[HCDX]: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX March 20
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[HCDX]: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX March 20
U K O G B A N I [non]. Tnx to a tip from the British DX Club, I
checked out Sunrise Radio, which is testing via DTK Juelich; no
telling if this will continue or cease abruptly. DTK keeps coming
up with surprise new clients to keeps its transmitters abandoned
by DW as busy as possible. Commercial radio from the UKOGBANI is
nothing new, but it certainly is on SW, and it was a bit of a
shock when the first thing I heard was an ad for beds, as I tuned
in 5880 at 0050 UT Fri March 20. This was followed immediately by
an ad in a South Asian language, including numbers in English.
Why do so many ex-colonials abandon their own language's numbers?
Then 0052 back to English for an ad about long-distance services
to India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, 0800-3-76-76-76, "Speed Dial";
0053 See America via British and other airways; 0055 a bit of
music. 0100 time check for 1:00, and 2-minute news capsule in
English by Katherine Jones, squeezing in 3 or 4 stories with
actualities about Calais ferry strike, silly ball game, DiCaprio
in London, outro 0102 as Independent Radio News. Then more ads,
Visit-Amsterdam package, cooking oil in language; 0103 Sunrise
Radio promo in lang, then English ID, "Thank you for making us
the number one Asian station in the country". I am wondering how
many South Asian languages are heard on this, or is it Hindi,
only? The YL DJ at 0105 said both "Salam Aleikum" and "Namaskar",
and into lively pop music which must have kept them awake in
London. The sun *is* rising around this time in South Asia, and
there may be other frequencies aimed there, but from the strength
of this and previous usage, I believe this is toward North
America. I kept a radio on 5880 but didn't listen closely; format
continued, with English news capsules on the hour at 0200 and
0300; at 0315 they were playing some nice Indian classical music
and ads less frequent--a bilingual one for catering at 0329.
Finally a jingle and off at 0400 sharp. Strange that the BDXC
reports did not mention the Asian language and music content of
this station (Glenn Hauser, OK)
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