Re: [HCDX]: Dominican Republic
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Re: [HCDX]: Dominican Republic

>On Sun, 29 Mar 1998 18:40:09 +0100 Willi Passmann <dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>R. Cristal verified by detailled QSL card and letter after 22 weeks a
>>report of June 9, 1996. I enclosed 1 IRC and German special stamps to 
>>V/s: Dario Badia, Director General.
At 15:07 1998-03-29 -0600, J.D. Stephens wrote:
>The same person I have been direcying my reports to.  However, a new
>verie signer's name has appeared, and I have a new followup directed to
>this new signer.

Could it be Margarita Reyes? She is the latest v/s I´ve heard of for Radio
Cristal, and it was reported last summer.

You can find her and 567 other veriesigners at "Eldorado for LA DXers" (now
updated on March 30) at

Nils Jakobsson
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