[HCDX]: Target AKD HF3E HF Receiver impressions ?
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[HCDX]: Target AKD HF3E HF Receiver impressions ?
is there anybody here that can give me some information and impressions
about Target AKD HF3E HF Receiver ??? (Lowe srx 100 is the same)
I'm think about buy it but i'm not very sure..help me :)
Andrea Borgnino IW1CXZ
p.s. now i'm using a Yaesu FRG 8800 and a Sony SW 77
And_Bov - a.borgnino@xxxxxxxxxxxx - Ham call IW1CXZ since 1991
Web : http://www.alpcom.it/hamradio/freewaves (Italian Pirate radio site)
http://www.agora.stm.it/A.Borgnino (Staglieno & Joy Division site)
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