[HCDX]: TFW 51 2/4
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[HCDX]: TFW 51 2/4
- To: Brett Saylor <bds2@xxxxxxx>, Charles Bolland <chuck@xxxxxxxxxx>, Francois Steyn <fsteyn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, George Maroti <curious.george@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Joe Buch <joseph.buch@xxxxxxx>, John Figliozzi <johnfig@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jorge Garzon Guitierrez <igsosa@xxxxxxxxxx>, Juichi Yamada <utm99131@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Klaus Dieter Scholz <kdscholz@xxxxxxx>, Kris Field <kfield@xxxxxxxx>, Kromius <kromius@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Laurie Boyer <marylous@xxxxxxxx>, Luciano Silva <py8azt@xxxxxxxxx>, Marie Lamb <malamb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Mark Veldhuis <mark.veldhuis@xxxxxx>, Mike Nikolich <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Nicolas Eramo <neramo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Risto Kotalampi <rko@xxxxxx>, "Takayuki Inoue Nozaki (TIN)" <qzy07141@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HCDX]: TFW 51 2/4
- From: Giovanni Serra <g.serra@xxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 22:09:39 +0100
- Organization: Italia Online
- Reply-to: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx
- Sender: owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx
THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE - Copyright 1997 - 1998 Part 2
Year 3 - Number 51 - Rome, 11 February 1998
0729- 4990.94- SURINAME- R Apintie, Paramaribo, *0729:30-0750 Feb 1,
strong OC noted ahead of opening IS of Apintie drums, anthem by brass
band at 0730:30, male announcer hard to make out at 0732 and into pgme
of old spiritual ballads. Fair initially but quite weak by tune out,
although still 2
hrs ahead of xmtr SR. ---CLARK , Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
0740- 6210- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Marabu Feb 8, Pop rock mx,ID in EE,German
33333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate News
February # 2
0750- 6220- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits Feb 8, Pop mx,Merlin box,ID
in E 23322 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate
News February # 2
0755- 3930- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits February 1, Pop mx,px in E
22222 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate News
February # 1
0759- 6220- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits February 1, POp mx,ID in E
22232 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate News
February # 1
0800- 12256- PIRATE EUROPE- Wrekin R.Int. Feb 8, Pop mx,ID in EE
---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate News February
# 2
0802- 5805- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Free London February 1, Pop-rock mx,ID in
E 23332 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate News
February # 1
0810- 3905- PAPUA NEW GUINEA- Radio New Ireland, 0810-0835. Presume
them here with island choral hymns with woman announcer between music.
Poor signal faded to a weak het by 0835. Rechecked freq. at 0922 and
found them back with a poor-fair signal. Music program with same
announcer. ---KOHLBRENNER, USA /GPDX Feb.8)
0850- 6238- PIRATE EUROPE- Jolly Roger R. Feb 8, Blues rock mx, px in
E 23232 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate
News February # 2
0856- 6261- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Wonderful via RMGP February 1, Pop
mx,Wuppertal box,ID in E,G 33333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO)
Italy / Radiorama Pirate News February # 1
0900- 6239- PIRATE EUROPE- Jolly Roger R. February 1, Country mx,px in
E 22222 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate News
February # 1
0919- 6280- PIRATE EUROPE- Unid R. Feb 8, Folk pop mx,box in
Holland,ID(?) in E 23222 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy /
Radiorama Pirate News February # 2
0920- 6266- PIRATE EUROPE- UK R.Int. February 1, Pop mx,px in E 22332
---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate News February
# 1
0926- 12256- PIRATE EUROPE- Wrekin R.Int. February 1, Pop-rock mx,ID in
E 23332 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate News
February # 1
0931- 6262.5- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Mistero Ghost Planet in LSB , February
1, QSO to Eric,Wuppertal,ID in E 33333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese
(TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate News February # 1
0931- 6262.5- PIRATE EUROPE- OM Eric in LSB February 1, QSO to RMGP in
E 33333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate News
February # 1
0950- 4935- PERU- RADIO TROPICAL 0950 - 1010 Jan.23 Noted S/on: "
Señoras y Señores tengan ustedes muy buenos dias, esta es la señal de
radio tropical la primera emisora del oriente, puesta al servicio de la
industria, la banca, y el comercio, con nuestras frecuencias de onda
media 1340 Khz y onda corta en 4935 cubrimos nitidamente la sintonia de
la regiòn..." ---RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de Bogota D.C., Colombia
0953- 6474- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Brigitte Int. Feb 8, Pop mx,ID in EE (low
mode) 23332 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate
News February # 2
0955- 6245- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Borderhunter February 1, Pop rock
mx,test,ID in E 33333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy /
Radiorama Pirate News February # 1
1005- 6174- PERU- RADIO TAWANTISUYO 1005 - 1040 Jan. 22 TC: " 5 de la
mañana con 7 minutos... en Tawantisuyo, vamos Peru, vamos arriba..."
Advs: La casa del saber, Academia premilitar Los Heroes. after news
program: Antena Informativa. ---RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de Bogota D.C.,
1020- 5076.8- COLOMBIA- R. Caracol, 29/01 1020-1135 33333 ID "5 y 25 de
la manana en Caracol la radio..."px El noticiero Caracol advs banco
Santander. ---ARRUNATEGUI, Piura, Peru / Casqui DX # 112
1026- 4924- BOLIVIA- RADIO SAN MIGUEL (fqy var)1026 - 1045 Jan. 19 Local
news. "...Radio San Miguel 30 años al servicio de la amazonia Boliviana,
30 años cerca de la familia campesina, Radio San Miguel llevando el
mensaje de fe y esperanza para todos los pueblos de nuestro
vicariato..." ---RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de Bogota D.C., Colombia
1030- 15380- NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS- KFBS, FEBC, Saipan, 10.30 - 10.54
Javanese (presumed) ID by female announcer KFBS, Music and Message
(religious) SINPO 34443 February 7, 1998 ---ERAMO, Buenos Aires,
1034- 6299- PIRATE EUROPE- Farmers from Holland (fqy var.) February 1,
Dutch mx,px in Dutch(low mode) 33333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO)
Italy / Radiorama Pirate News February # 1
1035- 4923.8- BOLIVIA- R. San Miguel, Riveralta, 6/02 1035-1100 22222
informe del representante de Riveralta ID " Gracias por la oportunidad
que me brinda esta prestigiosa emisora Radio San Miguel..."
---ARRUNATEGUI, Piura, Peru / Casqui DX # 113
1040- 4190.5- PERU- RADIO SAN JUAN 1040 - 1110 Jan. 23 Noted with folk
music in the program: Recorriendo el Peru. " Radio San Juan la numero
uno, la voz del amazonas..." TC:" Las 6 de la mañana con 5 minutos
nosotros seguimos con mas alegre musica para todos y cada uno de ustedes
amigos que estan en la sintonia de los 4.200 de Radio San Juan..."
---RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de Bogota D.C., Colombia
1040- 4819.2- HONDURAS- R. La Voz Evangélica, 30/01 1040-1100 33333 mx
religiosa px Companía del Senor ID "Esta es la Voz Evangélica desde
Honduras..." advs anuncia el cambio de numeración de los teléfonos en
Honduras. ---ARRUNATEGUI, Piura, Peru / Casqui DX # 112
1045- 4549.43- BOLIVIA- RadioDifusoras Tropico 1045-1100 Initially noted
ADs for a few minutes, then into typical music. Signal was fair at tune
in, but degraded to poor by the hour. ---BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL, USA ,
February 9, 1998
1050- 4746.8- PERU- R. Huanta 2000, Ayacucho, 5/02 1050-1110 22222 advs
Cerveza Cristal px Centro naturista ID "Transmite Radio Huanta 2000"
advs del Consejo Municipal de la provincia de Huanta mx huayno.
---ARRUNATEGUI, Piura, Peru / Casqui DX # 113
1057- 4747.49- PERU- Radio Huanta Dos Mil 1057-1105 With a very poor
signal, noted a man in comments After the hour ADs and promos presented.
---BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL, USA , February 9, 1998
1058- 4552.3- BOLIVIA- R. Difusora Trópico, 7/02 1140-1058 22222 px La
hora del navegante ID " Muy buenos días amigo de radio Trópico" mx NOTA:
esta estación la copie mientras trataba de escuchar el ID de 4451.0, de
un momento a otro entro cubriendo y luego se perdió la señal.
---ARRUNATEGUI, Piura, Peru / Casqui DX # 113
1100- 4799.8- GUATEMALA- R. Buenas Nuevas, 31/01 1100/1120 22222 px
Campesino Feliz ID " Esta es Radio Buenas Nuevas... desde Guatemala"
luego hay un px que lo hablan en dialecto. ---ARRUNATEGUI, Piura, Peru /
Casqui DX # 112
1103- 4774.92- PERU- Radio Tarma 1103-1115 Noted Huaynos music at tune
in. This followed with comments and ID. Signal was poor the entire
period. ---BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL, USA , February 9, 1998
1105- 5046.2- PERU- RADIO INTEGRACION 1105 - 1135 Jan. 21 Advs.
Comercial Inti. Servicentro San Jose. Productos la Peruanita. ID: "
Inti Radio 1580 Khz amplitud modulada, Radio Integraciòn banda Int. de
60 metros onda corta, somos la potencia informativa desde Abancay,
Apurimac, Perù...." after. " 97.7 Radio Suramericana, Inti Radio, y
Radio Integraciòn presentan...Informando...ecos de los mas impactantes
sucesos..." maybe that station formed a network. see Dateline Bogota
12/09/97. ---RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de Bogota D.C., Colombia
1110- 7746- PERU- RADIO CRISTAL 1110 - 1130 Jan. 31 Noted S/On : " En el
valle del Huallaga central hermosas y ricas tierras san martinenses
bañadas por el caudaloso rio huallaga se dibuja con esplendor la
presencia de un nuevo amanecer, desde la ciudad de San Hilariòn, zona
eminentemente agricola Radio Cristal en amplitud modulada inicia su
transmisiòn correspondiente al dìa de hoy...." after long monitored I
obtained the correct QTH is Jiron Ucayali S/N a pocos pasos de la
carretera Marginal in San Hilarion, Pvcia de Picota. Region San Martin,
Peru. ---RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de Bogota D.C., Colombia
1117- 4886.72- PERU- Radio Villa Rica 1117-1130 Noted Spanish comments,
followed with Huaynos music. This followed by more comments from a man
who mentions ID. Signal was poor. ---BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL, USA ,
February 9, 1998
1125- 4890.14- PERU- Radio Chota 1125-1135 With initially Huaynos music
until 1126, then man incomments followed by ID and ADs. After ADs, more
Huaynos music. Signal was fair ---BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL, USA , February
9, 1998
1125- 4387- PERU- RADIO NUEVA SENSACION (fqy var) 1125 - 1145 Jan. 20 mx
folk. " Somos Radio Nueva Sensaciòn transmitiendo desde Chiclayo..."
" Radio Nueva sensaciòn llevando el mensaje de peruanidad a todos los
pueblos del Peru..." I listen QTH in: Panamericana Norte 361,
Urbanizaciòn Cultural Ricardo Palma, Chiclayo. But Dx friend Henrik
Klemetz has listened Panamericana Norte 381. ---RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de
Bogota D.C., Colombia
1131- 11775- TAIWAN- CBS, Taipei (pres) in Chinese 1131-1142, W m talk
and chinese song. Poor ---SERRA, Roma, Italy February 7
1135- 4971- PERU- R. Imagen, 29/01 1135-1205 22222 px El diario de
Imagen advs Industrias Universal de Tarapoto, le pone al día su cocina
ID " Por Radio Imagen..." ---ARRUNATEGUI, Piura, Peru / Casqui DX #
1140- 5040.04- COLOMBIA- La Voz De Yopal 1140-1150 Noted a man in news
or comments for a few minutes which was followed with ADs. After ADs
news and comments continue with two men. Signal was poor. ---BOLLAND,
Lake Worth FL, USA , February 9, 1998
1150- 6674.8- PERU- RADIO ONDAS DEL MARAÑON 1150 - 1230 Jan. 20 Pgm.
Amanecer Campesino.Advs: Laboratorio dental Santacruzeño. mentioned
QTH, sked and power: Jiron Amazonas 3 5, junto al centro de salud de
Aramango. 1100 1330 and 1500 0000.; 2.000 vatios " La buena musica
al estilo de los 6 60 internacional de Ondas del Marañon transmitiendo
en la banda internacional de los 6 60 internacional 48 metros..." in
various moment mentioned a great listener in USA, ( What a pity! I
don't have a diploma for send..) ---RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de Bogota
D.C., Colombia
1150- 4870- ECUADOR- E. Cultural La Voz del Upano, 28/01 1120-1150 44444
px Educación a distancia ID "Emisora Cultural Voz del Upano... "
---ARRUNATEGUI, Piura, Peru / Casqui DX # 112
1155- 9670- PHILIPPINES- Radio Veritas Asia, 1155-1205. ID and frequency
info by woman announcer. Announced the following program would be in
Lao. Poor. ---KOHLBRENNER, USA /GPDX Feb. 6)
1155- 3904.93- PAPUA NEW GUINEA- R. New Ireland, Kavieng (tentative),
1155-1201 Jan 25, instrumental music to man sounding very much like
typical PNG anncr at 1157 past 1200. Slightly weaker than RRI
Merauke-3905 which had SCI at 1159 and woman with Jakarta news at 1200.
Guy Atkins recently reported this as being active. Mix of the two
carrier hets made determination of exact frequency difficult but this
being clearly on the low side of nominal 3905 was what caught my
attention. ---CLARK , Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
1155- 4919- ECUADOR- R. Quito, 28/01 1155-1215 33333 noticiero en cadena
px Ecuador radio en la noticia advs Ferretería Castillo ID "Por Radio
Quito, la voz de la capital..." ---ARRUNATEGUI, Piura, Peru / Casqui DX
# 112
1157- 4925- INDONESIA- RRI Jambi, 1157-1210, End of soft Lagu song, W
w/ment of upcoming Jak. nx relay, SCI, then nx relay //3264.68, 3325,
3395.15, 3905, 3976.07, 4000.15, 4753.29, and 4777.1. The best Indo this
morning. Fairly strong and clear, unusual here. Hets on sev. others too.
---VALKO, USA / Dunlo DX News 1 Feb.)
1200- 7120- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Middle East via IRRS Feb 7, Pop-rock
mx,address,ID in E 33333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy /
Radiorama Pirate News February # 2
1200- 6300- PIRATE EUROPE- Farmers from Holland Feb 8, Dutch mx,ID in
Dutch 33333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate
News February # 2
1200- 4572- PERU- RADIO UNO (fqy var) 1200 - 1215 Jan. 20 Full ID: "
Desde Chiclayo capital de la amistad, transmite Radio Uno en los 1430
Khz de amplitud modualada, Radio Uno Tecnologia digital que apunta al
futuro con cobertura Internacional Radio Uno en los 14-30 de la amplitud
modulada sonido llegando a todo el peru, Radio Uno simplemente
diferencia Total..." ---RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de Bogota D.C., Colombia
1210- 9525- INDONESIA- RRI Jakarta 1210-1215 Noted a woman in news until
1213, then music presented by a man. VOA started tuning up here at about
1212 and block a lot of the signal, but still audiable in LSB mode. Over
signal was fair. ---BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL, USA , February 9, 1998)
1213- 7120- PIRATE EUROPE- Int.Music R. via IRRS January 31 Mx and ID in
E 33222 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate News
February # 1
1215- 4940- SRI LANKA- SLBC Ekala, 1215-1231, 1238-1241 & 1253, Jan 25,
chanting vocals and talks in EE by male anncr from tune in, mostly over
co channel Haixia 1 woman in CC. Chants just ahead of 1230 when
anticipated time signal was not used but male anncr broke in with clear
ID "you are listening to the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation", then
into Asian vocal by woman as signal peaked nicely, strongest I've ever
heard it. Peak was 10 / 15 mins ahead of implied grayline: Ekala
SS=1246; Toronto SR=1241. 1240 recheck found further Asian vocals and
intervening talk by woman in EE at 1240; still fairly good w/talk by man
at 1253, well over the Chinese signal. Absolutely no sign of AIR
Guwahati which I suspect was off-air this day. ---CLARK , Thornhill,
Ontario, Canada
1243- 6211- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Perfekt, February 1, Mx(Deep
Purple),Gronau box,ID in E 33333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO)
Italy / Radiorama Pirate News February # 1
1308- 12000- RUSSIA (??)- Universal Life , 1308-1314, EG rel. tlk by M
and W, mx bridge, ID and addr by M, more tlk abt bdcsting/listening.
Weak w/echo indicating multible signal paths or multiple sites (PWBR
lists 2 from Russia here), so I suspect Russia. Heavy adjacent slopover
QRM too. Web site doesn't list this freq but does give 7295, sounded
like very weak Russian there. Hrd later at 1402 as well on 9954.96 from
WRMI. Jammer there. ---VALKO, USA / Dunlo DX News 1 Feb.)
1317- 7120- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Breakdown via IRRS January 31 Mx(DEpeche
Mode,ID in E 33322 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama
Pirate News February # 1
1320- 6270.6- PIRATE EUROPE- Unid R. (City?) January 31 German mx,ID(?)
in German 33322 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama
Pirate News February # 1
1340- 7120- PIRATE EUROPE- Transatlantic R. via IRRS Feb 7, Dance
mx,jingles ID in E 33333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy /
Radiorama Pirate News February # 2
1409- 6260- PIRATE EUROPE- R. Dr.Tim January 31 Pop&folk mx,ID in
German, English (with Tonair) 23332 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO)
Italy / Radiorama Pirate News February # 1
1410- 6937- CHINA PR- Yunnan PBS 1410-1415, 31/O1 with instrumental
folks , female with titles Spelled names syllab by syllab 33333 At
1431 wuith jammer for 10 mins. First time trial that hour !
---LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece
1433- 7120- PIRATE EUROPE- Int.Music R. via IRRS February 1, Mx(U2),
ID in E 43333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate
News February # 1
1454- 7120- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Middle East via IRRS Feb 8, Mx
(Beatles,E.John),ID in EE 43333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy
/ Radiorama Pirate News February # 2
1500- 7120- PIRATE EUROPE- Transatlantic R. via IRRS Feb 8, Dance
mx,Jingles ID in EE 43333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy /
Radiorama Pirate News February # 2
1515- 9230- UNID- V of Democratic Eritrea 1515 31/O1, anthems
,marches OM speakings in Arabic vocal songat 1559 with ID ?huna idaatu
sawt Eritrea.......? ( this is the V of Eritrea ..... ? and a rithimic
songs 23332 Thanks for Grace for the QRG ( via Contact) ---LIANGAS,
Thessalloniki, Greece
1555- 6220- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits January 31 Pop mx,px in E
22332 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate News
February # 1
USB) 0010-0030 Jan. 23 Sport Transmission of Basketball, Estudiantes
from Bahia Blanca Vs Boca Junior. " Baires 1270". Mention other programs
Tiempo de Baires and Lideres del Futbol. ---RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de
Bogota D.C., Colombia
1606- 5030- CHINA PR- CPBS 1 in Chinese (tent.) 07/02 1606-1611, M tlk
in pres chinese, then fade out at around 1611. (QRM utes, QRN statics
and QSB) VP/A ---SERRA, Roma Italy
1606- 6230- UNID- Unid R. 1606 31/O1, with quran then 1610 analysis
in a Turkish language ---LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece
1614- 5055- UNID- Unid R. in unid lang 07/02 1614-1703, M tlk for poss
nx with corresp.s till 1621, continuous fine pop mx, arranging Simon and
Garfunkel's "Bridge over troubled water", Toto's "Africa"...till 1630, M
unclear ancmt mix with folk song and continuing fine pop and jazz mx:
Abba's "The winner takes it all", jazz mx, "My way", "Exodus" etc.),
three slow TP at 1700 (two brief and one longer) and nx (unclear if by W
or by M, till 1703), mx. (re checked on Febr. 08 from 1635, with same
program format: fine pop mx till 1659, TP at 1700 and M nx, unid ID at
end of nx at 1703, class mx pause, W tlk and piano mx, W tlk (at 1657
abt one minute of QRM strong het, splat strong ute from 1706, QSB ).
F/Poor ---SERRA, Roma Italy
1630- 4925- INDONESIA- RRI Jambi, January 31, 1630-1700*, Male in
Indonesian constantly mentioning Jambi, ''Radio.....Jambi'', Palembang.
Religious sounding song by choir, followed by ''Warta berita.....'' and
into western popmusic. Poor signal & almost gone at sign off time.
---PIJPERS, Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands
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