[HCDX]: Pirate Pages (PiPa) #212
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[HCDX]: Pirate Pages (PiPa) #212
Howdy all & welcome to PiPa#212! (This is just the cover sheet, PiPa #212
should either be an attached file to this or should follow right after my
own greetings & name). If you only get the cover letter & not PiPa#212, drop
me a line...it's happened a few X....
Things are busy! The SWL Winterfest is coming up this weekend in Kulpsville,
PA (north of Philadelphia) at the Holiday Inn. Typically, about 200-250
shortwave listeners show up. I don't know how the turnout will be this year,
but I know of more than 20 PiPa folks who are planning to attend! Of course,
I'll be there...It's always a great time!
Next, is the WPPR "East Coast Free Radio Conference," also in Philadelphia
oer the first weekend in April. Email: wppr@xxxxxxxxx for more info. I'll be
there, too--this one also looks like a dandy.
Finally, I've heard about one that'll be occuring in Las Vegas, near the NAB
convention. It's supposed to be a protest with some of the "big names" in
low-power FM . Haven't heard anything but rumors about this, though.
Looks like some great activities coming up!
Hobby Broadcasting
The first issue of Hobby Broadcasting was mailed out. If you're on the list,
you should already have it. If not, get it before it's gone! It's 32 pages &
has articles on FM pirating, Getting the "chirps" out of your transmitter,
radio syndication, news, music reviews, etc.
Here are the new, revised costs: 1-year sub in the US cost $12 per year ($15
by surface mail to Canada, $19 by air to Canada & $17 by surface to Europe &
$25 to Europe by air).
For questions, etc., write me at: ayoder@xxxxxxxx To subscribe, submit
ads/articles/etc., send it to:
Cabinet Communications
PO Box 642
Mont Alto, PA 17237
The Last of the Pirate Radio Directories!
I'm not talking about the 1998 Pirate Radio Directory, which should be out
in a few months. The old 1989-1993 Pirate Radio Directories are almost
extinct. I just bought the last of the stock out from Tiare & no more will
be printed. Once they're gone, that's it. If you're really into listening to
North American shortwave pirates and want to read up on the history, here's
your chance. Each directory costs $6 (doesn't matter what year) + $2
shipping in the U.S. Make any checks M.O.s to Cabinet Communications.
PiPa #212 POB 840 3/11/97
Mont Alto, PA 17237
Dline for #213: Send logs out no later than 3/16
PiPa #212 contains logs from FRW #111/112 + some more
6955 U 2-25 0115-0229 had QSO w/"Free Radio 888" then began live impromptu
show because Shadow wanted one; Peter Worth w/tunes from his "18 wheel
Pirate ship? (+10 McCardle-OK)(354 McClintock-MN)(323 Jurrens-TX)
FREE RADIO 888 (or AAA?)
6961 02-28 *0112-0127 heavy metal + "A Girl Like You" by The Smithereens.
[good Wolfish-ON][343 PSE QSL Filipkowski-RI]
6955 03-01 1700-1735 Mx "A Girl Like You", "Bang Your Head", etc. [454
Crawford-KY][232 Filipkowski-RI]
6955 02-28 *0156-0227 Mostly a comedy program. [343 Kuhl-GER]
KRAP Blue Ridge Summit
6955 2-21 0044-0115 A tribute to WMPR program with 1980s dance music and
several ID's (Good Axelrod-MB)(555 to fade out Majewski-CT)(555 but faded
badly Zeller-OH)(255 Hassig,IL)(AY,PA)
6955U 03-01 0533-0547* Electro-pop mx [242 Frodge-MI]
6955U 02-28 *0046-0107* Health pgm (443 Kuhl-GER][good
Wolfish-ON][Russell-MI](fair Neal,TX)
6950 02-28 1607-1647* RF Burns w/mx: "Blue Suede Shoes" "Just My
Imagination" "Rock n roll Ayatollah" "Make Turkey with Me" & "Silicon Valley
Guy", ADs for "Wonderful Wacky World of Radio Announcing" [554
Hunsicker-PA][poor Russell-MI](Powerful Finn,PA)(333 Myers,VA)
6955 U 2-21 2038-2119 Lots of drug orientated talk and music (Poor-Fair
Axelrod-MB)(S5 McArdle-OK)(333 Zeller-OH)(252 Majewski-CT)+
6955 03-01 *0309-0325* Multiple confusing IDs; R. Montezuma's Revenge, R.
Doodoo, R. Flatulance. Someone has taken studio tapes of various Radio
Azteca shows, put them on a computer editor and made some funny stuff! [251
Crawford-KY][433 Comeau-MA][434 McClintock-MN] [433 Filipkowski-RI]
6956 2-21 1605-1742* Rock mx, TV themes, inane banter by Dr. Tornado and
Senor El Nino(good Russell-MI)(555 Silvi-OH)(353 Crawford-KY)
6955 U 2-22 0505-0532 Rock mx (S4-8 McArdle-OK)
6955 U 2-22 1400-1523* Repeat of Friday Night show; talk about nothing (fr
Russell-MI)(555 Majewski-CT)(433 Coatsworth-ON)(454+ Zeller-OH)(353
Silvi-OH)(252 Crawford-KY)
6955 2-22 *1602-1737* Another repeat (good Russell-MI)(555 Zeller-OH)(555
6955 2-25 0218-0318* Repeat of 2-21 show; QRMing Anteater R (McArdle-OK)(344
McClintock-MN)(strong Roberts,TX)
6955 02-28 1523-1604* The Sandman & Dr. T w/History Channel AD, porno film
recommendation, Clinton Humor. [Crawford-KY] [454 Zeller-OH](weak Finn,PA)
6955 02-28 *1825-1909* Jade and Dr. T. Advises to check 3353 and 15 mHz for
possible shows. S/off w/Otis Redding song. [554 Hunsicker-PA][545
Leclerc-CT][555 Filipkowski](4 Finn,PA)
6969 03-01 1430-1457* Mx: "I Can't Watch This" "Ballroom Blitz" "Secret
Agent Man", ID, AM greetings. [554 Comeau-MA][555 Hunsicker-PA][555
Filipkowski-RI](4 Finn,PA)
RADIO TORNADO WW-Address Unknown.
6995U 03-01 *1646-1655* Usual fake sound clips from R. Metallica WW. [151
Crawford-KY][242 Zeller-OH]
RICK RADIO Box 412, Two Rivers, WI 54241
6955 U 2-24 0101-0103 Test broadcast, said he would do a program once he got
a reception report; gave address of Box 412, Two Rivers, WI 54241 (S9+20
McArdle-OK)(444 Filipkowski-RI)
6955U 02-27 2345-0047* Bennie Dingo w/various rare R&R mx from the '50s.
[322 Owsley-CA][443 Kuhl-GER][good Wolfish-ON] [343 Frodge-MI][343
Majewski-CT][333 Brandt-GER](Strong @times Roberts,TX)(243 Cargill,Scotland)
6955U 02-28 *1951-2051* On both LSB/USB but not am. Double Side Band?
"Laundromat Blues", oldies. [554 Hunsicker-PA][545 Leclerc-CT][433
Filipkowski-RI](1 Finn,PA)
6955.3 2-24 0052-0106 Music, said hello to A.Yoder & mention of new hobby
mag., Jimmy Butthead album commercial; very entertaining pgm, signed off
with..."adios." then music till carrier drops out (S5+-+20 McArdle-OK)
6955 02-28 0703-0708 ID and blues, called R. Universe w/no answer. [251
6955 02-28 0845-0858 Usual Eagles mx, greetings. [121 Brandt-GER]
6960 03-01 *1458-1540* "Anti-Religion" program "Pie In The Sky When You
Die". [251 Crawford-KY][453 Hunsicker-PA][444 Filipkowski-RI](1-3
Finn,PA)(333 Myers,VA)
6955 U 2-22 2255-2331 Green Acres theme played over & over w/some singing
along, ID's & phony QSL address given; Calling itself: "The Worst Pirate
Radio Station On the Air" (S-9 McArdle-OK)(333 Majewski-CT)(Yoder-PA)(333
Coatsworth-ON)(342 Crawford-KY)(333 Actually pretty good! Myers,VA)
6955U 2-26 2318-2344 (343 Cargill,Scotland)
6955U 2-28 0156-0209 Theme from Dragnet & Hawaii 5-0, Mr. Soap Opera contest
(fair Neal,TX)
6955U 02-28 1736-1824 TV Themes, item from R. Azteca pgm [fair
Wolfish-ON][poor Russell-MI][544 Leclerc-CT] [455 Filipkowski-RI](1 Finn,PA)
6955U 03-02 *0009-0039* Talk about similarity between Kennedy and Lincoln,
episode of "Chicken Man", mx by Loudon Wainwright S/on, s/off w/TV theme
from Dragnet [442 Crawford] [343 Zeller-OH][454 Silvi-OH][fair Russell-MI]
[344 McClintock-MN][444 Filipkowski-RI][333 Coatsworth-ON](555 AY,PA)
VOICE OF SOUTH DUBLIN-333 Glenview Park, Dublin 24, Ireland [NA RELAY]
6955U 03-01 *2303-0005* Traditional Irish mx, rock mx, info on Ireland and
Dublin. [554 Crawford-KY][343 Zeller-OH][454 Silvi-OH][fair Wolfish-ON][fair
Russell-MI][344 McClintock-MN][444 Filipkowski-RI][433 Coatsworth-ON] [545
6955 U 2-27 0000-0027* Jimmy Hix w/doo-wop & rockabilly music (poor
Wolfish-ON)( Rausch-NJ)(S5-8 with lots of static crashes McArdle-OK)(weak &
deep fades Roberts,TX)(444 Myers,VA)(343 Cargill,Scotland)
6955 02-28 *0119-0149* Rock oldies from the '50s. Record story show. [443
Kuhl-GER][good Wolfish-ON][232 Majewski-CT](fair Neal,TX)
6955U 02-28 1707-1735* "Wiggle Wiggle" song. Crow calls. [poor Russell-MI]
[455 Filipkowski-RI](1 Finn,PA)
6955U 02-28 2052-2122 Repeat show w/"Boston Cream" "Volcano" & "Crisis"
[fair Russell-MI][545 Leclerc-CT][433 Filipkowski-RI](1 Finn,PA)(VG AY,PA)
6955 U 2-21 0008-0032 Talking about other stations; Rock Music
(Wolfish-ON)(McArdle-OK)(242 Zeller-OH)(333 McClintock-MN)(252 Silvi-OH)(333
WMPR no address
6955.4 2-22 *1741-1825* Usual shitty techno mx and IDs (good Russell-MI)(S-3
McArdle-OK)(344 Filipkowski-RI)(S9 to S9+10 Yoder-PA)(454+ Zeller-OH)
6955 03-01 *1522-1609* Techno tunes "Would You Believe", "Love & Pain",
"Take Me Away". [554 Crawford-KY][454 Zeller-OH][Hunsicker-PA][344
Filipkowski-RI][444 Coatsworth-ON] [544 Majewski-CT](2 Finn,PA)(555 AY,PA)
6955 03-01 1645- ID "This is WMPR Dance Party" [354 Frodge-MI]
6955U 2-22 0015-0032 Music, phone call (122 Hassig,IL)
6955 03-01 1345-1400 Guitar rock, off color comedy. Poor audio. [good Nauta-MI]
6955 03-01 1835-1900* Rock mx. Sign off. [good Russell-MI][242 Majewski]
6954.5 03-03 2335-0011* Mx of hits, sexual songs, odd mx "Cocksucker's
Ball". [554 Hunsicker-PA][333 Filipkowski-RI]
6955 U 2-22 2106-2110 Usual programming. Mentioned as being a community
based radio station (434 Majewski-CT)
R.Marabu 6210 2-8 0011-0105 ID, talk in German and English, music (131
EUROPEAN MUSIC RADIO 6274.8 2-21 2234-2252+ Man with pop music and clear ID
at 2243(232 Filipkowski-RI)
UNIDENTIFIED LOGGINGS [Please ID and QSL for all of these!]
6949 02-28 0042-0047* "Gonna Rock-N-Roll All Nite". [332 Hunsicker-PA]
6954.7 03-01 0305-0325* Song "Open My Eyes", R. Gerbil testing? [444
6955U 02-28 0046-0050 Big Band mx, male anncr.[poor Majewski-CT] KOLD??
6955 U 2-22 2122-2129 ?Sweet Emotion? by Aerosmith and ?Long Train Runnin?
by The Doobie Brothers; possible ID as WRFI? (S 3-5 McArdle-OK)(252
6955.5 2-24 *0045+ Mellow music ? said it was their first broadcast; gave an
e-mail address that I couldn?t copy (333 McClintock-MN)
6955U 02-27 2323-2344* Sports & nx by Howard E. Lyon, Tornadoes strike
Munchkinville, Howard Stern excerpts. Gave drop as BRS, but couldn't catch
ID. [353 Crawford-KY]
6955 02-28 *2258-2341* mx "No Way Out" [good Russell-MI][343 Frodge-MI] [433
Majewski-CT](544 distorted AY,PA)
6955U 03-01 0016-0025 "Eve Of Destruction", Gulf War nxclips. [444 Majewski-CT]
6955 03-04 *2300-0001 Recorded live speech on health, nutrition, vitamins,
acids. [554 Crawford-KY][344 MClintock-MN]
6955.5 03-03 2246-2248* Someone testing with mx. [444 Filipkowski-RI]
6955.8 03-01 1708-1735* Hard rock mx, no talk/ID. [323 Frodge-MI][343
6960 03-01 1459-1505 "Beach Party Vietnam", "Hippie Eating Monster" [good
fade Russell-MI]
6961 02-28 0127-0129* "Pirate Radio On Friday Nite Radio. "Radio Titulate?
7373.1 2-22 *1700-1730* W/tape loop of voice counts and DTMF tones, but also
announcement that this was a micropower radio test; same test was repeated
1900-1930 UTC; rumor has it that his is a test of a new 1 watt transmitter
design (Keeney-KS)
7373.1 2-24 *2235-2240 not as strong as 2/21, but could still copy some
voice and DTMF tones. Still no ID, only says "This is a micropower test
broadcast" (151 Keeney-KS)
Anteater Radio, 6955, full data "large ant eating a truck card" in 8 months
for log in ACE, signed by Peter Worth. Also various brochures and pez candy
dispenser. [Zeller-OH]
European Mx Radio, 6275, full data large sized station card, info sheet,
bumper sticker in a month for US1.00. Address: Box 2727, 6049 ZG Herten,
Holland. [Ross-ON]
R.F.London 5805 f/d "Summer 97 Newsletter" QSL & personal note from Tony
Randall for my reception of them while in Hungary. Rcv'd in 5 months (Maroti-NY)
Transatlantic Radio International,
6955.7, full data HAM radio antenna card in 29 days for report to Rotterdam,
signed by Harry. Also sent station info sheet and photo of studio.
[Zeller-OH] same in a month. [Filipkowski]
WRYT, gif image by email in 24 hours for ACE logging post. [McArdle-OK]
BETTY BOOP RADIO: f/d QSL sheet (#1) in one month; v/s Rollo Verndigh
(Filipkowski-RI) f/d, design #1, QSL #9, signed by Rollo Verndigh in 3 wks
(Crawford-KY) SAME 4 weeks for #12 (FInn,PA)
Mystery R: 4 f/d cds (designs #20, 18, 7, &3) all within 5 wks, v/s The
Shadow. Thank you! (Pappas,SD)
RADIO AZTECA: f/d 'Bram before and after RA' sheet, flyer for "Meteor
Crater" AZ (Russell-MI) 17 days f/d initialed by B.S. QSL #582 yellow card
La Banda Azteca w/Official Seal & a 2 for 1 meal deal card at Thirstbusters-
the Beer Drinkers Heaven near the Hoover Dam. Mmmmm (Finn,PA) SAME, QSL,
meteor crater brochure in 23 days [McArdle-OK]
Radio Clandestine, email confirmation for email report. Sed new QSL design
coming and I would be getting one. [Crawford-KY]
R.Eclipse: F/d sheet #50! in 10 wks, v/s Steve Mann (Pappas,SD)
R.Metallica WW: 3 n/d blue QSLs in 3-6 weeks, v/s Dr. Tornado (Pappas,SD)
RADIO NEEHENTCHRIN: f/d yellow sheet in 1 week for e-mail report; v/s Pirate
Jim and Pirate Tom (Filipkowski-RI) same QSL with same split-open condom
problem that George Zeller reported last week (McClintock-MN)
RADIO NORDSEE INTERNATIONAL: 7475-Via Kiwi Radio; f/d QSL sheet in 214 days
after a follow up and a tape were sent, along with 2 IRCs; v/s Mike Anderson
RADIO USA: 2 f/d colorful 14th anniversary QSLs (#1272 & 1310) &
newsletter#10 in 7 wks, v/s Mr. Blue Sky (Pappas,SD)
REEFER MADNESS RADIO: f/d sheet with picture of Harry Anslinger jr.
(Russell-MI) f/d sheet in 3 wks, signed by Harry Anslinger (Crawford-KY)
ROCK-IT RADIO: a QSL signed by Bennie Dingo & an info. sheet in 15 days for
email & snail mail rprt (McArdle-OK)
TOTALLY BOGUS RADIO THREE: f/d Skeleton Man on tower sheet. Postmarked
Marathon FL (Russell-MI) 6955. Letter w/picture of Barney on skates, in 20
days after e-mailing logging to Free Radio Weekly. No address on letter or
on envelope, but was postmarked Marathon, FL; No v/s (Brooker-ON) QSL sheet
which shows Barney about to land on a very sharp radio tower. It was for my
reception report on 31 January 1998. It discusses the problems of Radio
Three doing QSLs. Thanks for the QSL! (Majewski-CT)
VOICE OF CHRISTMAS: f/d card in 2 months; v/s Pirate Elf (Ross-ON)
WBIG: f/d ?pirate island? sheet (# 65) in weeks; v/s Big Mike(Filipkowski-RI)
WJFK: p/d "Broadcasting throughout eternity, 1997" sheet; postmarked in
Royal Oak, MI (Russell-MI) same in 3 months (Filipkowski-RI) me too! (Yoder-PA)
WLIQ: 6955 f/d palm tree letterhead logo letter (QSL #1) in 79d; v/s Jimmy
Hix (Zeller-OH)
WLIS: f/d "Men in Black" movie sheet with Ian holding a big gun (Russell-MI)
f/d QSL sheet; v/s Charles Poltz (Flannery-ON) f/d QSL design #99 in 18 days
for report to BRS drop (McArdle-OK) SAME 4 weeks QSL#1291, f/d & initialed
by CP,QSL design #40 Purple Page said Great moments in Dxing history:
Episode I (Finn,PA) F/d green "Famed 'QSL Whore,' Lee Silvi" QSL#1251
w/McD's coupon in 3 wks (Pappas,SD)
WREC: f/d "End of Summer spcl' in 12 wks, v/s PJ Sparx (Pappas,SD)
Thanks to this week's contributors: Alexander-ON, Axelrod,MB;
Barrera-Argentina, Brandt-Germany, Brooker-ON, Cargill,Scotland;
Coatsworth-ON, Comeau-MA, Crawford-KY; Deeley,UK; Filipkowski-RI, Finn,PA;
Flannery-ON, Frodge-MI, Hassig,IL; Hunsicker-PA, Jurrens-TX, Keeney-KS,
Kuhl-Germany, Leclerc-CT, Majewski-CT, Maroti,NY; McArdle-OK, McClintock-MN,
Myers,VA; Nauta-MI, Neal,TX; Owsley-CA, Pappas,SD; Pimblett,AB; Rausch-NJ,
Roberts,TX; Ross-ON, Russell-MI, Silvi-OH, Walker,UK; Wolfish-ON, Zeller-OH
Friday evening February 20/21 UTC
0044-0115 6955 KRAP
Saturday afternoon February 21
1636-1742 6956 Radio Metallica Worldwide
2038-2119 6955 U Radio Free Euphoria
Saturday evening February 21/22 UTC
0008-0032 6955 U WMOM
0505-0532 6955 U Radio Metallica Worldwide
Sunday morning February 22
1400-1520 6955 U Radio Metallica Worldwide
1629-1737 6955 Radio Metallica Worldwide
Sunday afternoon February 22
1741-1825 6955.4 WMPR
2106-2110 6955 U WSRR
2255-2331 6955 U Voice of Green Acres
Monday evening February 24 UTC
0052-0106 6955.3 Southwest Radio
0101-0103 6955 U Rick Radio
Tuesday evening February 25 UTC
0115-0229 6955 U Anteater Radio
0219-0318 6955 Radio Metallica Worldwide
Thursday evening February 27 UTC
0000-0027 6955 U WLIQ
PLEASE QSL ADDRESSES. If you want your name removed, let us know.
Ken Alexander: Box 71553, Aurora, ONT L4G 6S9
John T. Arthur: 7994 Rte 19 Belfast, NY 14711
Shawn Axelrod: 30 Becontree Bay, Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA, R2N 2X9
Charles Bernth: P.O. Box 236, Eastport, NY 11941
Shawn Axelrod: 30 Becontree Bay, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2N 2X9, Canada
Ian Biggar: 21B Dundonald Road, Troon, Ayrshire KA10 6NP, Scotland
Rainer Brandt: Wiesenweg 6, D-29361, Hoefer, Germany
Mike Brooker: 99 Wychcrest Ave, Toronto, ONT M6G 3X8 Canada
J. Coatsworth: R.R. #3, Merlin, Ontario NOP 1WO, Canada
Ross Comeau: 16 Linwood Street, Andover, MA 01810
Chas. Crawford: 1763 Turnagain Drive, Henderson, KY 42420
Fred Danowski: 95 Meadowbrook Road, Startford, CT 06497
Paul Demsky: 883 Broadway #2, South Portland, ME 04106
David Ditlow: 3645 Vinton Avenue #3, Los Angeles, CA 90034
Rick Doehner: 2511 Raspberry Lane, Pasadena, TX 77502
Joe Filipkowski: 28 Mill Wheel Road, Warwick, RI 02886
Bill Finn: 2905 Tyson Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19149-1908 USA
Michael Folk: 810 Dalewood Villa Hills, KY 41017-1089
Harold Frodge: 5525 Whitehall St., Midland, MI 48642
Dan Greenall: 181 Church Street, Thamesford, ONT N0N 2M0, Canada
William Hassig: 102 N. Russel St., Mt. Prospect, IL 60056
Matt Haston: 22 Jamestowne Commons, Taylors, SC 29687
Ron Hunsicker: 1238 Cleveland Avenue, Wyomissing, PA 19610-2102
R & T Jurrens: 19107 Winding Trail Lane, Katy, TX 77449
Rob Keeney: 10315 Antioch, Overland Park, KS 66212-4332
Harald Kuhl: P.O. Box 110 605, 35351 Giessen, GERMANY
Mike Leclerc: 16 Salem Drive, Somers, CT 06071-1903
Chris Lobdell: Box 146, Stoneham, MA 02180
Greg Majewski: 1176 Route 163, Oakdale CT 06370
Scott McArdle: 3500 S. Boulevard, Ste.18C, Edmond,OK 73013
Wm. McClintock: 11481 Blackfoot St NW, Minneapolis, MN 55433
John Mello: 218 Central Avenue, North Scituate, RI 02857
Greg Myers: POB 17186, Richmond, VA 23226
Kevin Nauta: 11252 Ravanna SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508-2504
Gary Neal: 7410 Orchard Hills Ln, Sugar Land, TX 77479-6122
Nigel Pimblett: 146 Queen Street, Medicine Hat, Alberta T1A 1B4, Canada
Mike Prindle: P.O. Box 51, New Suffolk, NY 11956-0051
Ed Rausch: 17 Vandeberg Place, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009-1039
Robert Ross: Box 1003, Station B, London, ON N6A 5K1 Canada
Larry Russell: 420 Warren Avenue, Flushing, MI 48433
Chris Scott: 4051 Clifton Avenue, #3, Cincinnati, OH 45220
Lee Silvi: Box 982, Mentor, OH 44061
Chris Smolinski: 4708 Trail Court, Westminster, MD 21158
Niel Wolfish: 112-2177 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ontario M5M 4B7, Canada
Andrew Yoder: Box 642, Mont Alto, PA 17237
George Zeller: 3492 West 123rd Street, Cleveland, OH 44111
Stations heard Sunday 1 March 1998:
3923Khz unidentified
3930Khz Laser Hot Hits (All day)
5805Khz Radio Free London (All day)
5815Khz unidentified
5805Khz BBMS
6210Khz Radio Pamela
6220Khz Laser Hot Hits (All day) // 3930
6239Khz Laser Hot Hits (via Jolly Roger Radio)
6266Khz UK Radio (All day)
6280Khz Laser Hot Hits (All day)
6300Khz The Farmers from Holland (Dutch, All day)
Here's today's logs with crap conditions on the bands.
Sunday 1st March
5805 Radio Free London S3 at 1210
5815 Transatlantic Radio (test) S3 at 1220 poor mod on mic
5829 Ozone Radio S3/4 at 1150
6210 Radio Pamela S3 at 1210
6219 Laser S3 at 1155
6239 Jolly Roger Radio S3 at 1200
6251 unid S2 at 1035
6280 unid S2 at 1203
6300 The Farmers S4 at 1205
This is a message from ayoder@xxxxxxx (Andrew Yoder)
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx
For more information, please check http://www.iki.fi/rko/hard-core-dx/
or email Risto Kotalampi, rko@xxxxxxx