Re: [HCDX]: Unfair DX ???
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Re: [HCDX]: Unfair DX ???

In my 40 some odd years of life, I have lived in Korea, Germany, East 
Coast North America,West Coast North America, and DXed MW and SW in 
each location. Each place presented its own set of challenges. I have 
given up trying to count the number of stations and countries heard 
and verified at each location. (I guess I could if I had to.)  I keep 
an aggregate total of my QSL however.  I agree with Dan about 
vacation DXing/Bandscanning MW.  Even on opposite sides of the same 
state it is fun to compare the MW band.  

Now for DX Club award purposes I agree that there should be a 
standard for counting the number of stations/countries 
heard/verified. Beyond that, if DXer want to count this numbers a 
different way, it shouldn't matter as long as he/she is not 

The radio listening/DXing hobbies are for fun and should not be taken 
so seriously!


> Another positive reason for vacation DXing is that it allows you to
> sharpen your skills and increase your knowledge by focusing on a
> particular area. MW and SW DXing I did on trips to Venezuela and
> Ecuador the past few years have done precisely that for me. If you
> want to improve your ability to ID Latin American radio stations,
> try DXing from right in the middle of them on MW where everything on
> the dial is in Spanish. And, no, it's not all easy either. There are
> certainly some frequencies with easy local and semi-local catches,
> but many frequencies have several weak stations fighting it out,
> plus there are hets and splits and other things to take into
> account. 
> Another interesting aspect of such vacation DXing on MW is that it
> essentially involves beginning from nothing. One knows what the band
> sounds like and what is and isn't DX at the home location. But when
> you are several thousand miles away, everything is different and the
> band has to be learned again. 
> So, I think every DXer should get to do some vacation DXing from a
> distant location (especially on MW) to become a better DXer.
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