Re: [HCDX]: Mongolia 12085 khz 4/7/98
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Re: [HCDX]: Mongolia 12085 khz 4/7/98

agreed , heard from 1015 to past 1230 today, Int. Signal at 1030, 1110 and 
though major flare activity on other side of sun to be here in next week or 
so may put an end to all this for a while.......
From: Craig Seufert
To: hard-core-dx
Subject: Re: [HCDX]: Mongolia 12085 khz 4/7/98
Date: Wednesday, April 08, 1998 13:19

Some of us have been lucky enough to get this recently with just the
built-in antenna! I was able to do so last week with a Sony SW77 and a
Phillips D2935. The signal from Mongolia seems to be lasting a few days
longer than usual for this time of year-I'm still getting it on April 8,
when the peak reception was supposed to have been last week.

From: Jerry Monroe <JMonroe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: HC Loggings <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [HCDX]: Mongolia 12085 khz 4/7/98
Date: Tue, 07 Apr 98 12:51:00 EDT
Reply-To: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx

Finally Mongolia with EE announcement at end of music show at  1049 UT
your letters to "po box 365 Ulaanbaatar Mongolia" , off at 1050 with
carrier, then interval signal 3 times at 1110 (quite exotic) and into
Been looking for these guys for 20 yrs!! Fair signal no intereference
SP600 w/ 300 ft long wire
JMo - Syracuse
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