[HCDX]: Gulf News Agency schedule
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[HCDX]: Gulf News Agency schedule

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Dear hard-core-dx, Joerg and Wolfgang

Yesterday we double-checked the queried BBC Monitoring e-mail schedule for 
the Gulf News Agency. I have to report that our schedule is 100% accurate as 

I am referring to this report: Ref: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX 98-28:

BAHRAIN [non]. Hi Glenn, You wrote: THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 
945. Bahrain on RTTY; This is incorrect. I saw that file in last 
week's BBCM bucket. And subsequently asked Joerg Klingenfuss for 
confirmation, but he denied. Bahrain RTTY is off. Similar to the 
missing broadcasting station on 9745, the utility outlets on SW 
from Bahrain are also missing for nearly one and a half or two 
years now (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany via Hauser)>>

Here are the notes from our monitor:

+++...The announcement was monitored on 14764 kHz. This frequency is usually 
monitored in the morning in parallel with 9197 kHz. Since second ref, Gulf 
News Agency reception has improved. It is good in the morning and fair/poor 
after 1500 GMT. The agency is now monitored from or shortly after sign-on 
time of 0500 GMT almost everyday and Arabic transmission often continues to 
be fair/poor until the 2100 GMT sign-off time. The 1500-1700 GMT English 
cast continues to be untraced. The agency carries Arabic traffic, keeps 
holding, or garbles during these two hours. Hope this helps....+++

Please correct any subsequent reports/broadcasts please, as it suggests our 
schedule was fiction. I have great respect for all concerned, but our unit 
does check this source every day!

Very best regards
Chris McWhinnie, Editor `World Media' BBC Monitoring 
TEL:  +44 118 946 9261  
FAX:  +44 118 946 1993 

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