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- To: greylinedx@xxxxxxxxxxxx, amfmtvdx@xxxxxxx, philip_bytheway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, bigbird@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, ccb3@xxxxxxxxxxx, barrera@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx, jimrenfrew@xxxxxxxxxx, medidx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, ghauser@xxxxxxxxxxx, playdx@xxxxxxxxxxx (Broadcast MW)
- Subject: [HCDX]: MW DX
- From: paulorm@xxxxxxxx (Paul Ormandy)
- Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 19:02:29 +1300
- Reply-to: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx
- Sender: owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx
Pre-Equinox Trail - Waianakarua March 8th
870 0912 ARGENTINA LRA1 R Nacional, Buenos Aires, 2 FAs chatting, vgd sig.
1060 0920 CHILE R Minería, Santiago, MA w/promo for museum under sponsorship
of Minería, then jingle id. Gd sig. PWO
1070 0927 ARGENTINA R El Mundo, Buenos Aires, gd taking 'phone-ins mxd KNX.
1090 0915 URUGUAY R Imparcial, Montevideo, MA w/ad then jingle and into tango.
1107 0645 SPAIN RCE-5 net, MA & FA alternating nx items, reg ids w/theme tune.
1220 0835 BRAZIL R Globo, Rio de Janeiro, fr sig, up nicely w/stn promo and
"bom días" using hvy echo. PWO
1270 0830 ARGENTINA LS11 R Provincias, Buenos Aires, At last! I've been
chasing this one for years! String of ads and id as "..la radio de la
provincia". PWO
1280 0823 BRAZIL R Tupi, Sao Paulo, gd sig w/string of ads between nx stories.
1300 0846 BRAZIL Unid stn w/PP religion, stayed tuned for id (hopefully!) at
0900 but unid Argie stn signed-on and quickly faded. PWO
1350 0924 ARGENTINA R Buenos Aires, MA w/slogan, t/c and temp. then light mx.
1380 0750 CHILE CB138 R Corporación, Santiago, so strong you could have heard
this without a radio! Absolutely booming in w/mostly gospel mx and some talk.
1485 0648 SPAIN SER net, fr sig, rpt from FA correspondent then MA & FA
alternating nx items. PWO
1550 0614 MEXICO XENU Nuevo Laredo, fr sig w/id as "..la rancherita de Nuevo
Laredo", anncing 5kW. PWO
1560 0613 USA WQEW New York NY, fr sig mxd XEFAJ, w/regular ids and mx from
the 30's thru 50's. PWO
1620 0711 ARGENTINA R Esmeralda, gd sig, amazingly so for 1kW, SS preachers
broken by ids prior to 1/2 and top of hour. This will be a good indicator
station! PWO
Paul Ormandy, 33 Greta Street, Oamaru, New Zealand, paulorm@xxxxxxxx
Join me for the latest tuning tips for the South Pacific on Radio New Zealand
International during "Mailbox", fortnightly broadcasts, Monday 0430z on
17675kHz and 1130z on 9700kHz, repeated the following Thursday 0830z on
9700kHz and Friday at 1930z on 11735kHz.
Next Broadcasts: Starting Mondays, March 16th and 30th, April 13th and 27th,
repeated on following days as above.
And on AWR's "Wavescan" commencing the fourth Sunday of the month, repeated at
0700z on ZLXA Print Disabled Radio the first Monday of the month, on 1602kHz,
3935kHz and 5960kHz alternate 7290kHz.
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to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
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