons. - A.
Quaglieri, USA]
CHAD - Per phonecall to the station [I' ll bet that was an interesting
phonebill! - AQ], RNT Ndjamena got a new final stage tube for the 60mb
transmitter, but they do not plan to reactivate 4904.5 on a permanent
basis. The freq will only be used as a possible temporary replacement
for 7120. (16-Jan/Roosen-GER/Passman/DXW/WWDXC Top News/Bueschel-Germany
/ NASWA LN Feb 98)
CLANDESTINE / AFRICA - 6549.5 Holy Koran Radio 1655 Religious Program in
Arabic, M announcement in Somali at 1727 followed by long religious
talk, 1757 announcement and Koran recitation before s/off 1800*. After
that, Voice of Lebanon is heard on frequency. (9-Jan/Vaghjee-MAU / NASWA
LN Feb 98)
CLANDESTINE / MIDEAST - It's doubtful that Voice of Southern Azerbaijan
in Azeri is operating via Dushanbe-TJK. The freqs of AZE and TJK are
coordinated commonly. Both countries have friendly relations. Acc. to
VoIRI progrs, Iran is very hostile to AZE government and president
Geydar Aliev, because of the persecution of the Iranian minority in AZE.
(2-Jan/PANIVIEW-BUL/WWDXC Top News/Bueschel-GER / NASWA LN Feb 98)
CLANDESTINE / USA - La Voz del CID's broadcast site in El Salvador went
off the air earlier this year due to political problems in that country.
Now, La Voz del CID (Cuba Independiente y Democratica) has just begun
broadcasting programs via WRMI. "30 Minutos con el CID" is aired
Monday-Friday from 2330-0000, and Saturday at 1430-1500. In addition,
other programs which were formerly broadcast by La Voz del CID (such as
"Contaco," "Presencia" and "Caribe Llama Cuba") are now being broadcast
via WRMI. (Jeff White - WRMI, 7121997 / News DX Magazine January 1998)
COSTA RICA - RFPI's upgrade plans as explained by James Latham on
Mailbag starting Jan 23: For the 30 kW transmitter on 7385, going back
to a very efficient antenna used a sesquiyear ago for about 2 months,
redesigned and strengthened. Should be on air within a month, much
higher gain. This transmitter will also have a frequency synthesizer,
allowing quick changes if needed in the 41 meter band. [Jan 24 7385
stayed on past 1800 as an experiment--it was audible here, but 15050
much better -gh] 15050 will change from AM to USB, and from 10 kW to 2
kW, and stay on 24 hours; increase antenna gain 10 dB. [I already
noticed this testing on USB Jan 24 and 25 around 1300 -gh] 21465 will
change from USB to AM, and from 2 kW to 10 kW. Current log-periodic
antenna has good gain but fixed toward north, not rotatable. Will add
rotor in 6-8 weeks, so can aim toward Europe early in the day, Asia
later, as well as E and W NAm on the way; and also aim toward S.
Pacific. 6980 will be a backup frequency, maybe used, maybe not.
Phase II plans: in 2.5 to 3 months, tunable curtain antenna covering
6980-7500 kHz, bi-directional N/S and broadbeam, tho aimed toward CNAm,
also covering WNAm, ENAm, and SAm. [They were already using a curtain on
now inactive 6980 -gh] The entire project should be completed in
about 6 months. (James Latham, RFPI Mailbag Jan 23-24 via Glenn Hauser,
GERMANY - [non]. Following up an earlier item, thanks to DW Jan sked via
Andreas Volk, Wolfgang Bueschel, the answer to the sites involved in
English at 1900 with a 3-hop satellite delay between them: 9640 is
Sines, 11810 Kigali (Glenn Hauser, OK / GH SW/DX Report 98-03 Jan 22 )
HONDURAS - [non]. On his UT Sat Jan 17 WWCR broadcast until 0100 on
5070, Jeff Baker was claiming already to be originating from his
"mountaintop in the middle of Honduras" pending the immiment collapse of
the USA. Jeff White tells me Baker was taken off WRMI in October due to
lack of payment. A check for $3,800 bounced, and his total debt to WRMI
is $13,300. Despite many promises to pay, nothing has been forthcoming
(Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 925 / GH SW/DX Report 98-03 Jan 22)
HONDURAS - After an absence of several months, HRMI was back Sun morning
Jan 25 on 5890.0 AM from tune-in 1232 with quite strong but broken-up
signal, music and Halleluyahs; 1233 ID in Spanish as "Radio M-I",
C&W/gospel music, transmitter cutting off and on. 1236 full produced ID
giving 1480 and 5890 frequencies, 1237 time as 6:40 am and live local
announcer/preacher, with usual florid yadda-yadda-yadda; seems to be a
warble on the carrier when it is on. At 1256 was mostly off and not
heard after 1300. This would be the new transmitter they were expecting
in December. Recording of ID is on WOR 926 and Mundo Radial. On again
the following evening but with considerable co-and adjacent-channel
interference; 0430 Jan 26 had Spanish preaching with consecutive English
translation, 0501 brief s/off announcement spelling out "K-H-Z" twice in
Spanish, gave sked as 6 am-11 pm, 0502* (Glenn Hauser, OK / GH SW/DX
Report 98-04 Jan 27)
HUNGARY - R. Budapest noted to Aus/NZ 1000-1100 daily, -1200 Sat/Sun in
Hungarian replaced 17790 by 17805, 21560 and //15395 (latter QRMing
co-channel Dubai). (Noel Green, UK, 17/1 in BCDX). Noted on rare 9805
*1800-1830* with Serbian Mon-Sat. (Bob Padula, 19/1 / EDXP # 77).
HUNGARY - Noted on new 9840 (ex 9535) daily English 2000-2017, Serbo
Croatian 2030-2057 Suns only, //3975; new 9670 (ex 9530) Hungarian
2100-2157, co-channel DW English to Af. (Paniview, Bulgaria, 11/1 via
BCDX / EDXP # 77).
INDONESIA - RRI Samarinda monitored sked on 9614.2 is *0100-0700
although occasionally on as early as 0045. Audible all day here at
varying strength with full id just prior to sign off at 0659. Missing
some days but pretty regular, last few minutes often blocked by Spain
signing on cochannel 9615 with their Spanish Service to Australia & New
Zealand. (Craig Tyson, 22/1 / EDXP # 77).
IRELAND - [non]. At the end of West Coast Radio Ireland's Jan 22
broadcast to NAm on 5905 via Germany at 0100-0159, it was announced that
next week's UT Thu show would be the "last of the current series" (Glenn
Hauser, OK / GH SW/DX Report 98-03 Jan 22)
ITALY - 21 January 1998: the endless politic conflict inside the RAI is
continuing...as first result, the President of RAI, Radio Televisione
Italiana, Enzo Siciliano has resign...22 January: the RAI board has
resign. Any changes for RAI International ? More news on next soap opera
installment (hi !). BTW, the annual fee has increased !(G. Serra, Italy.
Ed. )
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