[HCDX]: Recent loggings
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[HCDX]: Recent loggings


4810 Voice of Armenia, 1958, was looking for reported broadcasts in English
commencing at 2000, though after multi-lingual ids preceding the hour, they
went into German. Monitored as such over several days. Ormandy Aug 18


7260 Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran, 1930, surprisingly good in English
and better than usually superior 9022kHz. Have heard them on this freq
before but never this good! Ormandy Aug 20


6520 R Pyongyang, 1948, fair signal in English, though modulation not the
greatest. Sked 19-2000. Ormandy Aug 18


9737 R Nacional de Paraguay, 2320, in the clear with fair signal and slight
splash from 9745, program of music though has soccer commentaries some
days. Ormandy Aug 17


7210 R Thailand, 1930, very good signal in English with "Amazing Thailand"
tourism promotion, through to sign-off at 2000, which revealed Radio
Belarus signing-on in Belorussian. Ormandy Aug 21

Will be checking out the effects of the annular eclipse later today, it
should peak here around 0330 UTC and will be looking for South-East Asians
on 60 mb around that time - could be interesting!

73s Paul


Paul Ormandy, 33 Greta Street, Oamaru, New Zealand, paulorm@xxxxxxxx

Join me for the latest tuning tips for the South Pacific on Radio New
International during "Mailbox", fortnightly broadcasts, Mondays 2125 UTC on
17675kHz, Wednesdays 1735 UTC on 6145kHz and Fridays 1930 UTC on 9875kHz.

Next Broadcasts commence August 17th and 31st repeated on following days as

And on AWR's "Wavescan" commencing the third Sunday of the month (see
www.awr.org for frequency schedule), repeated at 0800z and 2000z on ZLXA,
New Zealand's Radio Reading Service, Levin, the third Monday of the month,
on 1602kHz, 3935kHz and 7290kHz.

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