Re: [HCDX]: Address for N-Joy R?
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Re: [HCDX]: Address for N-Joy R?
Hi Mika!
>Does anyone have an address for the German station N-Joy Radio? I
>have heard them on 1602 kHz during the nighttime, but I have no idea
>where the transmission originates from. Perhaps it is the Italian Sender
>Bozen relaying N-Joy at nights?
N-Joy Radio, Bebelallee 1, D-22299 Hamburg. Or mail to info@xxxxxxxx
You can find their homepage under
Either 1602 kHz is a satellite off-air relay (N-Joy is broadcasting via
Astra too!), or perhaps the low-power transmitter in Heringsdorf at the
baltic sea is operational again?? My guess is an off-air relay.
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