[HCDX]: Loggings
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[HCDX]: Loggings
- To: "Wolfgang Buschel" <100523.3446@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Peter ten Kley" <petertk@xxxxxxxxx>, "Michiel Schaay" <mschaay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Marc Vissers" <mvissers@xxxxxx>, "Klaus-Dieter Scholz" <kdscholz@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Klaus Floer" <KFloer@xxxxxxx>, "Ken MacHarg" <kmacharg@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Joop van der Velden" <joopv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Hard-core-DX" <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Four Winds Online" <g.serra@xxxxxx>, "Cumbre DX" <cumbreeditor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Arend Bretveld" <arend.bretveld@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Hans van den Boogert" <hansfong@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HCDX]: Loggings
- From: "Mark Veldhuis" <mark.veldhuis@xxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 02:13:39 +0200
- Reply-to: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Sender: owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx
Good conditions on the higher frequencies.
Receiver: AOR AR7030
Antenna: Appr. 20 meter longwire
15344.3, RAE; General Pacheco, July 1, 2232-2239, Female speaker with news
in Spanish, music bridges (with too much bass), ID at 2237 UTC, then male
speaker. 54444. // 9689.91 (also strong) (Veldhuis)
15315, Radio Netherlands, July 1, 2228-2231, IS, male with ID, frequencies
and program preview in Spanish, TS, TC, news. 45444 (Veldhuis)
9505.1, Radio Record; Sao Paulo, July 1, 2153-2158, Romantic song, male
speaker in Portuguese, jingles with ID, promos and/or advertisements. 34343
9565, Radio Universo; Curitiba, July 1, 2204, "A Voz do Brazil" in
Portuguese. QRM from adjecent channels and RRI Jakarta on same frequency.
32432 (Veldhuis)
11804, Radio Globo; Rio de Janeiro, July 1, 0945-0957, Still coming in at
this hour, though very weak. Male speakers in Portuguese, presumably with
sports program. Pieces of music and female voice at 0950(maybe
advertisements?), jingles. From 0957 strong QRM from BBC in Russian on 11805
(via Cyprus). SINPO before 0957: 14332 (Veldhuis)
15049.07, RFPI; Ciudad Colon, July 1, 2243, English talk. 44444 (Veldhuis)
15140, HCJB; Pifo, July 1, 2215-2225, Non-stop instrumental music (violins,
flutes), female with ID in the middle of a song at 2221 UTC, male talk at
2223 UTC. 45444. USB transmitter on 21455 also strong, not // (Veldhuis)
15125, RRI; Cimanggis, July 1, 2339-2351, "RRI Jakarta" ID at tune-in,
jingle (sounded like 'super artist', repeated a few times), ballad, female
speaker in Indonesian, Indonesian popmusic, RRI jingle. 34434 (Veldhuis)
15150, Voice of Indonesia, Cimanggis, July 1, 1748-1755, Beautiful
Indonesian ballad, female speaker in spanish, ID, reading listeners letters.
54444 (Veldhuis)
9664.97, AWR; Forli, July 1, 1428-1433*, AWR tune, English S/off
announcement, schedule, address and webpage URL, slow AWR tune, off at 1433.
44444 (Veldhuis)
15294.7, Voice of Malaysia; Kajang, June 29, 0813-0831, Female speaker with
news commentary in English, ID and time check, "World Cup Report" from the
BBC, 0828 S/off announcement with mention of frequencies and transmission
times. Into Bahasa Malaysia at 0830. Very good at first, getting less strong
and more fading later. At best 44444. (Veldhuis)
Mark Veldhuis
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