[HCDX]: PNG News
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[HCDX]: PNG News

     According to the 'National' newspaper in Port Moresby on 1 September, 
     the NBC's Radio Morobe station is likely to remain off air for the 
     forseeable future because of transmitter faults.
     Acting program manager Mack Meruk told the paper the station went off 
     the air on 12 August because some parts - mode valves - needed 
     replacement. Spares had to be purchased in the US for 30,000 kina 
     (US$13,000). In the meantime, station staff were functioning as usual, 
     preparing programs in advance while awaiting the arrival of the parts.
     He thanked the provincial government for attending to the problem by 
     making funds available to buy the new parts.
     All local radio stations are to be funded by provincial government 
     under recent reforms - leading to problems such as the housing 
     provided for four staff at Radio Madang being condemned by health 
     inspectors because of sewerage blockages. 6,000 kina would be needed 
     to repair the problem.
     (Matt Francis, Canberra)
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