[HCDX]: IRCA AMDX NewsFlash - 4/2/98
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[HCDX]: IRCA AMDX NewsFlash - 4/2/98

         WELCOME TO IRCA's AM-DX NEWSFLASH   -  April 2 1998
                           Vol 4  No 1


 PLEASE, PLEASE include your location with your reports...

 Deadline for next issue = Thursday, April 9 1998 @ 1930 UTC

 Send all contributions to me @ philip_bytheway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

 The AM DX NewsFlash is sent weekly from Raytheon in Mukilteo WA
    All contributions will be used
    Comments regarding content are appreciated

 With your submission, please include as a minimum:
    Your name, location and email address

 Tell your email friends about "AM DX NewsFlash"
    To receive this email newsletter, send your email ID, name and
    location to philip_bytheway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

 Folks who's bulletins are returned twice in a row are dropped from the
    list.  If your email address changes, please let me know!

 Information appearing the the NewsFlash can be quoted provided the
    original author and "AM DX NewsFlash" are given proper credit.

 Soft copies of the latest IRCA BookStore and Reprint Updater are
    available from:  philip_bytheway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

To join the IRCA, send the appropriate dues to:  IRCA HQ
                                                 PO Box 1831
                                                 Perris CA  92572-1831

     US                     -  $25.00/year (30 issues)
      Trial (US only)       -  $ 9.50/10 issues (one time only)
     CANADA                 -  $27.00/year (30 issues)
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             X       X     X      X     X    XX     X

 CPC DX tests summary


Bill Hale - 6124 Roaring Springs Dr, N Richland Hills TX  76180-5552

Bill has volunteered to be the CPC chairman for the NRC.  Right now
Bill is looking for target station lists and stamps or money to help
get the lists worked on.

Lynn Hollerman - gmholler@xxxxxxxxxx

PLEASE NOTE: Even if you don't hear a test, be sure and drop a card,
letter, or e-mail to the station personnel, thanking them for going to
the trouble to run a test!

**Monday, April 6, 1998 - CHSJ-700, St. John, NB will transmit code IDs
and an aural "DX test" announcement at precisely 2:15 and 3:16 am EDT.
(PLEASE NOTE CORRECTION OF TIME) Reception reports may be sent to:

Mr. Ian Cameron
Program Director and Technical Manager
P.O. Box 2000
St. John, NB E2L 3T4
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

"As to the times, I had quoted 0515 and 0615, both reference Greenwich,
to Bill Hale of NRC before I realized that Daylight Saving Time began
the day before, and he put out the word that it would be 0115 and 0216
local, so to set the record straight, we will do THREE TESTS  (my
caps-wf) for the benefit of anyone who may be confused about the time
or the shift to DST.

Note that these times are approximate, the time of voice breaks depends
upon the lengths of the preceding songs, so the tolerance could be plus
or minus 5 minutes.  And those approximate times will

be 0415, 0515 and 0615 Universal/Greeenwich; 0115, 0215 and 0315
Atlantic Daylight Time.  The ID will consist of voice identification
with commentary followed by a morse call-letter ID.

As for your question of power/pattern; the only way to diplomatically
and discreetly  answer this is to say that we will make a maximum
effort to ensure our equipment is performing optimally to be heard
during the test period.

     Ian Cameron, Program Director
     & Technical Manager, CHSJ 700/94.1?

**Monday, April 6, 1998 - KKSA-1260, San Angelo, TX 1:00-6:00 am EDT.
  (NRC) (Re-schedule of its 3/16 test)

**Monday, April 20, 1998 - KSUB-590, Cedar City, UT 2:00-7:00 am EDT.

KSUB-590 Cedar City, Utah will conduct CPC testing on the morning of
Monday, April 20 between 0200 and 0700 ELT ( a minimum of two
announcements per hour, times unknown, so listen closely).  This may be
a great opportunity to hear your "Utah Number 2".

They will be using their nighttime facilities of 1000 watts and
directional (butterfly) pattern.

Reports should be sent to Mr. Don Blanchard, Engineer, KSUB, PO Box
819, Cedar City, UT  84721-0819

Also, if you hear a test, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know, via e-mail or the
newsgroup! And, if you send a reception report to a station, please
remember to include return postage with your report...





The IRCA is proud to announce the release of the 3rd Edition of its
Technical Guide. This 156 page book answers questions on receiver and
antenna theory (how to improve their performance), how audio filters
and loop antennas can improve DX (and hints on their construction), how
to build a beverage and phasing unit, and much more.  All updated to
Only $10.00 for IRCA/NRC/MWC members, $12.00 for non-members
  (overseas airmail add $2.50).


IRCA Mexican Log, 5th Edition

The IRCA is proud to announce the release of the 5th edition of its
MEXICAN LOG.  The IRCA MEXICAN LOG log lists all AM stations in Mexico
by frequency, including call letters, state, city, day/night power,
slogans, schedule in UTC/GMT, formats, networks and notes.  In
addition, stations that have changed frequency since 1996 are
cross-referenced on the old frequency.  The call letter index gives
call, frequency, city and state.  The city index (listed by state, then
city) includes frequency, call and day/night power. The log has been
completely updated from the 1996 edition and carefully cross-checked by
IRCA members in Mexico and the US.  This is an indispensable reference
for anyone who hears Mexican radio stations.  Size is 8 1/2" x 11" and
three hole punched for easy binding (optional).

Prices:  IRCA/NRC members - $7.00 (US/Canada/Mexico/seamail), $8.00
(rest of the Americas airmail), $8.50 (Europe/Asia airmail), $9.00
(Australia/New Zealand airmail).  Non-members:  add $2.00 to the above
prices.  Make checks out to:  Phil Bytheway.

Order TODAY from:  IRCA Bookstore, 9705 Mary NW, Seattle WA  98117-2334



OK.. the book is being printed... expected to be shipped in April.  I
can get the $44.95 discount ONLY until May 31 1998... thereafter my
price will be $60.00.  Your order MUST be postmarked before 5/31/98!!
Those that ordered last year are already on M Street's list!

The IRCA Bookstore is proud to announce that the 'M Street Corporation'
has agreed to offer a discount on their 1998 'M Street Radio Directory'
to NewsFlash members ordering through the IRCA Bookstore.  The
Directory contains a complete listing of over 15,000 radio stations
(AM/FM, US/Canada) including the following information:  facilities,
ownership, formats, LMAs, station personnel, phone numbers (and FAX),
addresses, ratings, as well as information on almost 400 radio markets
in the US and Canada.  Stations are listed by location (complete info),
frequency (frequency, call, location, power and pattern) and call
(call, frequency, location) and market (frequency, call, location,
rating, format).  It also includes a former call reference (old call,
location and current call).  Major network information (addresses/phone
numbers/etc) and several interesting radio articles are included as

The price to US and Canadian NewsFlash members ordering through the
IRCA Bookstore is $44.95 post paid (UPS address required).  The book is
expected to be out by the end of May (usual disclaimer on date 'cause
we can't be sure!).  Retail will be $70.00.

Europe - add $5.00 for surface, $19.20 for airmail delivery.
Australia/New Zealand - add $5.00 for surface, $27.25 for airmail

IRCA Bookstore, 9705 Mary NW, Seattle WA  98117-2334
   Please make checks payable to:  Phil Bytheway.


Pat Martin - Seaside OR - mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx

At 0800 UTC (0300 EST) KKSN & KFXX made the switch. KFXX-910  and

The switch happened at 0800 UTC 3/30. However the only switch so far is
the formats. The call letters are still KKSN on 910 (Now Sports though)
and KFXX-1520 (Now Adult Standards). Uncertain when the call change
switch will happen, but should be soon. 73s, Patrick

I phoned the CE at Entercom this morning, after the two stations
switched formats, but not call letters. I was told, they weren't sure
when they would switch calls as they hadn't gotten the OK by from the
FCC as yet. So as it stands at the moment, 910 is still KKSN (Sports
Talk now) and 1520 is still KFXX  (Now Adult Standards0. I'll keep you


Wayne Heinen - Nrclog@xxxxxxx

The NRC's AM Radio Log is in need of some help with some conflicting
reports on format, networks and other information that is needed to
help keep it current Listed by State. If you can help, thanks! If you
can pass the question on to someone who can thanks also! Please DO NOT
quote other peoples info from DX News or DX Monitor. That's where most
of the conflicts came from! This posting I the unanswered questions as
of March 30, 1998

KWAK-1240 Current Format & Net Affiliation

STN-1420 Current Format & Net Affiliation

WCGA-1100 last we had them as TLK, music format now?
WERD-1160 Bill Hale. I mailed a CPC request to WERD in Georgia (to Log
  address) and got it back a few days later marked as "wrong address"
  or some such.
WRCG-1420 P.O. Box 1537 address no good

WLVT-640 Current Format & Net Affiliation
WJNO-1040 All News/Talk? Nets?
WJNA-1230 When not //WJNO Format is?
 Don Trelford reports letters to WJNX-1330 at returned as moved not
 1500 N. Flagler Dr., W. Palm Beach
 This address is also in my db for WJNO.

WGLL-1570 Current Format & Net Affiliation (Still //WGL-1250? or //FM

WHLN-1410 Current Format & Net Affiliation
WLGC Greenup KY we've got reports of GOS and 1 ON 1 Sports for

WALZ-1400 is this on air or off air? License was deleted but petition
  to reconsider as files

KHAD-1190 SPT w/1ON1 or C&W still?

KOFI-1180 AC/OLD/TLK or now all Talk?

WJDM-1530 is this still on the air?
WJWR-620 needs a new address

WKRE-1060 New Address

WJTB-1040 Current Format & Net Affiliation

KLLU-1030 Current Format & Net Affiliation

WVLR-880 Current Format & Net Affiliation
WJWS-1370 Current Format & Net Affiliation
WINC-1400 Current Format & Net Affiliation

KJOX-980 Current Format & Net Affiliation

74 Mayaquez St address is no good.




Mark Connelly - WA1ION@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Another DXcellent Cape Cod Weekend (27-29 MAR 1998) Mark Connelly ...

I did a bit of DX late on Friday night from the Harwich house and the
band was in average (but not spectacular) shape.  The lower end of the
MW dial was better than the upper end in terms of Trans-Atlantic
signals.  As is typically the case, the strongest stations were from
Spain, Algeria, and Morocco.  Latin Americans were unimpressive.

Before doing shopping and other errands on Saturday morning, I "scoped
out" some prospective DX sites in the town of Orleans, MA.  There are a
number of "town landing" areas for boaters that offer adequate free
waterfront parking.  Orleans is endowed with a surprisingly good number
of locations suited, at least, to DXing with car-mounted phased
antennas (loop, whip).

Besides the site I recently used (off Route 28, just north of Tar Kiln
Road), I found five other sites that could be considered usable for
serious medium-wave Europe / Africa DX.

These are:
1. east end of Portanimicut Road
2. Nauset Beach: east end of Beach Road (parking not free in summer)
3. north end of Priscilla Road
4. near north end of Snow Shore Road
5. Weeset Road / northeast end of Tonset Road

Another site (south end of Quanset Road, near Ewing Drive) has been
identified as having good exposure to the south - hence it would be
useful during an aurora for South America, the Caribbean, and (maybe)
deep Africa.

On Saturday (28 MAR), spring warmth had finally arrived, even on Cape
Cod.  That afternoon, I set up to DX at the Orleans site at the
northeast end of Tonset Road.  Back in the '70s, I'd heard Turkey-1016
there on a Ford Pinto car radio at sunset, so I figured that the
location was worth trying out with some "real" DX gear.

At 4.50 p.m. local (2150 UTC) ... better than an hour before sunset ...
Saudi Arabia-1521 was already blowing away WGAM-1520 on the car radio.
Once I was set up with the BBL-1 broadband loop, MFJ-1024 whip, DXP-1
phasing unit, and Drake R8A, it made sense to cruise the upper part of
the MW dial first.  This sunset strategy works well because the top end
tends to succumb to domestic slop before lower end stations do.  You
can DX the low-banders several hours after sunset from a shore site
without too much domestic QRM grief.  Between 2200 and 2259 UTC, the
following were logged: Saudi Arabia-1521, Italy-1332, Russia-1386,
France-1404, France-1242, Spain-1413, Algeria/Germany-1422,
France-1467, Austria-1476, Spain/unID classical music/unID AA - 1485,
Saudi Arabia-1512, Vatican-1530, Spain/Germany-1539, UK pop music
station mixed with VOA Kuwait - 1548, Algeria-1550 (LOUD), unID AA -
1557, unID AA talk - 1566 (maybe Iran though maybe this should be
Farsi), Italy over/under Spain-1575, Spain-1584.

The band was REALLY ROCKING at this point.  Most stations were LOUD
with some (like 1467 and 1521) hitting S9+40 !  From 2300 to 2359, I
had R. Vitoria (Spain) - 1602 (good ID) with SER under, Belgium-1512,
Mauritania-1349, Spain-1314, Spain-1305, Spain-1296, Spain-1287 (with
Cameroon-1286 het), Libya-1251, UK over Spain - 1215, Spain-1071 & 1197
(//), Morocco over Spain-1044, Spain-1080, Spain-1053 over UK &
Morocco, Italy-846, Portugal-1035, Spain-1026, Spain-1017 over possible
Turkey, Algeria-981 open carrier with Greece under, Spain-873,
Spain/Canaries-837 // 783, Egypt-774, Morocco-612, Canaries-621,
Spain-657, Netherlands-675, Spain over Serbia-684, Spain-774,
Switzerland/Senegal-765, Spain over Germany - 756.

>From 0000 to 0059 (UTC: 29 MAR), to wrap up the session, the following
were logged: Spain-738, Spain-729 over possible Ireland, Spain-693 over
UK & Azores, Portugal-666, unID flute music (not Spain) on 648,
Spain-639, Spain-855, Spain-585, Ireland-567, Spain-576, Algeria-549,
UK-693, Slovakia (tentative) & AA-sounding station mixed on 702,
Slovakia/Spain-1098, Netherlands-747, Ireland-612, Azores-693 // 836
(not 837), Egypt-864, Spain-936, Spain-954, Germany-972, Spain-999,
UK-1089, UK-1053, Spain-1116, Croatia over Spain-1134, Spain over
Croatia-1125, Canaries/Spain-1179, Netherlands-1395, and Algeria-1422

I must say that the three hours spent DXing at the Orleans, MA
waterfront were productive above and beyond my late-March expectations.
 I hope that some of the rest of you took advantage of the great
conditions.  Full-detail loggings will be issued later - it's going to
take a few days to type up all this stuff !

[Connelly*D-MA] = Duxbury Beach, MA (GC= 70.647 W / 42.056 N)
(Gurnet Road, 1 km S of Marginal Road)

[Connelly*H-MA] = East Harwich, Cape Cod, MA (GC= 70.021 W / 41.713 N)
(near junction of Routes 39 & 137: pitch pine forest 2 km from ocean)

[Connelly*O-MA] = Orleans, Cape Cod, MA (GC= 69.953 W / 41.81 N)
(beach area near northeast end of Tonset Road & Weeset Road)

Receiver: Drake R8A

Antenna systems - Duxbury Beach: two 27 m wires (NE, SE); E. Harwich:
two BBL-1 broadband loops spaced 43 m apart on E-W line, or co-located
and placed at a right angle; Orleans: BBL-1 loop and MFJ-1024 whip (as
cardioid array); all sites: DXP-1 phasing unit



 531  SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, MAR 28 0530 - // 855 with SS talk /
       teletalk; over apparent Algeria. [Connelly*H-MA]
 549  ALGERIA, Les Trembles, MAR 14 0454 - female AA vocal, strings;
     + MAR 14 0528 - emotional fast-tempo AA vocal; excellent.
     + MAR 29 0015 - high-intensity AA vocal & flutes; BLASTING in.
 567  IRELAND, RTE R.1, Tullamore, MAR 28 0529 - man in EE; poor to
       fair, likely Spain under. [Connelly*H-MA]
     + MAR 29 0013 - song "Arthur's Theme (The Best that You Can Do)",
       then EE talk by female DJ; good. [Connelly*O-MA]
 576  ALGERIA, Bechar, MAR 28 0529 - // 549 with fast AA vocal; to good
       peak, dominant. [Connelly*H-MA]
 576  SPAIN, RNE5, Barcelona, MAR 29 0014 - // 855 with man & woman in
       SS; fair to good. [Connelly*O-MA]
 585  SPAIN, RNE1, Madrid, MAR 28 0535 - // 738 with SS teletalk; fair.
     + MAR 29 0010 - nostalgic music including "Singing in the Rain",
       then man & woman in SS; excellent. [Connelly*O-MA]
 603  SPAIN, RNE5, Sevilla / Palencia, MAR 15 0020 - // 774 with man &
       woman in SS; fair, over others. [Connelly*D-MA]
 612  IRELAND, Athlone, MAR 29 0026 - EE rock music, talk; under
       Morocco. [Connelly*O-MA]
 612  MOROCCO, Sebaa-Aioun, MAR 15 0008 - almost-operatic female AA
       vocal; excellent. [Connelly*D-MA] + MAR 28 0554 - AA vocal at
       low audio level on massive carrier. [Connelly*H-MA]
     + MAR 28 2350 - strings, shrill female vocal; huge.
     + MAR 29 0018 - segment of classical music, then AA talk by man.
 621  CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN, RNE1 synchros, MAR 14 0500 - SS news by
       woman; fair.
     + MAR 28 0514 - SS discussion program; fair. [Connelly*H-MA]
     + MAR 28 2350 - SS teletalk; good. [Connelly*O-MA]
 639  SPAIN, RNE1, La Coruna et al., MAR 28 0513 - // 684 & 621 with SS
       group discussion; fair. [Connelly*H-MA]
     + MAR 29 0009 - // 855 with SS newstalk; fair in heavy CBN splash.
 648  unID, MAR 29 0008 - flute music (not Spain); in mess.
 657  SPAIN, RNE5, Madrid, MAR 28 2351 - SS teletalk; fair with WFAN
       phased. [Connelly*O-MA]
 666  PORTUGAL, RDP, Lisboa, MAR 29 0007 - bits of PP news; poor, in
       jumble. [Connelly*O-MA]
 675  NETHERLANDS, R. Ten Gold, Lopik, MAR 28 2353 - Dutch talk by man,
       then James Bond movie theme "For Your Eyes Only" by Sheena
       Easton; very good with WRKO phased. [Connelly*O-MA]
 684  SPAIN, RNE1, Sevilla, MAR 14 0620 - SS talk still fair at this
       late time.
     + MAR 28 0513 - // 621, 639 with SS group discussion; excellent.
     + MAR 28 2354 - fast SS talk & teletalk; over Serbia.
 693  AZORES, RDP, Santa Barbara, MAR 28 0614 - mellow pop vocal, PP
       talk; to fair peak. [Connelly*H-MA]
 693  SPAIN, RNE1 synchros, MAR 29 0004 - // 855 with SS telephone
       interview; over UK & Azores. [Connelly*O-MA]
 693  UNITED KINGDOM, BBC, Droitwich et al., MAR 15 0019 - EE talk by
       woman; just barely over a 3 or 4 station pile-up.
     + MAR 29 0020 - talk about gambling, lotteries; briefly good, over
       others. [Connelly*O-MA]
 702  MOROCCO, RTM, Sebaa-Aioun (t), MAR 29 0006 - bits of apparent AA
       music. [Connelly*O-MA]
 702  SLOVAKIA, Slovensko 1, Banska Bystrica / Presov, MAR 29 0023 - //
       1098 with Slavic talk; poor / mushy, in mix with probable
       Morocco. [Connelly*O-MA]
 711  WESTERN SAHARA, Laayoune, MAR 14 0017 - AA news and commentary by
       woman; excellent, about equal to WOR. [Connelly*D-MA]
 729  SPAIN, RNE1, Oviedo et al., MAR 28 0319 - // 774 with man in SS;
       poor. [Connelly*H-MA]
     + MAR 29 0003 - // 738 with SS political speech; over other
       station (Ireland ?). [Connelly*O-MA]
 738  SPAIN, RNE1, Barcelona, MAR 28 0327 - SS pop vocal with '60s
       (Beatles) influences; fair.
     + MAR 28 0535 - SS teletalk; excellent. [Connelly*H-MA]
     + MAR 29 0002 - SS political news, election speech; excellent.
 747  NETHERLANDS, Flevoland, MAR 29 0024 - cool jazz; dominant.
 756  SPAIN, R. Euskadi, Bilbao, MAR 28 2358 - SS talk, then
       instrumental of "I Just Called to Say I Love You"; atop Germany.
 765  SENEGAL, Dakar, MAR 15 0015 - AA / African vocal; slightly over
       Switzerland.  It was a real 'dogfight' with a low-pitched growl
       present. [Connelly*D-MA]
     + MAR 28 2359 - African drumming & vocal; rising over Switzerland.
 765  SWITZERLAND, RSR, Sottens, MAR 28 0321 - classical music; poor to
       fair.  [Connelly*H-MA]
     + MAR 28 2356 - cover version of John Lennon's "Imagine";
       initially dominant, then it faded under Senegal.
     + MAR 29 0024 - pop FF female vocal; excellent. [Connelly*O-MA]
 774  EGYPT, Abis, MAR 15 0014 - AA talk; briefly over Spain.
     + MAR 28 2349 - woman in AA; over Spain. [Connelly*O-MA]
 774  SPAIN, RNE1 synchros, MAR 14 0437 - slow deliberate SS talk by
       man (maybe a narration of a story), then high-pitched operatic
       SS female vocal; excellent.
     + MAR 28 0320 - SS talk, interspersed music; to good peak.
     + MAR 28 2355 - SS discussion, teletalk; huge / dominant, at least
       10 dB stronger than WABC-770. [Connelly*O-MA]
 783  SPAIN, COPE, Barcelona, MAR 28 2348 - // 837 with SS sports,
       Barcelona mentions; fair, over others. [Connelly*O-MA]
 819  MOROCCO, Rabat, MAR 15 0012 - // 612 with slow, dirge- like
       music; Egypt audible under. [Connelly*D-MA]
 836  AZORES, RDP, Pico da Barossa, MAR 29 0029 - ex-837: oldies
       including "Reflections of My Life" by Marmalade, then PP talk;
       poor in heavy Canaries-837 splash.  // 693 was occasionally
       discernable behind UK. [Connelly*O-MA]
 837  CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN, COPE synchros, MAR 28 2348 - // 783 with
       SS talk, sport results mentioning Barcelona; good.
 846  ITALY, Rome, MAR 28 2336 - man & woman in II, interlude of
       classical music; excellent. [Connelly*O-MA]
 855  SPAIN, RNE1, Murcia et al., MAR 14 0416 - female SS vocal, then
       SS talk by man; to good peak.  Still good as late as 0620 UTC.
     + MAR 28 0344 - // 1107 with SS male folk vocal; fair to good.
     + MAR 28 0538 - man in SS; loud. [Connelly*H-MA]
     + MAR 29 0009 - SS newstalk; excellent. [Connelly*O-MA]
 864  EGYPT, Santah, MAR 15 0009 - Koranic male vocal; good, over
       Spain. [Connelly*D-MA]
     + MAR 29 0033 - Koranic chant at 'monster' level; way over Spain.
 873  SPAIN, SER R. Zaragoza, Zaragoza, MAR 28 2347 - // 1044 with SER
       SS news; fair. [Connelly*O-MA]
 891  ALGERIA, Algiers, MAR 14 0514 - moaning-type AA male vocal; good.
     + MAR 28 0603 - news by man in AA; strong. [Connelly*H-MA]
 918  SPAIN, R. Intercontinental, Madrid, MAR 15 0004 - bits of SS
       teletalk; in WHJJ/CJCH slop. [Connelly*D-MA]
     + MAR 28 0541 - SS talk; poor. [Connelly*H-MA]
 936  SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, MAR 14 0537 - // 774 with SS teletalk;
       poor. [Connelly*H-MA]
     + MAR 29 0036 - // 855 with Barbra Streisand vocal; over others.
 945  FRANCE, R. Bleue, Toulouse, MAR 28 0604 - FF talk by 2 men; fair
       to good. [Connelly*H-MA]
 954  SPAIN, R. Espana, Madrid, MAR 15 0004 - SS newstalk; some WROL
       slop. [Connelly*D-MA]
     + MAR 28 0540 - Celtic- influenced instrumental, then man & woman
       in SS; excellent. [Connelly*H-MA]
     + MAR 29 0036 - good with jazz. [Connelly*O-MA]
 972  GERMANY, NDR, Hamburg, MAR 29 0041 - jazz instrumental, soul
       vocal, then man in GG; fair. [Connelly*O-MA]
 981  ALGERIA, Algiers, MAR 14 2329 - AA vocal, drums, flutes; over
       other. [Connelly*D-MA] +MAR 14 0540 - AA music at low audio
       level on big carrier; through some CBV slop with WTRY phased.
       Still audible after 0622 UTC.
     + MAR 28 0605 - AA talk by woman; to good peak. [Connelly*H-MA]
 981  GREECE, Elleniki Radiophonia, Megara (t), MAR 28 2342 - Greek
       music mixed with a couple of other audios; under big Algeria
       carrier that was either unmodulated or severely undermodulated.
 999  SPAIN, COPE, Madrid, MAR 14 0410 - woman with SS talk & teletalk;
       fair. [Connelly*H-MA]
     + MAR 15 0003 - SS news, telephone interview; excellent.
     + MAR 29 0044 - flamenco guitar; good despite CKBW slop.
1017  SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, MAR 28 2341 - SS talk; over station with
       AA-style music. [Connelly*O-MA]
1026  SPAIN, SER synchros, MAR 28 2339 - // 1044 with SS news; poor to
       fair in WBZ slop. [Connelly*O-MA]
1035  PORTUGAL, RDP R. Comercial, Lisboa, MAR 28 2337 - PP vocal, PP
       talk by man, jingles; good with WBZ phased. [Connelly*O-MA]
1044  MOROCCO, Sebaa-Aioun, MAR 14 2240 - accented FF talk by man;
       excellent at S9+30.
     + MAR 15 0002 - martial-sounding group vocal (anthem ?); monster
       signal, atop SER Spain. [Connelly*D-MA]
     + MAR 28 2333 - flute music that was almost Celtic-sounding,
       local-like, way over SER Spain. [Connelly*O-MA]
1044  SPAIN, SER synchros, MAR 14 0411 - fast SS talk by man; fair.
     + MAR 28 0339 - SS teletalk to good peak; jumpy fades.
1053  MOROCCO, Tanger, MAR 14 2325 - AA vocal, strings; totally
       dominant. [Connelly*D-MA]
     + MAR 28 0607 - bits of AA female vocal; over mess.
1053  SPAIN, COPE, Zaragoza / Castellon, MAR 28 2335 - fast SS talk by
       man; way over Morocco & UK. [Connelly*O-MA]
1053  UNITED KINGDOM, Talk Radio synchros, Start Point et al., MAR 28
       2335 & MAR 29 0049 - EE talk // 1089; beneath Spain, Morocco.
1071  SPAIN, EI, Bilbao, MAR 14 2244 - SS rock music; tough CBA slop.
     + MAR 15 0001 - SS news by man; LOUD. [Connelly*D-MA]
     + MAR 28 2331 - // 1197 with cover version of Beatles song "Help";
       good. [Connelly*O-MA]
1080  SPAIN, SER synchros, MAR 28 2333 - // 1044, 1584 with SS talk;
       good with WTIC phased. [Connelly*O-MA]
1089  UNITED KINGDOM, Talk Radio synchros, MAR 29 0048 - man in studio
       spoke to a woman on the telephone about relationships and
       arguing; fair, some WBAL slop. [Connelly*O-MA]
1098  SLOVAKIA, Nitra, MAR 29 0023 - Slav talk; over/under Spain.
1098  SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, MAR 29 0023 - SS talk; mixed with Slovakia,
       growl present. [Connelly*O-MA]
1107  SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, MAR 14 0416 - // 855 with emotional SS
       female vocal, then SS talk; fair.
     + MAR 28 0344 - // 855 with SS folk vocal; good. [Connelly*H-MA]
     + MAR 15 0000 - end of SS ballad, pips, R. Nacional de Espana ID
       by woman, then SS news by man & woman; HUGE signal.
1116  SPAIN, SER synchros, MAR 14 0418 - // 1044 with fast SS newstalk;
       poor to fair. [Connelly*H-MA]
     + MAR 29 0051 - // 1044 with SS teletalk; fair. [Connelly*O-MA]
1125  SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, MAR 29 0052 - SS talk; over Croatia.
1134  CROATIA, HR, Zadar, MAR 14 2359 - romantic female vocal; Spain SS
       talk was way under. [Connelly*D-MA]
     + MAR 29 0052 - pop Slavic vocal; over Spain. [Connelly*O-MA]
1134  SPAIN, COPE synchros, MAR 29 0052 - SS talk; under Croatia.
1179  SPAIN // CANARY ISLANDS, SER synchros, MAR 14 0428 - // 1044 with
       man & woman in SS; fair. [Connelly*H-MA]
     + MAR 14 2315 - SS male talk, compressed telephone-quality audio.
     + MAR 29 0054 - SS teletalk; fair, some Cuba slop. [Connelly*O-MA]
1197  LESOTHO, BBC relay, Lancer's Gap, MAR 14 2243 - BBC EE talk by
       man; slightly over Spain. [Connelly*D-MA]
1197  SPAIN, EI, Vitoria, MAR 28 2331 - // 1071 with a cover version of
       the Beatles song "Help"; good. [Connelly*O-MA]
1215  SPAIN, COPE synchros, MAR 28 2325 - SS talk; under Virgin R., UK.
1215  UNITED KINGDOM, Virgin R. synchros, MAR 28 2325 - EE talk, then
       "China Girl" by David Bowie; good, over Spain. [Connelly*O-MA]
1242  FRANCE, R. Bleue, Marseille, MAR 28 2240 - // 1404 with FF vocal;
       good. [Connelly*O-MA]
1251  LIBYA, Tripoli, MAR 14 0430 - AA violins; to fair peak.
     + MAR 14 2314 - man in AA; fair. [Connelly*D-MA]
     + MAR 28 2320 - fast AA talk by man, compressed / restricted
       audio; good strength. [Connelly*O-MA]
1287  SPAIN, SER synchros, MAR 28 2318 - // 1584 with fast SS talk;
       poor, over 1 kHz het from Cameroon-1286. [Connelly*O-MA]
1296  SPAIN, COPE, Valencia, MAR 14 0433 - man & woman with SS teletalk
       show; over unID music station. [Connelly*H-MA]
     + MAR 28 2317 - SS sports report; excellent. [Connelly*O-MA]
1305  SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, MAR 14 0437 - // 774 with SS talk & music;
       poor. [Connelly*H-MA]
     + MAR 28 2316 - SS talk by man; over bad growl. [Connelly*O-MA]
1314  SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, MAR 28 2315 - // 1305 with bits of SS talk;
       poor. [Connelly*O-MA]
1332  ITALY, Rome et al., MAR 28 2235 - II talk by man, then piano
       music; excellent. [Connelly*O-MA]
1349  MAURITANIA, R. Mauritanie, Nouakchott, MAR 14 2248 - man in AA
       with religious-sounding talk; excellent signal, way over S9.
       Het was audible on the car radio before 2200 UTC.
     + MAR 28 2314 - AA talk by man; some CKAD slop. [Connelly*O-MA]
1359  SPAIN, Arganda, MAR 14 0440 - SS talk occasionally sliding by
       strong CKBC-NB. [Connelly*H-MA]
1386  RUSSIA-KALININGRAD, Bolshakovo, MAR 28 2239 - apparent
       contemporary Christian vocal with jazz flute; briefly to good
       peak. [Connelly*O-MA]
1395  NETHERLANDS, Lopik, MAR 29 0056 - Dutch teletalk; good.
1404  FRANCE, R. Bleue synchros, MAR 28 2240 - // 1242 with FF vocal;
       good. [Connelly*O-MA]
1413  SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, MAR 14 0443 - // 774 with SS vocal; fair.
     + MAR 28 2241 - man with SS talk; HUGE, over others.
1422  ALGERIA, Algiers, MAR 28 2242 - AA music over/under Germany; both
       signals peaked S9+25.
     + MAR 29 0057 - AA female vocal; dominant. [Connelly*O-MA]
1422  GERMANY, Deutschlandradio, Heusweiler, MAR 28 2242 - man in GG;
       over/under Algeria. [Connelly*O-MA]
1467  FRANCE, TWR, Roumoules, MAR 14 2257 - medieval-style flute music;
       fair / jumpy. [Connelly*D-MA]
     + MAR 28 2243 - man & woman with AA dramatic presentation;
       LOCAL-LIKE at S9+40 !
     + MAR 28 2311 - UK-accented EE preaching; still at local strength.
1476  AUSTRIA, Wien-Bisamberg, MAR 28 2244 - likely this with GG talk
       by woman; poor to fair.
     + MAR 28 2303-2305 - GG news poor to fair, then a bit of classical
       music fading into the slop. [Connelly*O-MA]
1485  SPAIN, SER synchros / unID's, MAR 28 2245 - Spain with SS talk
       mixed with two unID stations (one of these had AA program, the
       other had classical music) - a real jumble ! [Connelly*O-MA]
1512  BELGIUM, Wolvertem, MAR 28 2304 - now dominant with news in EE
       including an interview with a woman about military conflicts.
       Good signal with only a little WNRB splash. [Connelly*O-MA]
1512  SAUDI ARABIA, BSKSA, Jeddah, MAR 28 2246 - AA Koranic chant;
       excellent / dominant, strength within 10 dB of semi- local
       WNRB-1510's signal at times. [Connelly*O-MA]
1521  SAUDI ARABIA, BSKSA, Duba, MAR 14 2259 - Koranic male AA vocal;
       huge, much stronger than 1520. [Connelly*D-MA]
     + MAR 28 0318 - male a cappella AA vocal; fair with rapid fades.
     + MAR 28 2150 - AA music and talk, burying WGAM-1520 on the car
       radio more than an hour before local sunset.  A bit later, at
       2215 UTC, a fast AA vocal & instrumentation was blasting in at
       S9+40 on the Drake R8A. [Connelly*O-MA]
1521  SPAIN, SER, Castellon, MAR 14 0449 - // 1044 with bits of SS
       teletalk; poor. [Connelly*H-MA]
1530  VATICAN, R. Vaticana, MAR 14 2300 - R. Vaticana mention; in mix
       with WVBF & WDJZ daytimers. [Connelly*D-MA]
     + MAR 28 2248 - woman in II; good with WDJZ phased.
1539  GERMANY, ERF, Mainflingen, MAR 28 2249 - religious music; mixed
       with SER Spain. [Connelly*O-MA]
1539  SPAIN, SER, Manresa/Elche, MAR 28 2249 - SER SS news; mixed with
       Germany, both strong. [Connelly*O-MA]
1548  KUWAIT, VOA, Kuwait City, MAR 28 2251 - US EE talk by female news
       correspondent; mixed with UK music station. [Connelly*O-MA]
1548  UNITED KINGDOM, MAR 28 2251 - UK station here with old pop hits
       including "When Will I See You Again ?" by the Three Degrees
       (from the '70s) and a Bing Crosby vocal (from the '40s). Some
       talk, but no ID, was noted; signal was slightly over VOA Kuwait.
1550  ALGERIA - CLANDESTINE, Tindouf, MAR 28 2254 - AA talk, then chant
       & plucked strings; HUGE and totally dominant - almost no
       evidence of co-channel domestics. [Connelly*O-MA]
1557  unID, MAR 28 2255 - AA talk, drumming; atop low rumble.  Ideas ?
1566  IRAN, IRIB, Bandar Abbas (t), MAR 28 2256 - probably this with AA
       talk to good peak. [Connelly*O-MA]
1575  ITALY, Genova, MAR 28 2257 - // 1332 with II talk and piano
       music; over/under Spain. [Connelly*O-MA]
1575  SPAIN, SER synchros, MAR 28 2257 - // 1584 with SER network fast
       SS talk; over/under Italy. [Connelly*O-MA]
1584  SPAIN, SER synchros, MAR 14 2305 - SS sports report.
     + MAR 28 2257 - // 1575 with fast SS talk; local-like, over
       presumed Ceuta. [Connelly*O-MA]
1602  SPAIN, EI, Vitoria, MAR 28 2258-2300 - folkish accordion music in
       the nostalgic French style, then an Irish-style piece was
       played.  At 2300, a nice "R. Vitoria" ID boomed in.  This was
       well atop SER Spain and it was stronger than adjacent
       WUNR/WWRL-1600. [Connelly*O-MA]


 555  ST. KITTS & NEVIS, ZIZ, Basseterre, MAR 14 0456 - Afro-Caribbean
       male group vocal (almost a cappella - just an occasional drum);
       good. [Connelly*H-MA]
 610  COLOMBIA, Radiodifusora Nacional de Colombia, Uribia, MAR 14 0358
       - folk music, then ID "La Radiodifusora Nacional de Colombia, la
       Voz del Amazonas"; good / dominant. [Connelly*H-MA]
 610  VENEZUELA, R. Centro 610, YVXY, Cantaura (t), MAR 14 0400 - SS
       adverts mentioning Venezuelan businesses; mixed with Colombia.
 640  CUBA, R. Progreso, Guanabacoa / Las Tunas, MAR 14 0522 - // 660 &
       690 with slow SS vocal; excellent. [Connelly*H-MA]
 660  CUBA, R. Progreso, CMHG, Santa Clara, MAR 14 0522 - // 640 & 690
       with slow SS male vocal; over / under WFAN. [Connelly*H-MA]
 680  PUERTO RICO, WAPA, San Juan, MAR 28 2353 - Puerto Rico news in
       SS; good, over CKXG-NF (C&W) with WRKO phased. [Connelly*O-MA]
 690  CUBA, R. Progreso, Jovellanos, MAR 14 0522 - // 640, 660 with SS
       vocal; dominant. [Connelly*H-MA]
 700  COLOMBIA, HJCX, Cali, MAR 14 0508 - SS news with several Bogota
       items; dominant. [Connelly*H-MA]
 760  COLOMBIA, HJAJ, Barranquilla, MAR 14 0530 - "beisbol colombiano"
       promo; dominant. [Connelly*H-MA]
 770  COLOMBIA, RCN, HJJX, Bogota, MAR 14 0531 - // 760 with SS news
       mentioning Washington; atop (!) WABC. [Connelly*H-MA]
 890  CUBA, R. Progreso, CMDZ, Santiago de Cuba, MAR 14 2332 - man &
       woman in SS with news about public events in Havana; WBPS (also
       SS at the time) phased; strong Algeria-891 het / QRM.
1170  COLOMBIA, CARACOL, HJNW, Cartagena, MAR 14 2317 - CARACOL ID, SS
       talk mentioning a Web site (that had "www" and "CARACOL" in it);
       dominant. [Connelly*D-MA]
1375  ST. PIERRE ET MIQUELON, RFO, MAR 14 0442 - FF telephone
       interview; excellent. [Connelly*H-MA]


TELEPHONE NUMBER:  204-253-8644
E-MAIL:  saxelrod@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


 660  WBHR MN Sauk Rapids 02-28 1858 Fair signals over under KEYZ with
       new Radio Disney programming.  Ex-WVAL NEW!  (SA-MB)


 189  Iceland Rikisutvarpid Gufuskalar Mar 26 0338 Poor signals with
       American rock music and Icelandic talk.  This is only the third
       LW station logged from Winnipeg after France on 162 and Germany
       on 180 (SA-MB)

Not much to hear.  Conditions are noisy and DX is sparse.


Mark Mohrmann - Coventry, VT - mohrmannm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

NRD 535D with MFJ-1026
2 - 440ft wires at 140 and 220 degrees

For a novice BCB DXer stuck in the hills of northern Vermont,
conditions on these 2 nights was fantastic. Wish I'd had more time to
spend at the receiver.

 570  CUBA Radio Reloj 0335 Mar 29 Male/Female anncrs under WMCA with
       clock and "Radio Reloj" ID. (mm VT)
 585  SPAIN (presumed) RNE 1 0310 Mar 29 Male anncr in Spanish. (MM VT)
 620  CUBA Radio Rebelde 0337 Mar 29 Beisbol game // 5025. (MM VT)
 640  CUBA Radio Progreso 0312 Mar 29 LA pop music // 890 (MM VT)
 670  VENEZUELA YVLL Radio Rumbos, Caracas 0313 Mar 29 LA pop music,
       Male anncr SP with "Radio Rumbos" ID 0316. (MM VT)
 690  CUBA Radio Progreso 0342 Mar 29 with CBF nulled, "Radio Progreso"
       ID  // 890. (MM VT)
 710  CUBA Radio Rebelde 0344 Mar 29 Beisbol // 5025 with WOR partially
       nulled. (MM VT)
 730  MEXICO XEX, Mexico City 0346 Mar 29 apparent Boxing match from
       the Dominican Republic. Ads for Cervesa Corona at end of
       program. 0356 full ID "XEX, La 'X' de Mexico". Excellent signal
       in CKAC null. (MM VT)
 750  VENEZUELA YVKS Radio Caracas, Caracas 2339 Mar 29 Male and Female
       talk in WSB null. 0147 "RCR" ID. (MM VT)
 760  COLOMBIA (tentative) HJAC, Barranquilla 2343 Sports scores from
       Medellin and Bogota. // 1000. In WJR null. (MM VT)
 890  CUBA Radio Progreso 0331 Mar 29 LA Male crooner // 640. (MM VT)
 890.95  ALGERIA (presumed) ENRS, Alger 2356 Mar 29 Male Arabic
       singing, 0001 time pips. (MM VT)
1000  COLOMBIA (tentative) HJAQ, Cartagena 0003 Mar 30 Male and Female
       with news, mentions of "Colombia" // 760. (MM VT)


Pat Martin - Seaside OR - mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx
Drake R8, term 1500' Beverage, Ground system.

t 1260-CBRU-BC, Squamish, apparently the one with CBC World Report at
        1410 UTC (0910 EST) 3/31 // CBU-690. U/O others on channel.
        Barely on top at times. New. Logged Pacific Rim Park here
        several  years ago w/ 50 watts and QSL'd them. Wonder what the
        power is on this? (PM-OR)
        I spoke to  Dave Newbury- Engineering at CBC-Vancouver today. I
        gave him the program details of what I heard on 1260, played
        part of the tape over the phone. He told me that the station I
        am hearing is CBC-Squamish. He is also mailing me a QSL card.
        Now  that is what I call "an easy QSL". They run 200-250 watts
        at Squamish, but get out very poorly locally.
        I spoke with an engineer at CBC - Vsancouver today and I found
        out all MW LPRTs are not now running the 20-40 watts. As the
        CBC replaces the old tube models with solidstate, they can run
        up to 400 watts.  Most are still running 40 watts,but about a
        half a dozen run more power, as CBRU-1260 is running 200-250
        watts.  CBKY-1350- Keremeos BC is running near 400 watts.
        CBUU-1070-Clinton is running in to 200-300 watt range, as CBRJ-
        Grand Forks also is. There is no plans to move CBU, CFPR, CBX,
        CBK, CBR, or CBW to FM, as they cover so mant remote areas that
        FM couldn't handle. In time  most of the stations will be going
        to the digital band though. I was told that CBL Toronto went to
        FM because with the Toronto TX site, the coverage wasn't that
        good. FM can do better, as it has done in the East.
        More info for the CBC in Vancouver.  CBXQ-540 -Ucluelet is
        going to stay on 540 Khz. They have scraped the idea to go to
        FM. 860-Tofino did go to FM, and the CBC-Vancouver was hoping
        that the FM at Tofino would cover Ucluelet, but it doesn't.
        CBXQ is still one of the older 40 watt tube units.
t 1520-WWKB-NY, Buffalo. Poss. logging with KFXX off and OC at 0459.55
        EST 3/30. KOMA faded down with an ID in the jumble then
        "Country......WKB.......". Taped and tent.  report sent. If it
        was them, I am quite pleased. The last time I hrd them was when
        they were WKBW in the 60s from Alaska. I'm keeping my fingers
        crossed. (PM-OR)


Larry B. Godwin - lbg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1110  MEXICO, Ciudad Juarez, Chih noted with a strong signal on 1110 at
       0400 GMT on 3/30/98.  Format was U.S. oldies with Spanish
       announcements, and the ID I heard was "La X, XEW ... classic
       11-10."  It's listed in the IRCA Mexican Log, Fifth Edition, as
       XEWR (although I didn't hear the "R") and as only 500 watts, so
       it must have boosted power.  The 1998 WRTH shows XEWR as 1,000
       watts, daytime only, but I heard the announcer say it broadcasts
       24 hours.  He also gave separate time checks for CST (Ciudad
       Juarez) and MST (El Paso).

Receiver: Hammarlund HQ-150.  Antennas: Sanserino air-core box loop +
  Kiwa loop.




Pat Martin - Seaside OR - mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx

KGXL-1650 will be answering reports. I phoned Tom White the CE and was
     told he has been very busy. But would be getting to the reports as
     soon as he has time.

New address and phone number for KIOV-Payette ID:
620 Center Avenue, Payette ID  83661
Phone number (1-208-642-4548).

840-KMAX-WA, Colfax - rec. vf in 5df from: Robert G. Hauser-GM.
     Address: PO Box 710 / 840 Almota, Colfax  WA  99111. QSL  # 2474.
1300-KKOL-WA, SEATTLE, rec. FD vl in 10d after several f/ups to CE.
     Finally sent my last report to Richard Harris-Corporate Engineer
     along with other info on the Network (KLFE-1590, KGNW-820, &
     KKOL-1300) address: 2815 Second Avenue, Seattle   WA   98121.


Frank Aden - Boise ID - WVLL23A@xxxxxxxxxxx

KFXD 580, Nampa (is keeping calls) is now "CLASSIC COUNTRY".  Was //to
    several FMs owned by new owners for several days.  No net. noticed.


Tim Noonan - Madison WI - DXing@xxxxxxxxx

Jill, Chris and I spent Friday the 27th in the region east of Lake
Wiinebago, covering radio in the Sheboygan and Manitowoc areas.  Except
in Manitowoc near the lake (Michigan, that is), is was warm enough all
day to go without a jacket.  Here is a summary of what we learned:

Plymouth WJUB 1420.  NSP, using 62 watts at night.

Sheboygan WCNZ 950.  Live standards; on the air 5:30 a.m. to 10:00
p.m., except 7:00 sign-on on Sundays.  Now at 1102 Fond du Lac Ave,
Sheboygan Falls, with WXER 104.5 Plymouth.

WHBL 1330 is NSP.

Two Rivers WTRW 1590.  NSP (24/7), running WW1 Oldies Channel days 6-6
and Talknet nights 6-6 .  The station ran a DX test a few years ago and
does not plan to do another.


carl dewhitt - ki5sf@xxxxxxx

to all possibly interested parties:wichita ,kansas is currently the
leading city for a proposed mid america communications conference.this
dx/ communications conference to be  held in a centrally located
city(other possibilities are  tulsa ,ok;kansas city,mo;lincoln,ne; and
omaha,ne.) needs to  have some publicity to come about. all  parties
that get this message are urged to spread the word.the more interest we
get in this,the more likely it is it will come about.i also need and
welcome help in organizing  the conference,lining up speakers and
events,etc.thanks and 73, carl ,ki5sf@xxxxxxx p.s.please forward this
mesage to any party that is not on the address headings that you think
would be interested .the target date for the conference to be held is
late august or early september.thanks for any help.


Tom Bryant - Nashville TN - 102037.452@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

An apology...

If you were among the rather large number of DXers who had written WSM
for a verification anytime in the past year, you were the unfortunate
victim of a lack of attention on my part.

Although excuses are a dime a dozen, I would like to explain that the
addition of a third station increased my workload to the point where I
no longer found time to handle reception reports, verie requests, etc.

After over 30 years with WSM Radio, and about 10 years as verie signer,
I took early retirement at the end of February.  One of the FIRST
things I did was to get caught up on the backlog of QSL work.
Meanwhile, since no one else on the staff was interested or cared to
expend the time and effort, I was asked if I?d continue to act as verie
signer for the station and agreed to do so.

Maximum lag time for response will now be 8 weeks.  The station will
deliver all mail to me in batches once every two months (unless I go by
and pick it up earlier).

As a DXer, and member of this club, I know how important this aspect of
our hobby is to many members.  For my negligence, I apologize.  For the
future, I promise to keep things current.


Wayne Heinen - Aurora CO - Nrclog@xxxxxxx

Home with the flu and a spring snow storm. Checked the AM dial and
  KTMG-1370 Deertrail has returned //KHNC-1360 w/American Freedom
  Network as before....


The National Radio Club now has the 18th edition of their NRC AM Radio
Log for the 1997-1998 DX Season edition.

This annual edition contains 310 pages, 8 1/2" x 11" size, 3-hole
punched, loose leaf format with over 5,400 A.M. Radio station listings
from the United States and Canada.  Each station listing consists of
its location, frequency, call, format, network affiliation, station
address, station slogan, day and night transmitter powers.  There are
cross references by city and by call letter.

The AM Radio Log is available to NRC/IRCA members for $16.95 post paid.
(Canadian members funds must be US funds)

The Nonmember and Overseas prices of the AM Radio Log are as follows:

U.S. & Canada  US$22.95
Latin America  US$23.50
Europe         US$24.00
All Others     US$28.00

All Overseas prices are shipped via AIR and payment must be in US

Please mail all orders to:

National Radio Club
Publications Center
P.O. Box 164
Mannsville, NY 13661-0164


    phil bytheway - Seattle WA - philip_bytheway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Tabulated from WWV at ~0518 GMT nightly

    Geomagnetic Summary March 27 1998 through April 2 1998

       GEO - Geomagnetic activity     pca - polar cap absorption
       maf - major flare              SA  - Solar Activity
       mas - major storm              spe - satellite proton event
       mis - minor storm              ss  - severe storm

    Date    FLUX    A    K    SA          GEO                 OTHER

     3/27   108    12    3    moderate    quiet-unsettled     -
       28   104     9    2    low         quiet-active        -
       29   100    15    2    very low    quiet-active        -
       30   108     9    2    low         quiet-unsettled     -
     3/31   108     6    2    low         quiet-unsettled     -
     4/ 1   106     3    0    low         quiet               -
     4/ 2   103     2    1    low         quiet               -


If you note any AM changes (call, format, slogan, etc), please send
them to the NRC Log coordinator (Wayne Heinen) @ nrclog@xxxxxxx


END of 4/2/98 IRCA's "AM DX NewsFlash"
This is a message from "Bytheway, Philip" <Philip_Bytheway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx
For more information, please check http://www.iki.fi/rko/hard-core-dx/
or email Risto Kotalampi, rko@xxxxxxx