[HCDX]: Re: [AmFmTvDx] KICY Nome, AK, DX Test
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[HCDX]: Re: [AmFmTvDx] KICY Nome, AK, DX Test

> (Editor's Note: This is a rare opportunity to try to log a medium wave
> station from Alaska. Even though this is a long shot, DX tests from
> Alaska only occur once every few years. Those of you with DSP filters
> can gain a slight edge by listening in a very narrow bandwidth mode
> optimized for CW recpetion.)

Good idea! But WHERE to listen? If they pulse the carrier it will zero-beat
with the other on-channel stations. But of course, they wouldn't have CW on
a MW transmitter. So they would actually use A1 modulation, MCW or
modulated CW? So you're trying to detect sidebands, and where would that
be? 1000Hz off of channel?

Thanks for the tip, Werner SparkHouse!

Pres Waterman N2PW
c/o Patchogue Motors, Inc.
Ford and Kia dealer
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