Re: [HCDX]: VT4 testing on 1296 kHz
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Re: [HCDX]: VT4 testing on 1296 kHz

On 09/02/98 07:59:20 you wrote:
>I am listening to a test transmission on 1296 kHz this morning of SEP 2:
>0500-0530 pops non stop with one announcement in EE, FF, GG and Dutch:
>    "This is a test transmission on 1296 kHz"
>0530-0545 instrumentals non stop, no ann´s
>0545-0600 continuos bells
>0600         BBC World Service
>Karel Honzik

1296 is all Spain here with a big signal.  Occasionally some audio
from Radio XL (Birmingham) leaks through.  The 1296 BBC transmitter
does not seem to get out that well, at least in this direction.

Mark Connelly, WA1ION - Billerica, MA, USA

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