[HCDX]: TFW 54 2/2
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[HCDX]: TFW 54 2/2

THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE  - Copyright 1998  Part 2
Year 3 -  Number  54  - Rome,  11  March  1998

1701- 11670- BELARUS- Belaruskaje Radyjo, Minsk, 28/02, 17:01 news by
male and female speakers in Byelarussian. SINPO 45344. ---SCHAAY, 
Doorn, The Netherlands

1718- 15294.98- MALAYSIA- V.o.Malaysia in Bahasa Malaysia 1718-1746:30",
W tlk till 1723, M tlk, two lcl pop songs, 1 TP at 1730, M ancmt, TC and
ID, nx (1730 / 1740) with some ID s: Suara Malaysia, pop songs, mx
pause, M ID at 1745:10", anthem, ancmt, ID and tlk. (QRM co channel and
splat, better in LSB. Fair ---SERRA, Roma Italy March 4

1804- 9960- LEBANON- V.o.Hope in AR (pres) 1804 -1831, song, brief mx
pause, W ancmt, M tlk till 1817:40", mx pause and ancmts (poss ID and
QTH), AR song, pop mx pause, M tlk, mx pause, choral chant. (QRM splat
and at 1831 strong splash ! hrd in LSB) Poor / Avoid ! ---SERRA, Roma
Italy March 6

1808- 3920- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Dr.Tim 28/02 Mx non stop,ID in German, EG
(low mode)  33333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama
Pirate News March  #  01

1822- 9200- SUDAN- R.Omdurman in EE / AR 1822-1848:40", M lcl politic
tlk in English till 1825:28", lcl mx and M ancmts in AR, M poss ID at
1826, mx and AR chant, W ancmt and tlk in EG, alt with choral chants and
mx, poss nx at 1844. (QRM strong rtty) Poor ---SERRA, Roma Italy March 4

1825- 21485- USA- VOA Greenville, 1825, fair signal with Portuguese to
Africa. ---ORMANDY, Oamaru, New Zealand Mar 6

1830- 21645- FRENCH GUIANA- RFI, 1830, weak signal with French to
Central America, much stronger on //21765 beamed to South America. Other
13mb signals at this time: WYFR 21525 and 21725; R Nederland, Bonaire
21590, RDP 21655 and RVC 21551. ---ORMANDY, Oamaru, New Zealand  Mar 6

1836- 6549.5- LEBANON- V.o.Lebanon in AR, 1836-1906, Arabic songs, alt
with W ancmts, no ID hrd. F / G ---SERRA, Roma Italy March 6

1840- 9330- PAKISTAN- R Pakistan, 1840, good, very good signal, mix of
English and Urdu with "Sports Roundup" program, some commercials, news
1848 and close with anthem at 1900. ---ORMANDY, Oamaru, New Zealand  Mar

1850- 6290- PAKISTAN- R Pakistan, 1850, poor, fair signal in Urdu;
presume this is why Voice of Hope QSY'd to 6285kHz. ---ORMANDY, Oamaru,
New Zealand  Mar 4

1855- 7295- MALAYSIA- R Malaysia # 4, 1855, up beat programming in
English on importance of Koran, then at 1900 identification and into
news with music-bridges, sound -effects etc. Very professionally
produced show. ---ORMANDY, Oamaru, New Zealand  Mar 2

1858- 15120- NIGERIA- Voice of Nigeria, 1858,fair signal on reactivated
frequency. ID at start of English program just prior to the hour then
into news and program summary. ---ORMANDY, Oamaru, New Zealand  Mar 4

1859- 21551- CHILE- Radio Voz Cristiana, 1859, first noted March 5th
with instrumental music and identification in English at 1901. Muffled
audio and surging signal didn't help! Will stay tuned for a decent
logging. ---ORMANDY, Oamaru, New Zealand Mar 5

2009- 15115- NEW ZEALAND- RNZI in EG 2009-2018, M main points of world
and Pacific nx, ID, mx break and sport nx, with ID, fqy quote and
corresp (till 2015) mx break and MM chat abt cricket. (QRM splat) F / P
---SERRA, Roma Italy March 5

2010- 5125- CHINA PR- CPBS Taiwan service,Beijing 9 Mar 2010-2024,
continuous Chinese lyrical songs and mx. (QSB, QRM slight statics and
QRM mmmmmm) F/P  ---SERRA, Roma Italy

2310- 3930- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits 28/02 Pop mx,px in EG  23322
---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate News March  # 

2316- 6955- PIRATE EUROPE- WREC(?) in USB, 28/02 Rock pop mx ....(tent.
very low mode)  23332 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama
Pirate News March  #  01

2324- 5805- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Free London 28/02 Pop mx,ID in EG  33333
---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy / Radiorama Pirate News March  # 

2351- 4930.6- HONDURAS- Radio Internacional, San Pedro Sula 2351-2359
Very strong signal with QRM from CW- and RTTY stations. Tango music,
male speaker in Spanish with ID, advertisements. SINPO: 43343
---VELDHUIS, Borne, The Netherlands MAR 1)

2358- 5950- LITHUANIA- R Vilniius ,( first time log!) , 2358 ,3+4 3 ,
IS  of the staion with tone , This is the #1 sierice from R Vilnius "
Then at 0000 progr in Lithhuanian with news and  comments At 0030  with
EE  program . ---LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece


CHILE - [ This was for a e-mail reception report of 5 March. ] Dear Mr
Sundstrom, Thank you for your reception report.  I confirm that the
details you sent are correct and that you did indeed hear our station.
Voz Cristiana is a sister station to Radio Christian Voice (Zambia),
both are projects funded by the UK charity Christian Vision.  Christian
Vision has a web site at < http://www1f.btwebworld.com/christian-vision/
>.  In 1996 Christian Vision acquired the site and facilities of the former Radio Nacional de Chile which went off the air many years before.  A licence application for shortwave services to Latin America is in the final stages of being processed and when granted the station Voz Cristiana will lauch officially. The services planned are to Mexico and Central America, to northern South America and Caribbean, to southern South America (all in Spanish) and to Brazil in Portuguese. The principal studios for the station will be located in Miami, linked to Santiago by satellite, and programming will be exclusively of a Christian nature but of interest to a wider audience. The facilities at the station include: - 8 Harris SW100 transmitters - 3 TCI-527 log periodic antennas pointing at 340 deg, 0 deg, and 60 deg. These will be used for services to Mexico, northern South America and Brazil, respectively.  - 2x1 horizontal dipole pointing 0/180 deg, with 30 deg slew.  This will be used !
for the service to southern South America. - 4 TCI-611 4x4 curtain antennas pointing variously towards Europe, Africa, Asia. The engineers of the station are currently preparing the transmitters for long-term operation at 70kW, and a review of the frequencies the station will use is in progress. It is true that we have been tentatively testing on 21550kHz (intended to Mexico), however since there are various legalities regarding the licence still to be completed I  must emphasize that these tests have been TENTATIVE and it would be premature for me to release further details of our test plans and frequency schedule at this stage.  Of course I will be thrilled to publicise these as much as possible as soon as I am able.  I hope you understand. With best wishes,  Andrew Flynn, Chief Engineer Voz Cristiana S.A., Emisora Christian Vision (Chile) Ltda. Casilla 490-3, Santiago, Chile,  tel +56 2 855 7046 fax +56 2 855 7053, e-mail (engineering) < vozing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx > (admin) < vo!
zcrist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx > (via Tom Sundstrom, USA )

INDONESIA - RRI Palu, 3960kHz. Personal ltr and sked with details of all
their xmtrs, in 32 wks., V/S Untung Santoso (Kepala Seksi Tehnik). 
(Korinek-So. Africa via Numero Uno No.1464 / JEMBATAN DX # 43)

INDONESIA RRI Tanjung Pinang, 4920kHz. Full data prepared card with
station seal in 23 days for an IN report and SASE (used).  (Steve Martin
via The Journal of NASWA Feb /  JEMBATAN DX # 43)

TURKMENISTAN - If anyone is interested in verifying Turkmenistan, this
might be a good time. I received a form letter with stn seal in 56 days
for an audio cassette and 1 USD. BADXer John Fisher also rcvd his on the
same day. Their address is: R. Turkmenistan, Natl TV & Radio B/Cing Co.,
Mollanepes St. 3, Ashgabat 744000, Turkmenistan. V/S: G. Khanmamedov,
Chief of Technical Dept. (Comeau, MA, in NU Mar-01 / EDXP # 81)


BOLIVIA - 6025.00 Radio Illimani, La Paz; was noted at 1016 on
28/FEB/98. nice Bolivia folklore and OM talk in Aymara. ID was announced
as "Radio Illimani, emisora del Estado Boliviano." (TIN / RELAMPAGO DX 

BRAZIL - RNB's English at 1200-1320 on 15445 not only suffers from
worn-out tapes but a worn-out transmitter. Mar 3 at 1227 15445 had
distorted music, warble on carrier, and even more distorted spur on
15500.0, matched by 15390.0 which was under VOA in Spanish but in the
clear after 1230 when an RNB announcement was definitely in parallel on
all three (Glenn Hauser, OK / GH SW/DX Report 98-09, March 5, 1998)

BRASIL - 4895.0 Radio Brasil Central; celebrated its 48th anniversary on
March 3. (TIN / Relempago DX  8 Mar 1998)

CANADA - Canadian Press story published today (March 2) states: "Radio
Canada International, which has been teetering on the verge of collapse
for years, has been given money to rebuild its aging infrastructure. The
broadcaster will get $15-million over three years, Heritage Minister
Sheila Copps and Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd Axworthy said Thursday.
The money will go to improve or replace transmission towers at
Sackville, New Brunwick, and studio facilities at RCI's Montreal
headquarters."  (Harold Sellers, Ontario DX Association)

CANADA - RCI has gotten some more money from the government a one-time
grant of $15 million (spread over 3 years) for upgrading
infrastructure...namely improvements at Sackville and upgrading the
studios in Montreal.  The government press release can be found on the
Web, at < http://www.pch.gc.ca > under News Releases; the code number
for it is P-02/98-154. (Bill Westenhaver, RCI, via RIB and WORLD OF
RADIO 931 / GH SW/DX Report 98-09, March 5, 1998)

CHILE - Voz Cristiana heard testing on 21551, March 4 at 1918 with ID
but hard to understand, music (Ron Trotto, IL) Tuned it in immediately,
very good signal on 21551.0, soft gospel rock in Spanish with frequent
lyric "alabandote...adorandote" in devotion to J.C., 1934 English ID
amid nice electronic  hymn tune IS, and Spanish version at 1954, off
abruptly at 1957* Hard to understand due to mumbling British announcer
and audio quality on voice, but seemed to give this contact info:
Casilla 490, Santiago 3, Chile; fax 56-28557053, vozing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
In Spanish also muffled, frequency was "21550" in both languages,
certainly not actual 21551. Even in English, station name given in
Spanish. Booming in again next morning at 1355 tune in, same format,
English ID at 1403, 1506, Spanish 1421, 1452, again on 21551.0.
Recordings of this are on WOR 931 in English, Radio Enlace, Mundo Radial
Spanish. We already have far too many religious broadcasters, and hardly
need another one. This is the old Voz de Chile site finally reactivated
under new ownership, nominal 100 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, and WORLD OF
RADIO 931 / GH SW/DX Report 98-09, March 5, 1998)

CLANDESTINE IRAN - This schedule includes the Voice of Palestine (Sawt
Al Palestine) in Arabic between 1930 and 2027 on 6025, 6150, 7190 and
9665. There is a second clandestine program in Ar via VOIRI (Voice of
the Islamic Revolution in Iraq) between 0330 and 0527 on the following
additional frequencies: 6195, 7115, 7295 and 9610. (Mikhail Timofeyev,
Feb-19/26 / EDXP # 81)

COSTA RICA - 5954.6/6175.0/9644.7 TIFC Faro del Caribe, San Jose;
celebrated its 50th anniversary "Bodas de Oro". The station was
established by Mision Latinoamericana, on February 23, 1948. Surely they
will issue anniversary pennant.(TIN / Relampago Dx 8 Mar 1998)

ECUADOR - HCJB has found it necessary to discontinue all transmissions
on 9365 kHz to Europe. This affects various language services, such as
morning English release to Europe from 0700 to 0900. English will
continue in the morning on 5865 kHz in the 49 meter band. 9365 kHz
release was an out-of-band frequency which is also used for
point-to-point communications. HCJB received a complaint from the
government of Colombia of interference in some of their point-to-point
transmissions due to HCJB use of this frequency. HCJB have therefore
found it necessary to discontinue broadcasts on this frequency effective
immediately.   (Allen Graham - HCJB via JKB, 3 Mar 98 / News DX MAGAZINE

FRENCH POLYNESIA - RF0 15170 RFO Tahiti (presumed) 0057 mellow pop
music, 0100 woman speaks in Fr, could not make out an ID, then man
speaks. 0103 back to woman. Signal very weak, high noise level here,
very poor overall. New transmitter per Bob Padula/Chris Hambly. (Dan
Ziolkowski, Feb-26 / EDXP # 81)

INDONESIA - According to the letter from my pen friend at Medan who is a
student of Mahasiswa Universitas Sumatera Utara, R. Media Mahasiswa
Universitas Sumatera Utara on 1440kHz has been inactive since 1992, but
the station has a plan to the reactivation in 1998(exact time is
unknkown.).  (Juichi Yamada,JAPAN / JEMBATAN DX # 43)

INDONESIA - The local evening program of RRI Sorong on 4875kHz
reactivated in the end  of February. (Juichi Yamada, JAPAN/ Jembatan DX
# 43 )

IRELAND - An interesting Z98 registration is 6200, "Dublin", with 10 kW,
24-hrs, to Area 27NW, as requested by "Main Centre for Control of
Broadcasting - Russia".(Bob Padula/HFCC / EDXP # 81).

JAPAN - [non]. Some changes are coming for Z-98 in R. Japan relays via
Sackville, Canada, starting April 1 at 0100. English in the morning on
6120 reverts to only one hour, at 1100, but there's a new hour at 0000
on 11705, along with the usual 0500 on 6110. In Japanese, the general
service hour will be at 0200 on 5960; the "R1" service, domestic relay,
I suppose, will be at 0300 on 5960, 1300 and 1400 on 11705 and new 2200
on 11705. The French Guiana relay no longer will carry any English, just
Japanese, Spanish and Portuguese (Glenn Hauser, from full sked of NHK
Warudo via Karl Leite, radio-escutas / GH SW/DX Report 98-09, March 5,

LITHUANIA - [non]. R. Vilnius via Germany, UT Sun March 1 at 0030 was on
5950 only, not //5880. There is a het on 5950, no doubt from Guyana.
Better that than all the QRM on 5905 (Hauser, OK / GH SW/DX Report
98-09, March 5, 1998)

NEW ZEALAND -  RNZI still doesn't have streaming audio, but two programs
are now available in audio archive for real-time listening or
downloading for later listening--Dateline Pacific (20 mins weekly) and
Pacific News Bulletin (5-10 mins per day). Others may be added later as
resources permit, such as Mailbox later this year, from <
http://www.actrix.gen.nz/biz/rnzi > (Adrian Sainsbury, RNZI Mailbox
March 2 via Hauser / GH SW/DX Report 98-09, March 5, 1998)

NIGERIA - V. of Nigeria is back on 19 meters. A station with African
music and mentions of Nigeria was heard from 1856 March 2 on 15120 (Ron
Trotto, IL) I then tuned in at 2037 when there were tone tests, with
occasional long pauses of carrier with hum, and always flutter, but no
voice or music heard; no ID around 2100; by 2157:30 VOA was signing on
the freq. March 3 from 1935 tune-in, constant hum sometimes overwhelmed
audio which sounded like outdoor political rally, mostly in English;
2013 went into French, and around 2100 another language, probably Hausa.
R. Kudirat, 11540,  was much more listenable in the 1900 hour with
anti-Abacha comments (Glenn Hauser, OK, and WORLD OF RADIO 931 / GH
SW/DX Report 98-09, March 5, 1998)

NIGERIA - Voice of Nigeria, 15120, apparently now has a regular schedule
of 1500-2300 UT, then tone to carrier off around 2315. It may be on
earlier, but the signal is weak in our (east coast USA) mornings and
only gets to powerhouse levels after 17 UT. English, French and local
language programming throughout transmission. We still note 7255 from
0500 s/on to past 0700 fadeout, English for the first two hours, then
French. (Sundstrom, USA 5 March)

NIGERIA - [non]. BBCM checked V. of Free Nigeria again Sat Feb 28 on
11645 at 1900, and again signal peaked from Africa. Perhaps they are
actually using DW-Rwanda site, with DTK Juelich as a decoy. Someone
could settle this by driving to Juelich, near Cologne, on a Saturday
evening with a SW radio to determine if there is a groundwave signal
from there (Dave Kenny, UKOGBANI, WORLD OF RADIO 931/ GH SW/DX Report
98-09, March 5, 1998)

PIRATE - " SHORT WAVE RELAY SERVICE "  Broadcasting facilities for free
radio.  Sunday 08.00-12.00 UTC: - March  8th, 1998 - March 15th, 1998 
TESTING on 11.515 kHz AM/USB and 15.025 kHz USB (25/19 m.b.) with -
Crazy Wave Radio (Germany), - Con Frequencia (Argentina), - Silver Radio
(Italy). Reports on reception conditions to: < swrs@xxxxxxx > Thanks and
73's - SWRS.  SWRS is a new exclusive service for free radio
broadcasters. We give to you all the opportunity to broadcast your free
radio station, every week-end, across Europe and the whole World, with
our European transmitting sites. For more details please contact our
headquarters at mailto: <swrs@xxxxxxx > or visit our home page at <
http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/7568/ > (direct)

RUSSIA - [non]. The person from Voice of Russia who will be at the
Winter SWL Fest March 13-14, as after-banquet speaker is Estelle
Winters, a British subject who works at VOR (Maryanne Kehoe via Joe
Hanlon, Mar 2, WORLD OF RADIO 931 / GH SW/DX Report 98-09, March 5,

USA - FCC has issued call letters WBCQ for Allan Weiner's new 50 kW SW
transmitter in Maine. When the station goes on air in late summer,
discount rates will be offered to free radio broadcasters who would like
access to airwaves. More info from AllanHW@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Anita
McCormick via Harry Helms, Dxing. com, March 2, via Hauser / GH SW/DX
Report 98-09, March 5, 1998)


Join me for the latest tuning tips for the South Pacific on Radio New
Zealand International during "Mailbox", fortnightly broadcasts, Monday
0430z on 17675kHz and 1130z on 9700kHz, repeated the following Thursday
0830z on 9700kHz and Friday at 1930z on 11735kHz. Next Broadcasts:
Starting Mondays, March 16th and 30th, April 13th and 27th, repeated on
following days as above. And on AWR's "Wavescan" commencing the fourth
Sunday of the month, repeated at 0700z on ZLXA Print Disabled Radio the
first Monday of the month, on 1602kHz, 3935kHz and 5960kHz alternate
7290kHz.  (Paul Ormandy, New Zealand)

M E D I A  R E L E A S E

Dear Radio Monitoring Friend, I am pleased to advise that the SPECIAL
EDITION (MARCH 1998) of the popular and authoritative AUSTRALASIAN
SHORTWAVE GUIDE is now available for worldwide distribution! This
Special Issue contains: - Australian High Frequency Spectrum Study (#4)
- many hundreds of entries of SW broadcasting stations ACTUALLY
monitored in Australia during January and February 1998, from 2300-10000
kHz, between 0000 and 0400 UTC, giving times heard, languages, broadcast
days, txer sites, and distances (shortpath and longpath). The Study is
arranged in two sections - Section A for reception in the Eastern
States, and Section B for reception in Western Australia. A
comprehensive analysis is given on propagation mechanisms, for the time
period which corresponds to the Australian summer midday, including
ducted propagation, multi-hop propagation, and Sporadic-E effects.
Graphs and data are included, for solar activity, since1956! It also
includes details of the remarkable midday propagation from Southern
Africa on 6 and 7 MHz. (11 pages!) - DXing Malaysia: A special in-depth
analysis of radio broadcasting in Malaysia, supported by detailed
discussion on the development, culture, and languages of the region.
Contains detials of ACTUAL MONITORED SCHEDULES of all RTVM shortwave
broadcasts, as at early March 1998!  General details are also given
about VHF-FM and medium-wave broadcasting. (4 pages!) - Shortwave News
of the World - a special feature with details of schedules of
international broadcasts to Australia, Asia, the Far East, Pacific, and
the Indian sub-continent, updating the December 1997 Guide - Propagation
Almanac: a PRACTICAL summary of solar activity experienced in 1997 with
predictions (and charts!) for Solar Cycle 23, which is expected to peak
in the year 2000, and anticipated to be one of the HIGHEST sunspot years
on record. Valuable background on past Cycles is given, with predictions
of what may be expected in 1998 - Shortwave DXing from French Polynesia.
The reactivation of RFO's SW service on 15170 kHz has attracted world
wide interest! This article looks at SW reception FROM the island of
Moorea, northwest of Tahiti, using simple receiving equipment, with a
discussion of propagation, as observed during late 1997, from the
author's vacation at theClub Med resort. - International Broadcasting
News: an updarte of international broadcasting, with an account of the
recent High Frequency Coordination Committee meeting in Bruges (Belgium)
of February 1998. Future trends are discussed, and a list is given of
the extended bands, now available for international broadcasting. The
NEW Guide is packed with up-to-date information, is clear to read (no
need to buy microscopes!), commercially printed, A4 format, saddle
stitched and contains promotional messages from a number of monitoring
Clubs, commercial organizations, and publishers! Available NOW for: In
Australia  - A Dollar 10 (cash, or  cheque/ money order for credit of
Bob Padula) To all other countries - airmail -  USD 7 (cash , no cheques
) (or 8 International Reply Coupons) Prices INCLUDE postage and
handling! This publication is offered to the worldwide radio monitoring
community as a special service. Copies for bona-fide review purposes
will be sent airmail, on request, free of charge, to Clubs,
organizations, publishers, writers and media-presenters. Orders and
payment to:  Bob Padula, 404 Mont Albert Road, Surrey Hills, Victoria
3127, Australia. Tel/FAX: +61 3 9898 2906, E-mail: <
bpadula@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx > 

<  Marconi ha dato agli uomini un nuovo
modo di conoscersi, di aiutarsi, di 
amarsi, quale nessun  poeta o scienziato
aveva mai immaginato.  >
                                                  Nuova Antologia 

< La conoscenza e' la prima forma di liberta'. >
                                                       Giovanni Serra 

< Un uomo che abbia qualcosa da dire
e non trovi chi l' ascolta, 
se la passa male.
Ma ancora peggio
se la passano gli ascoltatori
che non trovano nessuno
che abbia qualcosa da dire >
                                              Bertold Brecht, 1927
This is a message from Giovanni Serra <g.serra@xxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx
For more information, please check http://www.iki.fi/rko/hard-core-dx/
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