[HCDX]: religious station on 3945 ?
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[HCDX]: religious station on 3945 ?
anyone has any info about the tx site of religious program that can be
heard after 19:00 Utc on 3945 khz ???
Here in Italy , Rome, the signal is near to simpo 55555.
Wishes, Andrea Borgnino IW1CXZ
Rx: Frg 8800
Ant: various random wire
qth: Rome - ITALY
And_Bov - a.borgnino@xxxxxxxxxxxx - Ham call IW1CXZ since 1991
Web : http://www.alpcom.it/hamradio/freewaves (Italian Pirate radio site)
http://www.agora.stm.it/A.Borgnino (Staglieno & Joy Division site)
Join -----> Hack-IT 98 -> http://www.ecn.org/hackit98 Firenze 5/6/7 June
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