[HCDX]: May updates: WHAMLOG and WHAMFM
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[HCDX]: May updates: WHAMLOG and WHAMFM
Fellow DXers,
Earlier this week, I extracted the current lot of WHAMLOG files, which
reflect May 1998 changes found in the FCC's AM and FM Engineering
databases. These files are downloadable from the WHAMLOG Page and will
shortly also be available from the BARC Oakland archives for FTP. For
those unfamiliar with WHAMLOG files, they are free downloadable
databases containing DX relevant data as listed by the FCC. WHAMLOG
contains over 22,000 entries of Western Hemisphere AM radio stations.
The files may be searched with DOS commands, user software, or a free
search program called WHAMSRCH.
This month, Mexican AM entries are missing their date stamps in the FCC
files (date of issue, change, etc.) Perhaps this means that the FCC is
revising it's lists of Mexican AM stations.
With present conditions favouring FM DX, I'd like to remind folks that
there is also an FM database called WHAMFM.ZIP. Like WHAMLOG, it is also
updated monthly, and like WHAMLOG, it may easily manipulated through
basic DOS commands, or imported into the user's own spreadsheet,
database and word processor software.
Changes to the AM band are contained in WHAM9805.ZIP (approximately 12
K), while FM changes are found in WHFM9805.ZIP (approximately 15 K).
Werner Funkenhauser
The WHAMLOG Page: http://home.inforamp.net/~funk
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