Re: [HCDX]: WERE 1300?
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Re: [HCDX]: WERE 1300?

Hallo Dick,

Du meintest am 31.01.98 um 12:03 zum Thema "Re: [HCDX]: WERE 1300?":

> At your QTH this may well be "KEYS TALK";  WFFG Maraton FL.
> Check your recording, this station have been heard by some
> DX-ers here in Sweden lately.
> Format is Talk.

Thanks for that, yes WFFG would not be bad. My location at reception  
by the way was Blokhus, NW Jutland and they really talked about beer,  
eg about Henninger from Germany, I think it was the name of a  
programme. Thanks again and 73's
Joachim Stiller in Central Germany
editor of DSWCI's ute-shack

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