[HCDX]: Japan's postal codes change today
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[HCDX]: Japan's postal codes change today
The Japanese Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications introduces the new
seven-digit postal code, which replaces the old three- or five-digit
system, effective February 2, 1998.
NHK's new postal code is 150-8001, which replaces the old 150-01.
If you have questions about other stations or any other address in Japan,
please ask me privately. There is a convenient number search engine on the
MPT's web page <http://www.inac.co.jp/yuujirou/>, but unfortunately it's
all in encoded Japanese so most of you can't read it.
SONNY M. ASHIMORI sonny@xxxxxxxxxxx
Yaesu FRG-7700 + 40m Dipole QTH Kobe Japan 43.34N/135.20E
DXing North Korea http://www.serve.com/ashimori/dxnk.html
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