Re: [HCDX]: Unfair DX ???
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Re: [HCDX]: Unfair DX ???

Who said life was "fair?" The whole discussion is a waste as it poses the 
copncept that DXers are all in a massive competition...I TVDX and live in 
South it my fault that I have an unfair advantage to the 
South. A friend in Central Florida has seen TV Marti ch 13 in the keys 
from it my fault I have a local on ch 12 that precludes me 
getting Marti...This is a hobby, not a war...

Ken Simon

On Thu, 12 Feb 1998, Steve Lare wrote:

> I personally am tired of you all taking up so much space on this
> topic....get a life....or learn how DXing is really done....
> Steven R. Lare
> n8kdv@xxxxxxxxx
> Holland, MI USA
> At 10:41 PM 2/11/98 +0100, you wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >>My friend was listening for a while and then he said:
> >>"But it is not fair! Would you really be pleased of such stations that
> >>a machine recorded for you and you just came later and picked them up
> >>from the tape? I do not know if I would display QSL cards of such stations
> >>to other DXers saying - look what stations I catched on a DXpedition.
> >>I think the only fair way is to discover the station, to choose the
> >>right antenna, to get rid of noise and QRM by choosing the USB or LSB etc.
> >>Then comes the real joy that I managed (by my own means) to do the
> >>whole process untill the final identification and writing down of the
> >>programme details".
> >
> >I understand your friend's point of view, and sometimes I think the same
> >way.  But a lot has changed the last few deccennia.  A lot of other
> >questions can be raised like :
> >- is it fait to share information about new stations
> >- is it fair to inform each other when conditions are excellent.
> >- is it fair to look first at to know if it is worthwhile to stay
> >up at night.
> >- is it fair to use sophisticated receivers
> >- is it fair to use directional antenna's to blend out unwanted stations
> >- etc, etc.
> >I think we live in a world in evolution, and we must use the
> >opportunities that are available.
> >
> >------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> >
> >
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> This is a message from Steve Lare <n8kdv@xxxxxxxxx>
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