[HCDX]: QSL Report
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[HCDX]: QSL Report
ARMENIA Voice of Armenia 9965. 1700th Anniversary of Christianity in
Armenia card in 105 days. Mailing address is Radioagency, "Voice of
Armenia," Alek Manukian 5, Yerevan 25, Republic of Armenia. (Harms -
ASIATIC RUSSIA, VOR WS via Chita 12025. (Site marked on card.)
Arbat Square and Kalinin Avenue Radio Moscow card in 65 days. (Bill
Harms - MD)
ASIATIC RUSSIA, VOR WS viaUssuriirsk 15470. (Site marked on
card.) Friendship House Radio Moscow card in 65 days. (Bill Harms -
BOSNIA HERZGOVINA Radio Jugoslavia 7155. Map Card in days. (Harms-MD)
EUROPEAN RUSSIA, VOR WS via Krasnodar 15350. (Site marked on card.)
Moskva River near the Kremlin Radio Moscow card in 65 days. (Bill
Harms - MD)
EUROPEAN RUSSIA, VOR WS via Moscow 17570. (Site marked on
card.) Arbat Square and Kalinin Avenue Radio Moscow card in 65 days. (Bill
Harms - MD)
JAPAN, RCI via Yamata 11705 Winter Olympic Games 1988 card in 34
days. V/S Bill Westenhaver (Who else?). (Harms - MD)
MOLDOVA VOR WS via Kishinev 7100 (Site marked on card). "Peoples'
Friendship fountain" Radio Moscow card in 67 days. (Bill Harms MD)
ROMANIA Radio Romania International 11940. Radio Building card in 38
days. (Harms - MD)
SWITZERLAND SRI via Schwarzenburg 6135. Schaffhausen - The Munot Tower
card in 45 days. I asked for the site to be marked on the card, but
it was not. This site closed down in March per Cumbre Dx Number 171.
(Harms - MD)
UNITED KINGDOM Radio Japan GS via Skelton 7230. Chikuma River in
Spring Card in 43 days. Site marked on card was simply UK. (Harms-MD)
UZBEKISTAN Radio Nederland via Tashkent. 12090. 50th Anniversary
card number 3 card "The Nineties" in 23 days. (Harms-MD)
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