[HCDX]: More on "excellent conditions"
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[HCDX]: More on "excellent conditions"

Karel Honzik recently pointed out that there are two main schools of
thought regarding how radio propagation is affected in solar storms. The
first is that northern propagation is adversely affected so equatorial
signals just appear to be enhanced, i.e., northern signals are eliminated.
The second hypothesis is that, as Karel says, "The signals simply 'gain
power' and are much stronger than usual."

Actually, I think that BOTH phenomena operate, at least at MW frequencies.
During the past evenings I've noticed what I've always seen during times of
high solar activity...signals from northern Europe and North America are
very much attenuated, AND signals from equatorial regions are enhanced.
There are certain beacon signals that can be used to illustrate this
enhancement. These are stations on unique frequencies for which the idea
that they are covered up by northern stations cannot apply.  For me,
examples of such stations are Kara, Togo, which is now on 1502.68 kHz,the
Voice of Nevis on 895 kHz, and Radio Grenada on 535 kHz. The first of these
is not usually detectable except as a very faint heterodyne against 1503
kHz, but at 2253 UTC on 26 August I had this on a simple loop antenna with
SINPO 34433. On the other hand, it is true that northern signals are very
much attenuated, because in the past few days I have barely been able to
hear any signals from Europe (except Spain!). In contrast, during "quiet"
conditions stations like TalkRadio on 1089 kHz, NRK on 1314 kHz and BBC on
909 kHz are easily receivable here in St. John's, even on a car radio.

Jean Burnell  St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada

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