[HCDX]: TFW 65 1/3
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[HCDX]: TFW 65 1/3
- To: 6 - Brett Saylor <bds2@xxxxxxx>, Charles Bolland <chuck@xxxxxxxxxx>, Francois Steyn <fsteyn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, George Maroti <curious.george@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Joe Buch <joseph.buch@xxxxxxx>, John Figliozzi <jfiglio1@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jorge Garzon Guitierrez <igsosa@xxxxxxxxxx>, Juichi Yamada <juichi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Klaus Dieter Scholz <kdscholz@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Kris Field <kfield@xxxxxxxx>, Kromius <kromius@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Laurie Boyer <marylous@xxxxxxxx>, Luciano Silva <py8azt@xxxxxxxxx>, Marie Lamb <malamb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Mark Veldhuis <mark.veldhuis@xxxxxx>, Mike Nikolich <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Nicolas Eramo <neramo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Risto Kotalampi <rko@xxxxxx>, "Takayuki Inoue Nozaki (TIN)" <qzy07141@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HCDX]: TFW 65 1/3
- From: Giovanni Serra <g.serra@xxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 21:09:28 +0200
- Organization: Italia Online
- Reply-to: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Sender: owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE - Copyright 1998 Part 1
Year 3 - Number 65 - Roma, 24 July 1998
QTH: xxxxxxxx
PHONE: xxxxxxx
FAX: +39 06 5126262
E-MAIL: g.serra@xxxxxx
The Four Winds on Line - Copyright 1998 - Newsletter edited by
Giovanni Serra, Rome - Italy.
TFW on Line Policy
1) TFW on Line covers only the SW Broadcasting Specrum.
2) Subscription rate: as a non commercial newsletter,
there is no fee to subscribe TFW on Line.
3) TFW on Line is distributed to Individuals, DX Editors,
Clubs and Organizations, asking for the reciprocal exchange of
DX Bulletins and / or contributions.
4) Excerpts may be reprinted,translated, e-mailed and / or
transmitted with appropriate credit, unless Copyright indicated.
5) Not to be redistributed or reposted without permission.
6) Suggestions and ideas are welcome.
7) If you no longer wish to receive TFW on Line please,
drop me a line.
loggings in order of time; frequencies in kHz; times UTC;
ham codes as usual; Reporting signal quality: Loc = local
signal; E = excellent; G = good; F = fair; P = poor;
VP = very poor; A = avoid. (also in SINPO or SIO code)
MARTIN SCHOECH - Since this morning I' m presenting a new version of my
web page other DXers qsl cards I'll not only show nice pictures of my
own 'I'm-so very-pround' qsl cards but I compiled QSL informations from
various free sources on the internet and arranged this information into
an alphabetical order. The source is allways given below the
information. I'm not yet ready with that pages (I intend to arrange the
aviable information for each station even in a chronological order) and
I intend to include info from other mags, too. Your comments and critics
are welcome. For intance about the question of further links (a separate
link to each station inside one country ?) or about the layout (At the
moment I'm still using normal 'text'). Of course even your contributions
are welcome ! Hope you'll find this informations useful ! There is so
much already known by others - but one don't know where to look for
..Hope you'll find something for yourself on my pages ! Martin, Web
page < http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/2594/geo-qsl.htm >
ANKER PETERSEN - Bad news received today (16 July) from my good friend
Adrian Sainsbury whom I met at the RNZI Studioes in Wellington last
February. The RNZI Staff was small already, but have done a perfect job
to promote New Zealand throughout the Pacific, but now it becomes much
more difficult. Best 73, Anker ---(more news about RNZI on Gleanings
below. Ed.)
AL QUAGLIERI - The following are my logs from the week of July 13-18,
while on vacation on North Carolina's Outer Banks. Specifically, I was
set up in the village of Hatteras (about 10 miles south of the infamous
Buxton DX Palace), right on the ocean, about as far east as you can get
in the USA. Unfortunately, I didn't have the luxury of room to set up a
real antenna, but I managed to toss up about 200' of wire around my
rented house. That was fed by mag balun to coax, then into the R8A. DX
time was limited by the vacation nature of the trip and 4 days of
t-storm QRN. BCB reception was quite remarkable, with midday reception
of stations from Hartford to Turks & Caicos to Havana fairly routine.
Thank you for all our Contributors !
AL QUAGLIERI ( AQ ), on vacation in Hatteras, NC, USA via e - mail
< http://www.albany.net/~alcue/ >
ANKER PETERSEN, Skovlunde, Denmark via e-mail RX: NRD525
ANT.: 30 m longwire
BRUNO PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy for Radiorama Pirate News,
via e - mail RX: Kenwood R5000, Lowe HF150 ANT.: Yaesu FRT7700, Daiwa
AF606K, longwire 15 mt < http://www.arpnet.it/~air/welcome.htm > <
http://www.radiorama.it >
CHUCK RIPPEL, Cornland, VA, USA, via e-mail, RX: WJ-HF1000A, R8A,
R390A/Sherwood SE-3, Collins 51S-1
DAVID J. VALKO, USA for DX News via e-mail RX: JRC NRD-535D -
Collins R-388 ANT.: 33 meter (NE-SW) Longwire "T"
GABRIEL IVAN BARRERA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, via e-mail RX:
GIOVANNI SERRA, Roma, Italy (ed.) RX: JRC NRD 525 ANT: Alpha
Delta DX SWL-S Sloper (40 feet) ; JPS NIR 10 filter and Oregon
Scientific clock, tuned with the standard frequency station DCF 77 in
Mainflingen, Germany on 77.5 kHz. --- QTH: Cincinnato, Anzio (prov. of
Roma), Italy (ed.) Summer QTH RX: Sony ICF 2001 D ANT: Alpha Delta
DX SWL- Sloper (60 feet)
GLENN HAUSER (GH), Enid OK, USA for GH SW/DX Report via e-mail <
http://www.hotmail.com >< http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio >
HORACIO A. NIGRO, Montevideo, Uruguay via e-mail RX: Grundig YB400
ANT.: randomwire 25m long < http://members.tripod.com/~hanigro >
MARIE LAMB, Brewerton NY, USA, Host and Producer DXing with Cumbre, via
e-mail < http://www.whr.org > or < http://www.ralabs.com/cumbre.>
MARTIN SCHOECH, Merseburg, Germany, for Clandestine Radio Watch (CRW) ,
via e-mail RX: Sony ICF 2001D ANT: Sony AN 1 (active
http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/2594/geo-qsl.htm >
MICHIEL SCHAAY, Doorn, The Netherlands via e-mail RX: AOR AR7030
ANT.: RF-Systems T2FD and MK1
NICOLAS ERAMO, Buenos Aires, Argentina via e-mail RX: SONY ICF 7600
ANT.: Longwire antenna 15 mts. RX: SONY ICF SW 7600G ANT.. V inverted
antenna 20 mts
PAUL ORMANDY, Oamaru, New Zealand via e-mail RX: Drake SPR-4
ANT: from home 2 x 25 metre dipoles in a V - from Waianakarua, 3 x 300m
Beverages aimed at the USA, 1 x 450 metre aimed at South America and 1 x
300m aimed at Hawaii/Alaska.
RAFAEL RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de Bogota D.C., Colombia via e-mail
RX: Sony ICF 2010, ony ICF 7600G, Sangean 813 ANT.: Longwire 10 mtrs
and Palomar Loop Antena for MW
ZACHARIAS LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece via e-mail RX: Lowe HF 150 -
Philips 2935 - Sony ICF 7600 D ANT: 6 meters sloper ATU hand made -
11 m hor ( for 40 m - 60 m ) - 6 m antenna tilted upward MFJ 16010 ATU
MFJ 1040 b preselector MFJ 1025 antenna shadow <
http://www.compulink.gr/Users/zliangas > SHORTED ! <
http://www.clandjop.com/~jcruzan/greek-p.html > (mirrored for greek
pirate radio )
SW TIPS (TIME - Freq. - Country)
0000- 21655- PORTUGAL- RDP 0000, on late? Good signal here with news in
Portuguese. Not hard at 0130 recheck. (Ormandy, New Zealand July 4)
0017- 5010- INDIA- AIR Thirum'phuram signing on at 0017 with IS. Into
very short ID at 0020 and immediately running sub-continental mx.
Suprising for summer. (Rippel, USA 7/8)
0040- 5558.5- PERU- RADIO LAJAS 0040-0110 JUL.20, Mx folk Nonstop. At
the 0100 ¨Atencion , Atencion a los comunicados de esta hora....por
favor mantener la sintonia de esta su emisora Radio Lajas para saludos
musicales en el centro poblado tinchay para la senorita Maria Vilca...¨
¨Mantenga la sintonia de Radio Lajas..¨ NOTE: New frequency, maybe
change for new station in 5500. (Rodriguez, Colombia)
0100- 5500.17- UNID- Unid R. (5500.6), Latin AM?? Hrd at various times
around 0100-0300, and post 1000. Very weak and hardly any audio, but I
have hrd what sounded like OA campo mx sev. times. Doesn't seem to vary
but is always on one of the two freqs above. Will take an exceptional
opening to get anything out of it. Can anyone help?? (Valko, USA)
0140- 5770- NICARAGUA- RADIO MISKUT. 0140-0204 JUL.19, Morden music in
EE and SS, Noted s/off at the 0158: ¨Radio Miskut y Radio --- la primera
hermandad radial en la costa Atlantica de Nicaragua han llegado al final
de su transmision correspondiente al dia de hoy, esperando que la
jornada de este dia haya sido de mucha utilidad ya sea en informacion,
entretenimiento u orientacion, a todos nuestros amables oyentes les
deseamos que pasen muy buena noche y que asi fuere la voluntad del Dios
creador del Universo el dia de manana desde tempranas horas estaremos
nuevamente con ustedes con musica, noticias, salud, entretenimiento,
anuncios y siempre con mensajes alentadores basados en la objetividad,
imparcialidad y con mucha seriedad, muy buenas noches a todos...¨ after
same off in Miskito. (Rodriguez, Colombia)
0152- 11904.98- SRI LANKA- SLBC decent signal in EE 0152 w/orchestral
mx, W ancr 0154. (13 Jul/Quaglieri NC USA)
0200- 21725- AUSTRALIA- R Australia, 0200 sign-on, very good signal on
new frequency, heard till 0900 beamed at Papua New Guinea and Japan.
21740 beamed to the USA heard from 2100-0200 also with very good signal.
(Orrmandy, New Zealand July 2nd)
0210- 3330.48- PERU- Ondas del Huallaga (pres.), 0210-0253, Campo mx,
tlk by M and W w/ments of Peru, into OA harp mx at 0221, more tlk by M
and W, ads 0226-0230, more tlk and canned speeches. Very weak w/CHU off
this night. Could only copy abt 10% at start but couldn't get anything
after 0235. Heavy QRN. (Valko, USA 5 July)
0215- 15425- SRI LANKA- SLBC fair/good @0215 with EE program about
fusion research. (17 Jul/Quaglieri NC USA)
0215- 4829.87- VENEZUELA- R. Tachira, 0215-0405, SP rel. pgms, and not
one ID hrd until s/off. 0403 s/off ID by M as: "Transmite R. Tachira.
YVOA 1000 khz onda media, YVOB 4830 khz canal nacional y internacional
en la banda tropical de 60 metros. Desde San Cristobal, ?? capital de
estado Tachira, Venezuela". Good w/QRM from 4828 Zimbabwe and 4832
Reloj. Still easily readable. Don't ever recall this being off freq
before. On this freq again the next morning. (Valko, USA 5 July)
0230- 5025- PERU- RADIO QUILLABAMBA. 0230-0305 JUL.19, pgm:
Tropicalizando la noche del Sabado. Mx tropical and greetings for
listeners via phone call mnets, phone 281002. Noted S/off ath the 0258:
¨Desde Quillabamba, la capital de la provincia de la convencion,
Departamento del Cuzco, Republica del Peru, Radio Quillabamba emisora
del Centro de Medios de Comunicacion social para la Evangelizacion,
Educacion Popular y Promocion Social del Pueblo Convencion; OAX7C banda
internacional de 60 metros 5025 Kcs Onda Corta, OAX7M banda de 90 metros
1210 Kcs Onda Media, OCZ7E 91.1 Mghz frecuencia modulada, sintoniza
usted Radio Quillabamba emisora catolica de educacion popular que une su
voz a la Coordinadora Nacional de Radio CNR y a la Asociacion
Latinoamericana de Educacion Radiofonica ALER; por la comunicacion,
defensa de los valores, cultura y organizacion del pueblo convenciano y
latinoamericano. Desde las 5 de la manana hasta las 9 de la noche
queremos ser para ustedes un medio de comunicacion y centro de
participacion porque hablando de entiende la gente y participando
construimos pueblo.....Radio Quillabamba la Voz de los que no tienen
Voz...¨. NA. (Rodriguez, Colombia)
0254- 9578.7- SAUDI ARABIA- BSKSA, *0254-0300, OC as early as 0250, IS
on stringed instru. 0254, choral NA 0255, AR ID by M and tlk at 0256.
Fairly decent strength but QRMed. (Valko, USA 12 July)
0254- 9705- MEXICO- XERMX 0254, fair in English with ranchera music,
despite het from presumed Ethiopia on LSB. Id in English at 0300
included Email address. (Ormandy, New Zealand July 5)
0255- 7110- ETHIOPIA- Radio Ethiopia open carrier 0255, no IS until
0300, then once quickly, NA, M ID in Amharic. Decent but quickly sliding
into the murk. (17 Jul/Quaglieri NC USA)
0255- 9655- RUSSIA (?)- VOR 0255, was looking for previously reported
Moldova though not a whisper as VOR carried on this transmission sans
interval past the hour, with a good signal. (Ormandy, New Zealand July
0307- 6811- PERU- Ondas del Rio Mayo, 0307, good signal with live
address to rally, gone by 0330 recheck. (Ormandy, New Zealand July 5)
0311- 4918.98- ECUADOR- R.Quito in Spanish, 7 / 18 0311-0316, M W
unclear tlk. (QRN statics) P / Very Poor (Serra, Italy)
0313- 6479.8- PERU- R Altura, 0313, fair signal with chicha music,
announcement with heavy echo. (Ormandy, New Zealand July 5)
0316- 11635- NORWAY- R Norway 0316, very good signal in Norwegian.
(Ormandy, New Zealand July 5)
0316- 6270- PIRATE- AL International, Holland, 0316, back/ back 70's
rock, id with address and request for reports. Poor signal. (Ormandy,
New Zealand July 5)
0321- 5776.2- UNID- R San Juan ??? 0321, poor signal with Andean tunes
and annoying ute QRM. (Ormandy, New Zealand July 5)
0322- 4765- BRAZIL- R.Rural (pres) in PT, 7 / 18 0322-0327, romantic
Braz song, M unclear canned tlk (QRN statics, QRM ute and strong W W
Slav voices at times) P / VP (Serra, Italy)
0331- 5030.11- COSTA RICA- AWR Latin America in SP, 7 / 18 0331-0335, M
rel sermon mix with mx, W jingle ID: "Radio Munial Adventista", M ancmt
and rel song. F (Serra, Italy)
0340- 6980- COSTA RICA- R. For Peace Int'l 0340. Hrd in their mailbag
pgm that this 10 KW xter was being well rcvd in Tasmania, but also that
-if I understood it correctly- it was causing some QRM to a PtP service
in C.R., and as long as they want to be in good relations with the Costa
Rican authorities, they were seeking for a new fqcy to substitute this
one, in the range 7000-6875, maybe 6960. "So if somebody has some ideas
of a clear frequency in that range of frequencies (should write to their
E-mail addr). "We'll be perhaps changing of frequency sometime next
week". (Nigro, Uruguay, Jul.8)
0400- 9400- USA- WHRI, in English (July 14), New age movement and New
world order , good (Schoech, Germany)
0409- 4505.1- PERU- R Horizonte, 0409, poor-fair signal in the clear
with Andean folk-tunes, id and time-check. (Ormandy July 5)
0412- 4930.62- HONDURAS- R. Internacional in SS @0412, mx, canned ID's
as "FM Internacional," long ad block @0423. Good. (13 Jul/Quaglieri NC
0412- 4580- PERU- R Latina, (tentative), 0412, back / back Spanish pops,
no announcements heard despite continued checking. (Ormandy July 5)
0418- 3339.1- PERU- R Altura, 0418, male DJ with id over music, slightly
over-modulated. (Ormandy, New Zealand July 5)
0430- 15049- COSTA RICA- Radio for Peace International, in English (July
14), ID and address announcement, good (Schoech, Germany)
0430- 4828- ZIMBABWE- ZBC 0430, poor signal though improving slightly
over the next 30 minutes, Afro / pops and announcements in English.
Other Africans hear, Botswana 4820 fair, Nigeria 4770 poor, RFI Gabon
fair, Zambia 6265 weak, Cameroun (tentative) 4850 weak because of poor
modulation. (Ormandy, New Zealand July 5)
0446- 9619.42- MOZAMBIQUE- R. Mozambique (tent) distorted audio, M in PP
@0446, lotsa talk, possibly local nx; tough w/REE-9620 messing the place
up. (16 Jul/Quaglieri NC USA). Noted 0320 w/Qu'ran, still tough.(17
Jul/Quaglieri NC USA)
0455- 11949.9- USA- WINB at 0455 fluttery and awful sounding with end of
religious program, canned ID, into more religion. Haven't heard this in
years. (16 Jul/Quaglieri NC USA)
0455- 5047- TOGO- RTV Togolaise 0455, fair at sign-on with Interval
Signal, French opening announcement 0500 then choral National Anthem.
(Ormandy, New Zealand July 5)
0500- 9820- CUBA- Radio Havana Cuba noted 0500 w/IS, ID announcing 9550
(clipped audio), 9820 (OK audio), and 9830 SSB (not there). Found 3rd
xmtr (AM) on 6000. (16 Jul/Quaglieri NC USA)
0513- 7270- GABON- RTV Gabonaise in FF @0513 w/program of Afro mx
hosted by W, ID's as "Radio Gabonaise." Fair-good. (16 Jul/Quaglieri NC
0515- 6955- PIRATE- R Metallica Worldwide (USA), 0515, with DJ "Doctor
Tornado" giving id and address. (Ormandy, New Zealand July 5)
0522- 7114.75- UNID- Unid R., decent carrier (S9), near total absence
of modulation (traces of M tlk now and then), 0522 past 0540 on a decent
40m African night. (16 Jul/Quaglieri NC USA)
0528- 7155.01- NIGER- LV du Sahel, 0528 traditional vocal mx, 0530 M psg
ID (very low modulation), back into mx. Much earlier than scheduled
here. (16 Jul/Quaglieri NC USA)
0528- 6220- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits, July 12, Rock mx,ID in EG
22332 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0553- 6955- PIRATE- R Nonsense (USA) 0553 DJ "Joe Momma" with comedy
skits and "Pilot of the Airwaves" song, gave e-mail address as
radiononsense@xxxxxxxxx (Ormandy, New Zealand July 5)
0558- 7125- GUINEA- RTV Guineenne: FF; 0558 w/sign-on routine. Fair.(16
Jul/Quaglieri NC USA)
0613- 7210- BENIN- ORTB Cotonou (p) @0613 in FF w/W ancr, mx, possible
"Cotonou" passing ID @0618. Relatively weak. (16 Jul/Quaglieri NC USA)
0615- 5805- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Free London, July 19, Mx reagge-pop,ID in
EG 23332 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0620- 6270- PIRATE EUROPE- AL International, July 19, Pop-rock mx,ID,QTH
in EG 23322 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0627- 11900- SOUTH AFRICA- Channel Africa 0627, poor signal in English
with very fluttery fading. Autopsy on B'fana B'fana's World Cup soccer
performance. (Ormandy, New Zealand July 5)
0628- 6210- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Marabu, July 19, Pop mx,ID,QTH in GM 33333
(Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0752- 6234.6- PIRATE EUROPE- Jolly Roger R, July 19, Country mx,ID,QTH
in EG 22332 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0800- 6252- PIRATE EUROPE- Star Club R. , July 19, Pop rock
mx,Wuppertal,ID in GM, EG 23222 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate
0800- 6275- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Torenvalk, July 12, Mx dance,ID in GM 22332
(Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0812- 6080- BELARUS- Belaruskaje Radyjo, Brest, 6080.00, 18/07, 08:12,
First Belarussian program. Very weak and only fragmentary audible, SINPO
13441. Parallel to weak 6115 and extremely strong and stable 17805 kHz.
(Schaay, The Netherlands)
0835- 6275- PIRATE EUROPE- Unid R. , July 19, Mx(Dire Straits)... 22222
(Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0840- 7500- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Internazionale, July 19, Mx,ID in Italian,
EG 33333 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0850- 17780- USA HAWAII- World Harvest Radio Internat., Naalehu, 20/07,
08:50, reli-talk by male speaker in English. SINPO 25222. (Schaay, The
0930- 9565- INDONESIA- RRI Nacional Program in Indonesian noted
w/excellent signal in passing @0930. (14 Jul/Quaglieri NC USA)
0935- 9809.95- KIRIBATI- R. Kiribati (tent); @0935 in local lang
w/program of odd reggae/cowboy/religious tunes hosted by W, possible ID
@ 0950. Poor. (14 Jul/Quaglieri NC USA)
0940- 5775- UNID- Unid R. 0940 - 1100 JUL.19, This station first noted
by Henrik Klemetz, IDs for something sounding like for me Radio Tahuar,
Radio Tower and Radio Power by HK. ID:¨con la poderosa senal en los 5775
Khz Onda corta, banda internacional de 60 metros esta es Radio.....desde
Moyobamba capital del Departamento de San Martin Ciudad de las
Orquideas...¨ music with Amanda Portales ¨La Novia del Peru¨ ( Peru´s
Bride). ¨En tu emisora favorita Radio...a nivel nacional e
internacional...¨. (Rodriguez, Colombia)
0944- 9660.1- PERU- R. Nor Peruana, 0944-1027, Beautiful OA harp mx but
mostly lively OA songs w/M anncr host after every few songs w/song
anmnts and Tcs as "(time) minutos en Nor Peruana". What sounded like
short comedy bits sev. times. Ad block 1006-1009. Very fady signal,
sometimes good over 9660 QRMing stn and sometimes completely gone. 9660
stn went off in mid-pgm at 1025. (Valko, USA 6 July)
0955- 9474.94- PHILIPPINES- FEBC noted @0955 w/IS alternating w/Chinese
ID. Fair. (14 Jul/Quaglieri NC USA)
1012- 9839.84- VIETNAM- VO Vietnam @1012 in EE w/cmty on regional peace
& prosperity; fair, // stronger 12019.56. (14 Jul/Quaglieri NC USA)
1020- 4682.2- BOLIVIA- RADIODIFUSION PAITITI 1020-1045 JUL.20, Mx folk.
then On:¨Senoras y Senores muy buenos dias tengan ustedes, Radiodifusion
Paititi que transmite desde Guayamerin, Beni, Republica de Bolivia,
inicia su transmision correspondiente al dia de hoy lunes 20 de julio de
1998, esperando que nuestras emisiones irradiadas a partir de este
momento llegue a vuestro receptores, a nombre de la Gerencia, la
Dirreccion y el personal que laboramos en esta casa radial agradecemos
la preferncia, 6 de la manana con 26 minutos, buenos dias Guayamerin,
buenos dias Beni, buenos dias Bolivia...¨ (Rodriguez, Colombia)
1030- 11835- SRI LANKA- SLBC excellent in EE w/ID @1030. (14
Jul/Quaglieri NC USA)
1040- 9865- GUAM - KTWR, 1040-1052*, EG science pgm w/M and W hosts
alternating between each subject/story, and lively instru. mx bridges
between. M w/pgm outro, ID and sked, mx bridge, and another site ID,
and ment of EG pgm to NE Asian from 0930-1100, then off long before
1100. Fair. (Valko, USA 4 July)
1057- 9810- SWITZERLAND- SRI, *1057-1103, Music Box IS, W w/ID and sked
in EG, nx by M. QRMed from stn in CH. (Valko, USA 5 July)
end of part 1
This is a message from Giovanni Serra <g.serra@xxxxxx>
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