[HCDX]: RSMI QSL received.
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[HCDX]: RSMI QSL received.

Today I received full data QSL # 200 for 12/20/97 reception.  Claims .3
kw power.

Postmarked 1/22 from the Rep of San Manino with San Marino postal
stamps.  Accompanying note states "Due to excessive reaction of the San
Marino government and postal authority, RSMI is forced to stop it's
broadcasts until further notice.  We hope to return on the air as soon
as possible.  We are working also for a new internet web site and e-mail
address.  Thanks for your interest."

It goes on to say "Radio San Marino Intl is the first radio station
broadcasting from the territory of the Republic of San Marino on
shortwave.  The "unoffical" station, not connected with any other public
or private station, is born as a italian/german/sammarinean joint
venture to give an international voice to the small Republic and to
activate a really "new country" on the world of radio.  This is a big
event, even if Radio San Marino Intl is a hobby station.  The coverage
was good all over Europe and all around the world, thanks to the
transmitter's power .3 kw, and the used frequencies."

Will still verify report sent only to Mainz Germany address for 2
IRCs/$2 US in Europe and 3 IRCs/$3 outside Europe.

Don Hosmer
Dearborn MI USA
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