Re: [HCDX]: .mp3 recordings
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Re: [HCDX]: .mp3 recordings
> I would enjoy participating in your posting, but I
>can't read .mp3 files. If I can't, there are so many others who can't.
>Also, the files I looked at today on your page shows up as text, not audio
>files, to my machine. If you could correct the problem, then I may send
>you some.
I can verify this. The files on the site do show up as text files; and I
who went through the trouble of downloading and installing the required
mpeg-3 reader. (This, I would guess, is due to the fact that their server
actually is not configured to handle this new format)
Personally I tend to agree with Dan, it would be a lot easier if more could
settle on some kind of reigning standard, which in this case is either AU,
WAV or RealAudio formats. The latter being more cross-plattform and giving
a lot smaller files. It can also easily be configured as streaming, for
thos wishing so.
Otherwise this DX ID service is a great idea, but its possibilities is
lessened by their technical choices. We are quite a lot who do not wish to
use all and every plugin the Internet seems to demand.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hermod Pedersen
Nordic Shortwave Center <>
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