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On 08/17/98 08:38:00 you wrote:
>This was probably the high-power CIA-run transmitter in Kuwait which 
>various anti-Iraq stations, such as Al Mustaqbal (The Future) and 
"Voice of 
>the Brave Armed Forces". It frequency-hops anywhere between 1557 and 
>Nice catch, 
>73 dave kenny

Thanks for the information, Dave.

One thing that could benefit North American DXers would be if
European DXers would submit a fairly thorough bandscan of what
they hear at their locations on medium-wave on typical evenings.

I know this could probably get redundant if several DXers in
the same country did this more than once or twice a year.

Still, one or two reports a year perhaps from 4 or 5 DXers
in various parts of Europe (British Isles, Iberia, Italy/Greece,
Germany, and Scandinavia for example) could really be beneficial
to DXers a bit farther from the action (in North America,
Australia, etc.), especially with regards to off-channel
stations.  Stations reported in common by DXers from all regions 
of Europe (the big guns like Kaliningrad-1386 and Saudi Arabia-
1521) would be correctly shown to be those stations most likely  
to be heard by listeners in distant continents.

Maybe these bandscans could be distributed via someone's
Web page instead of on the hard-core list.  For an example
from this side of the "pond", point your browser to
"http://www2.wcoil.com/~gnbc/idxd/capecod.txt"; .

73 / good DX ... Mark

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