[HCDX]: RFO Tahiti-New Xmtr?
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[HCDX]: RFO Tahiti-New Xmtr?

In Worldwide DX Club Weekly News for Feb. 22, there was an item about 
improved reception of RFO Tahiti beginning on the 21st; supposedly the 
signal strength was much improved and the freq. was exactly 15170, 
instead of the variable 15167-15168 of past. It was speculated that this 
was due to a new xmtr. I heard RFO 2-24-98 between 0100 and 0200, on 
exactly 15170 (my synch detector on my SW-77 locked onto it) here in the 
northeast US. Signal strength was about a 2 to 3 with occasional fades. 
Programming was local, not the usual RFO programming they download from 
the satellite, with lots of island music and a female announcer. I 
should note that this reception was with the built-in whip antenna only! 
No external antenna of any kind. Don't know if this is just the 
beginning of the spring DX season, but the fact that they were on 
exactly 15170 leads me to suspect either a repaired or a new xmtr. 
Anyone else in the US hearing this?

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